Training Scenarios

DSGC Club Simulator Training Scenarios

The DSGC Simulator has a dedicated application - "SimSelect"

SimSelect is designed to make the simulator usable by those unfamiliar with Condor, and has a number of useful features.

The training scenarios accessed with SimSelect have been created specifically to be relevant for pilots training at North Hill.

This page contains the same content as in the club simulator. If you wish to use these scenarios, download the flightplan (.fpl) files to your Documents/Condor/Flightplans folder. You will then be able to select and run them from "Free Flight" in your own installation of Condor.

Note - most of the scenarios here use the ASK21 - which is not included in the standard glider set that comes with Condor 2. If you are training it's well worth purchasing. If not you could use the Blanik as an alternative.

These scenarios utilise the excellent "United Kingdom" and "Arc Alpin 2" sceneries available from Condor Club. Whilst these are large downloads, they are free. Installation is made easy using the Condor Updater.

1 General Handling - North Hill

Above North Hill at 2,000 ft QFE, ASK21

Wind West, 3 Knots, morning still air.

General handling practice above North Hill.


2A Launch Practice - Winch - North Hill (West)

Winch Launch to the West at North Hill, ASK21

Wind West, 7 Knots, slight crosswind from the right.

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2B Launch Practice - Winch - North Hill (East)

Winch Launch to the East at North Hill, ASK21

Wind North-East, 7 Knots, very slight crosswind from the left.

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3A Launch Practice - Aerotow - North Hill (West)

Aerotow to the West at North Hill, ASK21

Wind West, 7 Knots. Tow to 2,000 ft QFE.

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3B Launch Practice - Aerotow - North Hill (East)

Aerotow to the East at North Hill, ASK21

Wind North-East, 7 Knots. Tow to 2,000 ft QFE.

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4A Circuit Practice - North Hill Circuit North (West)

North Hill, NW Wind - Northerly Circuit, ASK21

Wind North-West, 10 Knots.

Start airborne at 1,500 ft QFE, over the centre of the field.

Position for High Key.

Flying West for 2 minutes may make judging the join to High Key easier.


4B Circuit Practice - North Hill Circuit North (East)

North Hill, NE Wind - Northerly Circuit, ASK21

Wind North-East, 10 Knots.

Start airborne at 1,500 ft QFE, over the centre of the field.

Position for High Key.

Flying North for 2 minutes may make judging the join to High Key easier.


5A Circuit Practice - North Hill Circuit South (West)

North Hill, SW Wind - Southerly Circuit, ASK21

Wind South-West, 10 Knots.

Start airborne at 1,500 ft QFE, over the centre of the field.

Study Dunkeswell Airspace and effect on circuit planning. Position for High Key. Flying South-West for 2 minutes may make judging the join to High Key easier.


5B Circuit Practice - North Hill Circuit South (East)

North Hill, SE Wind - Southerly Circuit, ASK21

Wind South-East, 10 Knots.

Start airborne at 1,500 ft QFE, over the centre of the field.

Study Dunkeswell Airspace and effect on circuit planning. Position for High Key. Flying South for 2 minutes may make judging the join to High Key easier.


6 Soaring - North Hill - Thermal

Thermalling Practice near North Hill, ASK21

Wind North-West, 7 Knots.

Start over the field at 1,500 ft QFE.

There is a nice thermal 1km ahead - past the end of the airfield. Cloudbase awaits..!


7 Soaring - North Hill - NW Ridge

Ridge Soaring Practice local to North Hill, ASK21

Wind North-West, 20 Knots, the ridge is working nicely.

Start at 1,000 ft QFE over North Hill and head to the ridge.


8 Soaring - Reichenbach - Wave

Wave Soaring - Reichenbach, Switzerland, ASK21

Surface wind is 135°, 15 Knots and increases with height.

Stable conditions are conducive to standing wave formation as the air crosses the Alps, the wave is unusually accessible.

From 5,000 ft overhead Reichenbach it's easy to contact the wave lift a little downwind - head North-West, towards the ridge. Once in the wave, beating across the wind will see you climb quickly towards the lenticular clouds above.


9 Spin Recovery - North Hill - 3,000ft - Blanik

Spin Recovery, near North Hill, Blanik

Wind West, 5 Knots. Start at 3,000 ft QFE over North Hill.

Position away from the airfield and conduct your checks.

Explore the differences between Spins and Spiral Dives.

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10 Airspace Awareness - Dunkeswell ATZ / Drop Zone

Dunkeswell ATZ / Drop Zone, ASK21

Wind West, 8 Knots. There are some nice thermals around.

