
Control setup

Condor allows you to assign controls to your hardware as you wish.

From the Condor home screen - Setup / Input / Assign controls allows you to do this.

Obviously pitch and roll controls need to be assigned to the two primary axes on your joystick. If you have rudder pedals then assign yaw control to them, otherwise to the joystick twist function.

Most joysticks have a throttle lever - it’s usually best to assign airbrakes to this.

It’s a good idea to also assign these functions to buttons on your joystick:

You may find it convenient to have the trim up/down buttons at the top of your stick.

Refer to 'The Condor PDA' section for details what the PDA does and how to use it. It is suggested that you assign these functions to joystick buttons for convenience:

Note that if you encounter difficulty with trimming, checking / unchecking the 'Stick trim where available box may fix the problem.

A further note about controls in Condor. There is an 'Auto rudder' function - it provides automatic turn co-ordination. The rudder will still work (if assigned to a controller axis) - to steer during takeoff and landing, to 'box the tow', and to sideslip. There's just no need to apply rudder in turns. It's very convenient when flying racing tasks; however if your aim is flying training then using rudder pedals instead is highly recommended - in which case uncheck this box.

Hardware recommendations


  1. MS Force Feedback 2 (unfortunately not made for 20 years!) Brilliant device, sometimes available on eBay.

  1. Logitech EXTREME 3D PRO - a good mid range stick

Rudder pedals

  1. Thrustmaster T.Flight Rudder Pedals

View Control

  1. TrackIR 5

Adds natural immersion to using any flight simulator - move your head and the view on your screen automatically follows. Highly recommended.

2. Oculus Rift S / Quest 2

Words cannot describe the experience of Virtual Reality. It has to be seen to be believed. Total immersion.

Expensive and may need upgraded PC graphics, but absolutely worthwhile.