
The Learning and Mentorship Program

Final_ The Learning and Mentorship Program.pdf



1) what are lessons I've learned?

- as a result, what I need to stop doing to be successful and why?

​Having self love is requisite in order for me to be able to love others. Sometimes what's best isn't always what we want , and that makes it hard to decide.

- I am reminded that loving yourself enough to choose what's best for you is invigorating.

-To those who were advocates of my success, my gratitude will be expressed through my accomplishments. I hope my charisma is inspiring to even just a few people in my life.

- Running away when things get sullen is a solution that doesn't last very long. Instead, I will learn to handle things through the thickest of the struggle.

-My opportunities to learn are immeasurable. And everything I learn should be passed down, I will honor those who have sacrificed by doing the duties they had to fight for. It takes perseverance to go from poverty to professions.

1) New Vocabulary

• regalia: cap and gown

ex. My graduation regalia is waiting for me.

• unison: simultaneous performance of action or utterance of speech

ex. She believed she had good grades because her thoughts were in unison with the lesson.

• spurred: give an incentive or encouragement to (someone)

ex. The remake of her old song spurred her to remake the whole album.

•naïve: having or showing a lack of experience/knowledge

ex. Don't be so naive when applying for a job, make sure you show that you're aware of your rights.

•dismantle: take (a machine or structure) to pieces

ex. The engine has to be dismantled to see what got stuck in between.


"Don't wait for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain" - Instead of dreading the struggles, learn to handle yourself and situations when things aren't right. I see "dancing in the rain" as an analysis for being optimistic.


1) what are lessons I've learned?

- as a result, what I need to stop doing to be successful and why?

As a student who is close to graduation, there is nothing more I want than a changed lifestyle. That pertains to avoiding impulsive solutions and choosing guidance from those who are adept in education and finances.

-The solutions that are logical may not commensurate with my journey to success. Impulsive buying can be detrimental to my financial responsibilities. Incorrectly prioritizing social obligations may be a menace to my finances and time. My education in and out of school is valuable to my success. Anything that could be a menace to my education must be thought about twice before I proceed.

- Intimate relationships may seem convincing to be in search for. However, this chapter taught me that knowledge is empowering. I strive to improve my quality of living and no longer obsess over the idea of having a significant other. In the time being my only desire is a better me and a better future.

​2) New Vocabulary

•commensurate: appropriate to

The lay out didn't commensurate with the plans we had for the shop.

•divisiveness: tendency to cause disagreement between people

ex. The contradiction between whether or not vaccinations are holistic causes divisiveness amongst social media influencers.

•debilitating: weakening

ex. My idea was to let those whose symptoms are debilitating stay at home with education they could access from bed.

•acquisition: purchase/obtain

ex. There are a variety of acquisitions necessary for hospitality.


"Success is a journey that never rests"- Your decisions are actively leading you to your destination. Make smart choices that will lead you to success. A break from your education is planning to fail.


1) what are lessons I've learned?

- as a result, what I need to stop doing to be successful and why?

- When the use of technology is abused, it could potentially be dangerous. It may lead to lazy planning and will inevitably derail your curiosity.

-Don't be the nuisance to your social reputation, have social etiquette and know when to put devices aside. Detecting your distractions assists you in taking control. In other words maintaining your self discipline will eliminate your voracious list of things to get done.

-Don't compromise your reputation by abusing the use of your phone. Protect your body because it's your precious property.

-Don't let your notifications control you. Use technology for your benefits.

2) New Vocab

• deviating: depart from an established course

ex. If you deviate from the designated drivers course you will fail the road test.

• pertain: belong to something

ex. It didn't pertain to the lesson, therefor we saved it for the end of class discussion.

• convey: make an idea understandable to someone

ex. On my brothers birthday, my friend asked me to convey her wishes to him.

• nuisance: source of irritation/ disturbance

ex. I lacked awareness of my habits, it was the nuisance to my learning.

• ambience: character and atmosphere of a place

ex. The ambience of the doctors office makes me a bit anxious.

• regiment: strictly organized

ex. The schools protocols are regimented in a way that protects both students and employees.

• alluring: powerfully and mysteriously attractive

ex. Guam's known for its alluring sights and welcoming people.


"The brain is malleable just as it could be trained to be distracted it could be trained to pay attention"

​- Bryan Appleyard

You could develop healthy habits as easily as distractions are to obtain.


1) what are lessons I've learned?

- as a result, what I need to stop doing to be successful and why?

