Basics of Communication Systems

Amplitude Modulation Lecture 1

This Video lecture covers basic concept of Amplitude modulation and Numerical. The topics covered in detailed are as follows:

1. What is Modulation

2. AM Generation

3. The Generation of AM Envelope

4. Modulation Index and Percent of Modulation

5. Varying modulation index impact on AM Wave

6. Determining modulation index from Vmax & Vmin

7. Mathematical Representation and Analysis of AM

Amplitude Modulation Lecture 2

In This video lecture following topics are covered

1. The Mathematical Representation and Analysis of AM

2. AM Frequency Spectrum and Bandwidth

3. Frequency spectrum of an AM DSBFC Wave

4. AM Power Distribution

Amplitude Modulation Lecture 3

Following topics are discussed in this video Lecture

1. AM Power Distribution

a) Power spectrum for AM DSBFC wave with a single-frequency modulating signal

b) Numerical Base on AM Power Distribution

2. Modulation by a complex information signal

a) Frequency spectrum for complex information signal

b) Modulation index for complex information signal

c) Numerical based on Modulation by a complex information signal

Amplitude Modulation Lecture 4

In this video lecture following topics are discussed




Amplitude Modulation Lecture 5

In this video lecture following topics are discussed

1. Double sideband Full carrier (DSB-FC) understanding of spectrum

2. Double Sideband with suppressed carrier (DSB-SC): Need, Power saving, spectrum analysis, Bandwidth.

3. Balanced Modulator for Double Sideband with suppressed carrier (DSB-SC) working.

4. Double Sideband with suppressed carrier (DSB-SC) advantages disadvantages and applications.

Amplitude Modulation Lecture 6

In this lecture following topics are covered

1. Single Side band Suppress Carrier (SSB-SC): Frequency spectrum and power saving

2. Filtering method for Single Side band Suppress Carrier (SSB-SC) generation.

3. Phasing method using two balance modulator for Single Side band Suppress Carrier (SSB-SC) generation.

Experiment: Pulse Amplitude Modulation |PAM Modulation and Demodulation

Experiment: Pulse Width Modulation | PWM Modulation and Demodulation

Sampling Techniques | Ideal Sampling | Natural Sampling | Flat Top Sampling

Pulse Amplitude modulation | Pulse Width Modulation | Pulse Position Modulation | and Comparison

PAM Pulse Amplitude modulation & generation & detection

PWM Pulse width modulation, generation and detection.

PPM Pulse position modulation of generation & detection.

Comparison of PAM PWM & PPM.

Line coding Techniques|Return to zero RZ|Non Return to zero NRZ|Manchester Encoding Differential Man

In this video lecture Line coding techniques are discussed :

Return to zero (RZ),

Non-Return to zero (NRZ);

Manchester Encoding

Differential Mancheste

Experiment: Pulse Position Modulation | PPM Modulation and Demodulation

Frequency Demodulation 1: FM Slope Detector | Balance Slope Detector | Foster-Seely Discriminator

Frequency Demodulation 2: Ratio Detector | Phase Lock Loop (PLL) FM Demodulator