Dimitrios Tzarouchis, PhD 

(pronounced Tza-rú-his)

Senior Wireless Antenna R&D Scientist


Addr: 19.7 km Markopoulou Ave., Peania, GR 19002,Greece
Tel: (USA): +1 215 820 8788 (GR): +30 698 109 4512
Email: dtzarouc-at-gmail.com;dtzarou-at-intracom-telecom.com

Short Bio

I am a Senior Wireless R&D Scientist working for Intracom Telecom S.A. developing new generations of 6G telecommunication components, such as antennas and RIS, while managing and coordinating International Research Funding Programs (EU Horizon 2020, SNS-JU, etc). Between 2022 and 2023 I worked as Senior Metamaterial R&D Engineer for Meta Materials Inc., developing metamaterials and metamaterial-inspired technologies for industrial and biomedical applications. I received my Ph.D. in Electromagnetic and Circuit Theory in 2019 (advisor: Prof. Ari Sihvola), and I worked briefly as a postdoc on reconfigurable metasurfaces (Prof. Sergei Tretyakov) at the same university.  

Between 2019 to 2022, I worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Engheta group at the University of Pennsylvania, focusing on several projects revolving around disruptive concepts in advanced electromagnetics, complex media-metamaterials, and disruptive ideas for next-generation wave-matter interactions. I worked on several prestigious projects, e.g., the AFOSR MURI-Attojoule Nano-optoelectronics, the Simons Collaboration on Extreme Wave Phenomena Based on Symmetries, the MRSEC Research at Penn, and the AFOSR MURI - Meta Imaging project.

 My primary expertise is in electromagnetic (EM) wave physics, RF and antenna engineering, plasmonics, metamaterials, metasurfaces, inverse design, and applied mathematics. My interests also include EM teaching and EM pedagogical research. 

I am an active member of the engineering (IEEE), radio science (URSI), and optical (OPTICA) communities.  I am serving as a reviewer for the following 

Journal and scientific societies

International research Organizations 


April 2023: Invited to serve as a project reviewer for the Dutch Research Council (NWO)!

October 2022: Excellent news! Our Optica Photonic Metamaterials Technical Group has been awarded the "Optica Innovation Prize for 2021". Honored to receive the price at the FiO-LS 2022 Awards Ceremony at Rochester, NY, U.S.A.

May 2022: Honored to give an invited lecture hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison

November 2021: Honored to give an invited talk on the topic "Advanced Electromagnetics for Complex Media Research" at the Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering, Aalto University, Finland. 

September 2021: I am honored to be elected as the upcoming Early Career Representative (ECR) for Commission B: Fields and Waves of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI). This is a 3 (2021-2023 vice-chair) +3 (2023 - 2025 chair) year appointment where we will expand the Com B activities to increase young scientist representation!  

January 2021: Excited to join the "Topics Advisory Panel - Mathematics Section" of Symmetry, an upcoming journal in applied mathematics by MDPI. You can check more about this journal here.

November 2020: Honored to be selected for the 2020 Princeton Pathway into the Academy Program! This year-long career development program prepares early-stage researchers for faculty careers in engineering and computer science! You can find the link to the program here.

October 2020: Excellent news! I have been elected to serve as a Chair (2021-2023) for the OSA Photonic Metamaterials Technical Group starting January 2021. 

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