- In life I'm bound to come across adults who think they're superior. Those of which who don't understand the concept of teaching children. They are a menace to the future if we let them be. Now that I'm more aware, I won't let them stop me. I choose to resist the outcome of me making decisions boorishly.

- I need to practice being more forgiving of those who may cause me harm. I need to let go any resentment, for it costs me more than it does the other person.

​- There are educators and adults who are adept at teaching , they very much deserve our open arms. We must make it a point to show them gratitude and make something out of what they teach us. My key words throughout my journey are patience, compassion, and modesty.

​2) New Vocabulary

• adept: expert

ex. My favorite teacher is adept at hands on work and not so much technological references.

• boorishly: rough/bad mannered

ex. Making impulsive decisions in relationships is boorish.

• atrocious: wicked/poor quality

ex. Our sound system didn't sound as atrocious after he switched the wires.

• menace: threat

ex. People could be the menace to your endeavors, but don't let them have that power.

• pummel: hit

ex. Dilemma's will eventually pummel upon you at inconvenient times but it will build your character.

• lethargy: lack of energy/ sick and fatigue

ex. Laying in bed for recovery gave him a lethargy he couldn't explain to the doctor.


​“Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.”

Will Smith


1) what are lessons I've learned?

- as a result, what I need to stop doing to be successful and why?

- Whenever I'm loaded with tons of tests in a certain time period, I tend to rely on retention prior to the test to help me get the grade I hope for. However, that is a one dimensional habit that needs to stop because it's not as beneficial as taking copious notes and studying efficiently.

- It's important I actively implement my senses when reading and learning. I've always reread my writings but I never intentionally read my books fully engaged.

-I'm at this stage in high school where I'm not sure what exactly I want for my future, so of course I'm constantly reaching out to teachers and adults outside of home. I've always felt bad that I wasn't content with my moms advice, but looking at it now, the further I explore, the more opportunities I have. This means the chances of me getting by my endeavors and resulting in being able to take care of my mom are high.

2) New vocabulary

1) endeavor: try to achieve something

ex. I wish all my fellow seniors well in their endeavors.

2) retention: continued possession or control of something

ex. Being yelled at gives me retention of how things happened.

3) acquiesce: accept something without question

​They were acquiesce to the plan because it seemed the most sufficient.

rebuttal: contradiction


"You are never strong enough that you don't need help."

"Don't let someone believe in you more than you believe in yourself."


1) what are lessons I've learned?

- as a result, what I need to stop doing to be successful and why?

- Whenever I'm loaded with tons of tests in a certain time period, I tend to rely on retention prior to the test to help me get the grade I hope for. However, that is a one dimensional habit that needs to stop because it's not as beneficial as taking copious notes and studying efficiently.

- It's important I actively implement my senses when reading and learning. I've always reread my writings but I never intentionally read my books fully engaged.

-I'm at this stage in high school where I'm not sure what exactly I want for my future, so of course I'm constantly reaching out to teachers and adults outside of home. I've always felt bad that I wasn't content with my moms advice, but looking at it now, the further I explore, the more opportunities I have. This means the chances of me getting by my endeavors and resulting in being able to take care of my mom are high.

2) New vocabulary

1) endeavor: try to achieve something

ex. I wish all my fellow seniors well in their endeavors.

2) retention: continued possession or control of something

ex. Being yelled at gives me retention of how things happened.

3) acquiesce: accept something without question

​They were acquiesce to the plan because it seemed the most sufficient.

rebuttal: contradiction


"You are never strong enough that you don't need help."

"Don't let someone believe in you more than you believe in yourself."


1) What are lessons I've learned

- as a result, what I need to stop doing to be successful and why?

It's requisite to my success that I prepare before, be active during, and in the end; go over everything in a scrupulous manner. The more I'm engaged, the more I'm able to make use of my competencies. I should be interested in gaining knowledge for my own good. For future reference, I took note that I should find an advisor/mentor who has charisma that speaks to me and whom is willing to push me.

- Learn more about what you don't know. Seek clarification when you're unsure.

- Be eager to learn despite those around you who act cavalier to educational activities.

2) what new words did I learn?

1) holistic: provide support that looks at the whole person, mentally, emotionally, and physically

• The most holistic decision I made was to turn to God.

2) requisite: a thing that's necessary for a specific need

• A vaccine is requisite to get into certain facilities.

3) cavalier: showing a lack of proper concern

• I was cavalier to the news because I couldn’t understand the big words.

4) fidelity: faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.

• His fidelity was proved when he chose to keep the information protected.

5) seldom: not often; rarely

​It's seldom that we think of what other people are going through.

