October 2022: Excellent news! Our Optica Photonic Metamaterials Technical Group has been awarded the "Optica Innovation Prize for 2021". Honored to receive the price at the FiO-LS 2022 Awards Ceremony at Rochester, NY, U.S.A.
May 2022: Honored to give an invited lecture hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison
November 2021: Honored to give an invited talk on the topic "Advanced Electromagnetics for Complex Media Research" at the Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering, Aalto University, Finland.
September 2021: I am honored to be elected as the upcoming Early Career Representative (ECR) for Commission B: Fields and Waves of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI). This is a 3 (2021-2023 vice-chair) +3 (2023 - 2025 chair) year appointment where we will expand the Com B activities to increase young scientist representation!
January 2021: Excited to join the "Topics Advisory Panel - Mathematics Section" of Symmetry, an upcoming journal in applied mathematics by MDPI. You can check more about this journal here.
November 2020: Honored to be selected for the 2020 Princeton Pathway into the Academy Program! This year-long career development program prepares early-stage researchers for engineering and computer science faculty careers! You can find the link to the program here.
October 2020: Excellent news! I was elected to serve as a Chair (2021-2023) for the OSA Photonic Metamaterials Technical Group starting January 2021.
July 2020: Great news! I am honored and humbled to become an Associate Member of the U.S. National Committee for the International Union of Radio (USNC-URSI)- Commission B: Fields and Waves. This committee is part of the "National Academy of Sciences".
July 2020: Great news! I am honored and humbled to be awarded the Young Scientist Award (YSA) for the URSI Commission B: Fields and Waves for 2020! Check the list here!
June 2020: Our collaborative review on tunable metasurfaces will appear in Advanced Optical Materials! This work is part of the VISORSURF EU project
May 14 2020: CLEO 2020 Presentation
Presenting the work "Reconfigurable photonic networks for solving differential equations." The video presentation is available on the CLEO website! Check here.
March 3, 2020: Selected for the 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting!
Great news! I have been selected to participate in the prestigious 70th LNL Meeting! This is a meeting that brings together selected young scientists and Nobel Laureates! The meeting was postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic.
February 2020: Best thesis award 2019!
Great news! I have been awarded the "Best thesis award" for 2019 from the School of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University. Tons of gratitude to my thesis advisor, Prof Ari Sihvola, and my instructor, Dr. Pasi Ylä-Oijala! Kiitos teille kaikille!
January 2020: Our new work to appear in Radio Science Letters
July 2019: Exciting news! I am joining the Engheta group at the University of Pennsylvania!
May 2019: Performance award for the year 2019 by URSI, Commission B (Fields and Waves) at the International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS 2019), May 27-31, 2019 San Diego, CA, USA.
14 April 2019: Invited panel discussion on research/teaching ethics for doctoral students for ELEC-L0902: Introduction to postgraduate studies. Course coordinator: Mrs. Marja Leppäharju.
April 2019: Joining the Tretyakov's group as a postdoc working for the VISORSURF EU program
March 2019: Defended my Thesis
Defended my thesis with the title "Resonant scattering particles." Many thanks to my Advisor, Prof. Ari Sihvola, my instructor, Dr. Pasi Yla-Oijala, my thesis pre-examiners, Prof. Boris Luk'yanchuk and Prof. Filiberto Bilotti, and my opponent, Prof. Ortwin Hess.
February-April 2019: Teaching assistant for the course Advanced Field Theory, Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering, Aalto University
January 2019: Top 20 most read article in Radio Science, American Geophysical Union, for the year 2017-2018.
31 October 2018: Invited talk at AMOLF. Invited talk titled "Resonant Scattering of Subwavelength Nanoparticles: from Spheres to Superquadrics". Hosts: Prof. F. Koenderink and Prof. E. Verhagen.
September 2018: Presenting in Metamaterials 2018, Espoo, Finland.
September 2018: IEEE Photonics Graduate Student Scholarship! Performance-based honorable fellowship awarded by the IEEE Photonics Society for 2018.
May 2018: URSI Young Scientist Award, Performance award for the year 2018 by URSI, Commission B (Fields and Waves) at the 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference ({URSI AT-RASC}) May 28 - June 1, 2018, Gran Canaria, Spain.
May 2018: Best Student Paper Award. Best student paper award (2nd prize) at the 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference ({URSI AT-RASC}) May 28 -- June 1, 2018, Gran Canaria, Spain.
December 2017: Nokia Scholarship. Performance-based scholarship for the year 2017 sponsored by the Nokia Foundation, Helsinki, Finland.
19-25, August 2017: Attending the 32nd URSI General Assembly & Symposium, Montreal, Canada. Received the Young Scientist Award!!!
21-25, May 2017: Attending the PIERS Conference in Saint Petersburg, Russia: Two oral contributions! Received the 2nd Best Paper Award for the category Metamaterials and Plasmonics!!!
April 2017. Granted the ERASMUS+ Research and Teaching Travel Grant for visiting Prof. Mario Silveirinha at the Institute Superior Technico, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
February-May, 2017: Teaching assistant for the course Advanced Field Theory, Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering, Aalto University
September-December, 2016: Teaching assistant for the course Mathematical Methods, Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering, Aalto University.
August 2016: Attended Electromagnetic Theory Symposium (EMTS) 2016, Espoo, Finland. Part of the Local Organizing Committee and Reviewer with two (oral + poster) contributions!
June 2016: Attending and Volunteering for the APS-URSI 2016 in Fajardo, Puerto Rico: Two oral presentations!
June 2016: Attending and Volunteered at the GSMW conference, Espoo, Finland.
April, 2015: I was awarded the IEEE Antenna and Propagation Doctoral Scholarship!
December 2015: Metamaterials Doctorate School in Ruka, Finland. Received the Travel Grant support!
September-December, 2015: Teaching assistant for the course Electromagnetic Field, Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering, Aalto University.
June 2015: META 2015 conference in New York, USA. Two (oral + poster) contributions.
January 2015: Received the Doctoral School of Electrical Engineering Scholarship (4-year doctoral funding)