Start at 2,300 ft QFE over North Hill. The Dunkeswell airspace has been modelled in Condor using 'penalty zones'.

The most important boundaries to North Hill operations are there - the vertical edges of the ATZ agreement, and the drop zone 2,000 ft checkline and its base. Curves can't be modelled, but even so the result is quite accurate. You can use this scenario to explore the edges of NH airspace without jeopardy. The airspace can be shown by pressing the 'Task Helpers' Key twice.

Whether on or off Condor will tell you if you transgress!


11 Short Task NH2-CUL-TIE-NH2

Short Task, NH2-CUL-TIE-NH2 20 km, ASK21

A short navigation task using local turnpoints can be used to practice setting up XCSoar, and using XCSoar in flight. Wind 220°, 8 Knots, some strong thermals. Aerotow to 2,900 ft QNH near the start (QNH will be used).

- Start at North Hill N (NH2) - a start line 1.5 km long

- Cullompton (CUL) - a 2.0 km radius quadrant

- Tiverton East (TIE) - a 0.5 km radius cylinder,

- Finish at NH2 - a 0.5 km radius cylinder, above 2,000 ft QNH

Set up XCSoar before you start.


12 Short Task NH2-CLH-HHL

Short Task, NH2-CLH-HHL 28 km, ASK21

Another short navigation task using local turnpoints can be used to practice setting up XCSoar, and using XCSoar in flight.

You will need to consider the best way to avoid the Dunkeswell airspace restrictions!

Wind North, 8 Knots, some strong thermals.

Aerotow to 2,900 ft QNH near the start (QNH will be used).

- Start at North Hill N (NH2) - a start line 2 km long

- Culmhead (CLH) - a 2.0 km radius quadrant

- Finish at Hembury Hill (HHL) - a 0.5 km radius cylinder, above 2,000 ft QNH

Set up XCSoar before you start.


13 DSGC Club 100

DSGC Club 100, Std Cirrus

Wind 306°, 7 Knots, moderate thermals to 5,000 ft QNH. Winch Launch. Note the Dunkeswell, Merryfield and Yeovil Westland ATZs.

- Start at North Hill N (NH2) - a 2 km start line

- Tiverton East (TIE) - a 0.5 km radius quadrant

- Yeovil Reservoir (YEO) - a 1 km radius quadrant

- North Hill N (NH2) a 1 km line, finish above 2,000 ft QNH


14 Antares 18m (Flaps, Water)

Antares 18m - Aerotow from North Hill - to West

Wind 290°, 8 Knots. Aerotow towards NH2, where you will find some very good thermals.

The Antares has 6 stages of Flaps: -3, -2, -1 (the Aerotow setting), 0, +1 and +2.

Flap +2 will make thermalling easier, and is the landing setting.

Up to 216kg water ballast may be added - use the slider on the 'Hangar, Settings' tab.

Don't forget the gear, and to dump all the water before you land (approx 1L/sec).


15 Diana 2 15m (Flaps, Water)

Diana 2 15m - Aerotow from North Hill - to East

Wind 050°, 8 Knots. Aerotow takes you to the South. There are some very big clouds and strong thermals to find.

The Diana 2 has 7 stages of Flaps: -2, 0, +3, +8 (the Aerotow setting), +14, +21 and +28.

Flap +28 can be used to keep a small(er) circle when thermalling and is also the landing setting.

A massive 248kg water ballast can be added - use the slider on the 'Hangar, Settings' tab.

Don't forget the gear, and to dump all the water before you land `n(approx 1L/sec).


16 Interlaken ridge soaring

Ridge Soar in the Swiss Alps, Duo Discus

Wind North-West, 13 Knots - straight on to the valley's South ridge. There are some strong thermals around also. Alpine soaring!

Start above Interlaken at 5,000 ft QNH, heading North East, the ridge is to your right.


17 Long Mynd ridge soaring

Long Mynd Ridge Soaring, ASK21

Wind 290°, 15 Knots, straight on to the West ridge.

Start over the field at 500ft QFE, heading South West.


18 Denbigh ridge soaring

Denbigh Ridge Soaring, Std Cirrus

Wind 250°, 15 Knots, straight on to the West ridge, but only some weak thermals.

Club Class - Std Cirrus, Winch Launch from LLeweni Parc, then turn back for the ridge.

The scenario includes the local task - starting from South end, then up and down the ridge twice from Denbigh Ridge South to Dyserth (DRS-DYS-DRS-DYS-DRS), 112 km.
