Psychology DSC teams

Read more about the individual DSC teams below!

As part of our department’s efforts to improve our diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), we are interested in finding out more about how racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other inequities manifest within the department... (click to read more)

The Syllabus Task Force aims, through a syllabus review process, to improve syllabi in regards to diversity, equity, and inclusive teaching practices, and in doing so to increase classroom belongingness and reduce barriers to success for under…

The overall goal of the task force is to demystify the graduate school application process. This is accomplished by providing clear descriptions and overviews of all departmental admissions practices, the application packet and research areas …

The goal of the Edwards Speaker committee is to select nationally and internationally renowned academics to present on their work.

This blog was created to be a space for psychology community members to connect with each other. Our individual stories should be celebrated, and this is a space for all our voices to be heard! Read more here.

Note: information on the current DSC teams was taken from the UW Psychology DSC Sharepoint. If you believe the content is not up to date, please contact the team.