2022 DSPSA Winter Conference

Building Community: Making Connections in Pursuit of Warner's Mission Statement

Fully Remote on Zoom

Friday, February 18th 10:00 am - 4:00 pm and

Saturday, February 19th 10 am - 2:30pm

DSPSA was inspired to start our Annual Winter Conference in 2021 as a way to provide the Warner community with an opportunity to share research, hone presentation skills, receive feedback, share work with the community beyond the university, and find out about the research interests of university peers.

Our theme for the upcoming 2022 Winter Conference is Building Community: Making Connections in Pursuit of Warner’s Mission Statement

After 18 months of remote learning and continued distancing for safety during this pandemic, how do we build sustainable, critical, and inclusive connections across the Warner community? This theme asks speakers to share the ways in which our individual and collective initiatives and research can bring our community together, even stronger than before the pandemic.

DSPSA seeks to encourage a wide-range of interests and participants, so although the conference has a theme that the keynote speaker and presenters are invited to speak to, all proposals that align with Warner’s mission statement will be considered.

Warner School of Education and Human Development – Mission Statement

At the Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, we believe that education can transform lives and make the world more just and humane. This vision informs our teaching, research and service as a research school of education, as we strive to:

PREPARE practitioners and researchers who are knowledgeable, reflective, skilled and caring educators, who can make a difference in individual lives as well as their fields, and who are leaders and agents of change;

GENERATE and disseminate knowledge leading to new understandings of education and human development, on which more effective educational policies and practices can be grounded;

COLLABORATE – across disciplines, professions and constituencies – to promote change that can significantly improve education and support positive human development.

Our diverse work in each of these domains is informed by the following underlying beliefs: the improvement of education is in pursuit of social justice; development and learning shape and are shaped by the contexts in which they occur; the complexity of educational problems requires an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach; and best practices are grounded in research and theory, just as useful theory and research are informed by practice.

In line with the Warner mission statement, the DSPSA 2022 Winter Conference invites our community to:

1) examine our independent and collective missions;

2) better understand Warner’s role and membership in the larger Rochester and academic community; and

3) consider how we can contribute to building a stronger and more inclusive community within university institutions, including Warner.

2022 Winter Conference Condensed Schedule

2022 DSPSA Winter Conference Packet

Conference Welcome Packet

Meet our Key Presenters for the Conference!

Dr. Anika Simone Johnson

Dr. Anika Simone Johnson is the Director of Equity and Inclusion at the Warner School of Education and Human Development. Throughout her tenure at the University of Rochester, Johnson has taught courses in the College of Arts, Sciences & Engineering related to academic advisement, student leadership development, college transition, and student engagement to enhance retention efforts. She has participated in 15 committees, such as the First-Generation Students and Families Committee, Study Zone Steering Committee, and the Douglass Leadership House Committee to support student engagement and academic success.

2022 Presidental Strong as One Diversity Award Nominee: Advocacy and Action Award

Presenting on Friday, Feb. 18th

RMAPI Community Organizers

The Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative (RMAPI) is a multi-sector community collaborative with a goal to improve quality of life by reducing poverty and increasing self-sufficiency. To do this, RMAPI is focused on increasing income, making basic needs more affordable and accessible, and lowering concentrations of poverty.

Presenting on Friday, Feb. 18th

Carvin Eison

Carvin Eison is the creative director of ImageWordSound, an independent production company; the general manager of Rochester Community Television; and an associate professor at SUNY College at Brockport. Eison has nearly 30 years of experience directing feature-length video, series television, and commercials.

2022 Presidential Strong as One Diversity Award Recipient: Social Impact Award

Presenting on Saturday, Feb. 19th

General Information and Policies

The DSPSA Winter Conference will be a two day event on Friday, Feb. 18th 10:00am - 4:00pm and Saturday, Feb. 19th from 10:00am - 2:30pm. This conference will showcase three different format presentations. We will be using the most updated version of Zoom, which allows participants to opt into different breakout sessions at their own convenience.

Join us at the Memorial Art Gallery!

DSPSA will be hosting a conference culminating event at the MAG to celebrate our community!

UR students , faculty, and staff gain free entrance into the museum with proof of identification. Family members are invited as well! Please see additional admissions prices and information below.

Light hor d'oeuvres and sweets will be provided as well as a cash bar, located in the Bausch & Lomb Parlor. We will be hosting museum tours and a scavenger hunt, as well as smaller activities accessible for all ages!

Join us at the MAG to connect with other conference attendees and to celebrate our community!

For more information about the MAG, admission prices, and their current exhibitions, please check-out their website.