
Math Tutor

MAT 0018C/0022C/0028C, MAT 1033C, MAC 1105, MAC 1140, MAC 2233, MAC 2311/2312 

Joined team in Fall 2021

College Major: Photonics & Engineering

Career Goal: I want to start my own business

Favorite Study Tip: Regularly take small breaks so your brain doesn't get too overwhelmed to absorb the content.  

Favorite Extracurricular Activities: I like playing sports and games, hanging out with friends, and going to outdoor places. 


Math Tutor

MAT 0018C/0022C/0028C, MAT 1033C, MAC 1105, MAC 1114, MAC 1140, MGF 1106/1107, MAC 2233, MAC 2311/2312, STA 2023, PSY 2012

Joined team in Fall 2022

College Major: Pre-Accounting with a minor in Creative Writing 

Career Goal: To become a CPA and Writer 

Favorite Study Tip: Write every step out when solving a problem.

Favorite Extracurricular Activities: Gaming, running, and keeping up with all movies/TV.


Math Tutor

MAT 0018C/0022C/0028C, MAT 1033C, MAC 1105, MAC 1114, MAC 1140, MGF 1106/1107, MAC 2233, MAC 2311/2312

Joined team in Spring 2024

College Major: BS in Mechanical Engineering & Masters in Business Administration 

Career Goal: My career goal is to leverage my dual expertise in mechanical engineering and business administration to pursue leadership roles at the intersection of technology, innovation, and business strategy. 

Favorite Study Tip: One study tip that I've found incredibly helpful is active recall. Rather than simply re-reading notes or textbooks, actively engaging with the material by quizzing myself or teaching the concepts to someone else helps reinforce my understanding and retention. 

Favorite Extracurricular Activities: Playing tennis and basketball. In my free time, I love hitting the courts with friends for a friendly game or practicing to improve my skills. 


Math & Spanish Tutor

MAT 0018C/0022C/0028C, MAT 1033C, MAC 1105, MAC 1114

SPN 1120, SPN 1121

Joined team in Fall 2023

College Major: Architecture

Career Goal: Become a building designer

Favorite Study Tip: Double, triple, quadruple check your work. 

Favorite Extracurricular Activities: I like to watch movies, shows and sometimes write them. I like to draw and make concept art for characters and posters for movies/shows. 


Math & Science Tutor

MAT 0018C/0022C/0028C, MAT 1033C, MAC 1105, MAC 1114, MAC 1140, MAC 2233, MAC 2311/2312

BSC 1005, BSC 1010, BSC 1011, CHM 1025, CHM 1045, CHM 1046 

Joined team in Spring 2024

College Major: Forensic Science with a Chemistry Minor 

Career Goal: After I graduate, I would love to work at a federal or state crime analysis lab; hopefully in the trace evidence or toxicology units.  

Favorite Study Tip: Get a whiteboard! Write out every step of practice or homework problems until you are confident with the topic. If you don't understand or can't get the correct answer, erase and try again. It is also environmentally friendly and saves paper. 

Favorite Extracurricular Activities: I like to read, paint, play the guitar, or explore new places in my free time. I am on the UCF club crew team and row a couple of nights a week.

Coming Soon!

Math & Science Tutor

Joined team in Summer 2024

College Major: 

Career Goal: 

Favorite Study Tip: 

Favorite Extracurricular Activities: