Ning Christopher

Manager, Downtown Learning Support Services

Ning oversees the Learning Support Center (LSC) and the Writing Center (WC) on the Downtown campus.  She loves working to provide welcoming, interactive, and fun learning environments for students, while also striving to help her staff grow professionally.  

College Major: Biology with Mathematics & Chemistry minors (bachelor's degree); Higher Education Leadership (master's degree)

Career Goal: Working in an environment where I can continue to learn, while being able to help those around me.

Favorite Study Tip: I'm a visual learner, so I find it very helpful to use color-coding when I'm studying. I'll use different color sticky notes, highlighters, and/or pens. I end up associating the content with that color and will be able to recall it easier afterwards.

Favorite Extracurricular Activities: I love painting nail art as a stress reliever activity and also enjoy cuddle time on the couch with my 4 fur babies: Foxie, Spunkie, Biggie, and Smalls. Oh, and if you know any food spots that are hidden gems in Orlando, I'm always looking to try out new places! 

Amanda Forth

Lab Supervisor, Learning Support Center

Amanda supervises the Learning Support Center (LSC) on the Downtown campus.  She enjoys truly connecting with and supporting students, faculty, and staff she works with.  

College Major: Biology

Career Goal: To work on a collaborative, supportive team while empowering myself and those around me to grow.

Favorite Study Tip: Keeping a calendar/schedule and a running to do list help me focus on my top priorities. This system has carried over from my time in college to my professional life and keeps me on track! Thankfully, there are many time organization systems and I find everyone can find or adapt one to their own preferences. 

Favorite Extracurricular Activities: I enjoy hanging out with my hubby and two cats, Malley and Leo, on our "catio" or catching the latest soccer game. I'm always on the lookout for local parks and gardens to walk and enjoy nature. My brother and I recently kayaked part of the Wekiva River and highly recommend it. Our next to-do is a bioluminescent kayak tour.