6) sullenly: done in a bad way

If it's completed sullenly, it's not worth sharing.

7) delving: dig for something

Delving into your sources over the internet is productive.

8) erroneous: wrong: incorrect

Don't imitate erroneous behavior for popularity.

9) hone: refine or perfect overtime

Spend your leisure honing your learning skills.


"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going"- Hard work truly does pay off. This quote reminds me that the arduous work has results, and it's worth it!

"defer gratification to pursue education" - The things that may seem fun in the moment are the same things I may need to put to the side for the sake of my education. This is a great reminder for a student in High School.


1) What are lessons I've learned

- as a result, what I need to stop doing to be successful and why?

It's requisite to my success that I prepare before, be active during, and in the end; go over everything in a scrupulous manner. The more I'm engaged, the more I'm able to make use of my competencies. I should be interested in gaining knowledge for my own good. For future reference, I took note that I should find an advisor/mentor who has charisma that speaks to me and whom is willing to push me.

- Learn more about what you don't know. Seek clarification when you're unsure.

- Be eager to learn despite those around you who act cavalier to educational activities.

2) what new words did I learn?

1) holistic: provide support that looks at the whole person, mentally, emotionally, and physically

• The most holistic decision I made was to turn to God.

2) requisite: a thing that's necessary for a specific need

• A vaccine is requisite to get into certain facilities.

3) cavalier: showing a lack of proper concern

• I was cavalier to the news because I couldn’t understand the big words.

4) fidelity: faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.

• His fidelity was proved when he chose to keep the information protected.

5) seldom: not often; rarely

​It's seldom that we think of what other people are going through.

6) sullenly: done in a bad way

If it's completed sullenly, it's not worth sharing.

7) delving: dig for something

Delving into your sources over the internet is productive.

8) erroneous: wrong: incorrect

Don't imitate erroneous behavior for popularity.

9) hone: refine or perfect overtime

Spend your leisure honing your learning skills.


"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going"- Hard work truly does pay off. This quote reminds me that the arduous work has results, and it's worth it!

"defer gratification to pursue education" - The things that may seem fun in the moment are the same things I may need to put to the side for the sake of my education. This is a great reminder for a student in High School.


1) What are lessons I've learned

as a result, what I need to stop doing to be successful and why?

- This chapter taught me that cheating education is cheating yourself. You're choosing to cheat your journey. Although it may alleviate your stress, it’s a temporary solution. Not only is it unscrupulous, but you also don't get to experience how it truly feels to work your way up. Your education will be indebted and you will pay for it by doing more work. If at any moment I consider cheating, I should take a step back and ask myself what led me to that possibility.

- Students tend to squander their educational tasks. It can be avoided by being productive with your time and setting your priorities.

- Do things in a way that will make you proud in the future instead of compromising your reputation.

2) what new words did I learn?

1) squander: waste of time/money in a reckless manner

• To avoid having to squander your savings, stop spending money on too many little things.

2) fraudulent: obtain, done by, or involving illegal deception

Fraudulent work is nothing to be proud of.

3) unscrupulous: having or showing no moral principles: not honest or fair syn: unethical

• Turning to other people for answers is unscrupulous.

4) indebted: owing money or gratitude/ services

• Without the right guidance, you may leave college indebted and without a degree.

5) emulate: imitate

• Your outcome will emulate the work you put in.

6) tensest: unable to relax because of nervousness

• I’m tensest when preparing for athletic college recruitment.

7) undercurrent: underlying feeling or influence

underlying: cause or basis of something

• After the fight they realized it was caused by the undercurrent of emotions.

8) prevalent: widespread in a particular area and or time

• Face masks have been prevalent since covid-19.

9) adulation: excessive admiration or praise

• When he expressed his adulation to the class it was intriguing to hear how he truly felt.

10) copious: abundant in supply or quantity

• Taking copious notes is useless if it’s not relevant.

11) alleviate: make less severe

• Ice baths alleviate the pain over time.

12) permeate: spread throughout something

​• Information will permeate quicker through social media than posters.


"The good you do in private will be rewarded in public." : Sometimes I may feel as if the work I'm putting in will never be useful. This quote reminds me that I will be rewarded one day, and all the work I'm putting in is guiding me to become something bigger.

"Character is what you do when no one is watching.": In friendships and relationships, but most of all in my well-being; the decisions I make when no one is around, emulates who I truly am as a person.

