Microwave Engineering

1 Physical Significance of Electromagnetic- Fundamentals for Microwave Engineering

Why high frequency is required in various communication applications. What is the basic requirement is explain in this video. Low frequency and high frequency applications are also discussed.

2 Physical Significance of Electromagnetic: Spherical Co ordinate System

To understand Electromagnetic, RF, Antenna wave propagation and microwave engineering Coordinate system is the base. If you know the coordinate system them all above subjects can be understand smoothly including numerical and design problems.

3 Physical Significance of Electromagnetic Dot Product and Cross Product

Dot Product and Cross Product are fundamental parameter of vector analysis but we may not be aware that why there are of two types. How they are different and what is their application means Physical significance. With very simple applications it is explained in this video.

4 Physical Significance of Electromagnetic: Gradient and Divergence

Gradient and Divergence are the extension of dot product and cross product in vector analysis. These are the important parameters as per Electromagnetic, Antenna design and Microwave engineering is concern. In this video physical significance of Gradient and Divergence is explained

Strip Line Design

Basic understanding of Strip line and one design is discussed in this video lecture. Strip line is a planar type of transmission line that lends itself well to microwave integrated circuitry, miniaturization, and photolithographic fabrication.

Microstrip and Coupled Line Lecture

In this video Microstrip basics and a design problem is discussed. In second part Coupled Line basics with equivalent capacitance network is discussed. Even mode and odd mode excitation with equivalent capacitance network and characteristic impedance is discussed.

Short Circuited Shunt Stub Design for impedance matching

This video is about the fundamentals of stub impedance matching. Also a design problem is discussed for a load impedance ZL = 60 − j80 ohm, design two single-stub (short circuit) shunt tuning networks to match this load to a 50 ohm line. Assuming that the load is matched at 2 GHz.

Single Open Circuited Shunt Stub design on smith chart

In this video Single Open Circuited Shunt Stub design on smith chart is discussed for For a load impedance ZL = 60 − j80 ohm, design two single-stub (Open circuit) shunt tuning networks to match this load to a 50 ohm line. Assuming that the load is matched at 2 GHz.

Series open Circuited Stub design using smith chart

In this video Series open Circuited Stub design using smith chart is discussed. Match a load impedance of ZL = 100 + j80 ohm to a 50 ohm line using a single series open-circuit stub. Assuming that the load is matched at 2 GHz.

Types of Impedance Matching Network Design on ZY Smith Chart Using L Section Lumped Element

Three different cases of Impedance Matching Network Design on ZY Smith Chart Using L Section Lumped Element is discussed in this video.

Case 1. The load is located inside the (1+jx) circle (Resistance unity circle.

Case 2. The load is located inside the (1+jb) circle (Conductance unity circle.

Case 3. The load is located outside the (1+jx) and (1+jb) circle.

Rules for selection of inductor (L) and capacitor (C)

1. On Impedance (Z) circle chart clockwise movement - Inductive Reactance (xL) --- inductor (L)

2. On Impedance (Z) circle chart anti clockwise movement - Capacitive Reactance (xC) --- capacitor (C)

3. On admittance (Y) circle chart clockwise movement - Capacitive susceptance (bC) --- capacitor (C)

4. On Impedance (Z) circle chart anti clockwise movement - Inductive susceptance (bL) ---- inductor (L)

Smith Chart- Impedance Matching Design using Lumped Element Case 1 The Load is inside (1+jx) circle

In this video Impedance Matching Design on Smith Chart for Lumped Element L Section Network- Case 1 The Load is inside (1+jx) circle is discussed. The design problem discussed is as follows- Design a lumped element matching network at 1 GHz using ZY smith chart that would transform ZL=100+j100 ohm in to a 50 ohm transmission line.

Smith Chart- Impedance Matching Design using Lumped Element Case 2 The Load is inside (1+jb) circle

In this video Impedance Matching Design on Smith Chart for Lumped Element L section Network- Case 2 The Load is inside (1+jb) circle is discussed. The design problem discussed is as follows-

Design a lumped element matching network at 1 GHz using ZY smith chart that would transform ZL=10+j10 ohm in to a 50 ohm transmission line.

Two Cavity Klystron Amplifier

In this video two cavity Klystron amplifier is discussed with concept diagram. Also the concept of Bunching Process, Velocity modulation explain in detailed.

The two cavity Klystron amplifier is widely used microwave amplifier operated on principal of velocity modulation.

Smith chart basic and Equivalent Impedance Resolution by using Smith Chart

This video lecture start with basics understanding of Smith chart in first part. in second part the equivalent impedance calculation is done using smith chart.

Microwave Tubes: Reflex Klystron

In this video Reflex Klystron which is one of the Microwave Tube oscillator is discussed. Advantages of Reflex Klystron over two cavity Klystron is discussed. applegate diagram of reflex klystron is also discussed in detailed.