"One man can't do right in one department whilst doing wrong in any other department." : The decisions to be better have to be consistent. Choosing to be right one day and choosing to slack another time is not effective.

meeting: "We must be as competent in projecting our thoughts as we are in reading, to accomplish this we must seek feedback. "


1) What are lessons I've learned?

- Vocabulary plays an important role in learning productively. As the years go buy, the words in education are progressing. Formal English will assist me in interacting with luminaries in the future.

- I need to deviate from doing tasks solely to get by them. For example, reading helps improve your articulation, but that's if you choose to let it. Making it a point to get a better understanding of the passages will help you become competent in reading and writing.

-Reading and reflecting can help improve your interactive skills. Being able to communicate with important people invigorates me. I grew fond in the idea of reading when I realized how it had a holistic affect on my intellect.

2) What 10 new words did you learn along with definitions?

1) respite: short period of rest or relief from something tiring

• During break, some people find respite in taking a short walk around the building.

2) peril: serious and immediate danger

• This pandemic is peril to our health if protocols are not followed.

3) invigorating: making one feel strong, healthy, and full of energy

• Energy drinks are not as invigorating as getting the right amount of sleep and maintaining a healthy diet.

4) dormant: temporarily inactive

• She was dormant in rugby due to her injury.

5) deviate: depart from an established course

• All those who were unvaccinated had to deviate from the company.

6) repertoire: skills of a particular person

• They developed instrumental repertoire from doing band class.

7) luminary: a person who inspires or influences others

• Being a luminary of philosophy was an honor for him.

8) evangelist: a person who attempts to convince others to be Christian

• We met an evangelist who seemed to have interest in the same things as we were.

9) competent: having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill

• I wish I was competent in the studies of science.

​10) affinity: a strong liking for or attraction to someone or something

• An affinity for reading meant inevitable growth in intellect.


"An entire world can be created simply by letting the imagination digest the language.": Reading shouldn't be another dreadful task. It should be a place where I can be at ease, imagine, and find purpose in.

"Reading is the single most important activity you can do on your own to become a critical thinker and a competent, positive change agent.": Reading is private training to improve brain power.

"The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read." : Reading without purpose has no effect. Read to gain knowledge.

meeting: " Your start will not determine your finish. You can start off weak and finish strong the same way you can start off strong and finish weak"

Foreword and Step 1 Excel by Completing School Tasks Early

​1) What 3 to 5 new ideas did you learn?

- Time management is a skill I must acquire to excel, it's not just a privy concept. When we depend on cramming, it's only temporarily helpful. Studying right before a test is relying on memory retention. The feeling of frantically searching for answers because I procrastinated, is a feeling I don't want to encounter again. The virtuous thing to do is study on time so that I could study to learn. Putting in the arduous efforts is worth the results waiting. In the end, our results will only emulate the drive we had within us.

- Engaging in class is contributing to my journey in education as a student. The learning process requires full commitment. Seeking guidance is not something to be ashamed of. It is necessary in learning. I must have patience with those I seek help from, they are more than likely important people with responsibilities.

-Make room for you to excel. Prioritize the right things instead of making sacrifices to go out and have "fun" . We all know social obligations are inevitable, but how often have you practiced when you should and shouldn't accommodate those obligations. Prioritizing things for your wellness is significant to your growth as an individual. There is a difference between having time and sacrificing your precious time and responsibilities.

2) What 10 new words did you learn along with definitions?

1. arduous: difficult and tiring

• Crossing the bridge called books is arduous but worthwhile.

2. privy: aware of the unknown/private/confidential

• Since she’s my bestfriend, she was privy to my plans for college that nobody knew about.

3. truism: statement obviously true

• Money doesn’t grow from trees is a truism used to remind people to spend their money wisely.

4. inevitably: certain to happen

• Adversity through education is inevitable.

5. frantically: in a distraught way owing to fear

• I frantically searched for my assignments in fear that I misplaced it.

6. scarcely: almost not; only just

• Junk food is scarcely for social purposes in my house.

7. voracious: devour great quantity of

• My hunger was voracious after swimming.

8. edifice: a complex system of beliefs

•Today we live by Montesquieu’s edifice of balanced government.

• Rosseaus

9. bondage: state of being a slave

• Deviate from your own bondage and find your purpose.

• emulation: effort to match or surpass a person or achievement

ex. Our performance emulates the training we put in prior to the game.


"Failure to plan is planning to fail. ​"

"Don't wait for someone to take you under their wing. Find a good wing and climb up underneath it."

" There is nothing more important, long-term, than getting the best education you can, no matter the price."

"Follow the wise counsel of those who have your best interests in mind."