What is LSD

What Is LSD

Lycergic acid dientylamide (LSD), or acid, is a potent hallucinogenic narcotic substance, which means that those who abuse it may see and hear things that aren't real, leading to a warped sense of reality. It is usually swallowed as a pellet or a small 'tab'. It can also be obtained as a liquid and then dripped into a drink or onto food. Some LSD tabs have pictures on them and these are sometimes known as 'looney toons'.

It's created from lysergic acid, which can typically be found on a type of fungus which is called ergot. Those who abuse this drug refer to an LSD experience as a “trip”, which is what happens whilst they are intoxicated.

What is a 'trip'?

The 'trip' that somebody experiences once they have swallowed the pellet (or tab) can be either good or bad, and how it goes can sometimes be altered by where the person who abused it is, who they are with whilst it is happening and if they feel comfortable or not. This can also be affected by the person's mood as it is going on.

A trip can sometimes make the person who took it think that everything is speeding up or slowing down. Also, things like colours, sounds and objects can also get warped.

If he or she is feeling comfortable and safe, then they are more likely to have a good trip. During a good trip, a person may feel relaxed, happy and they will have a nice hallucination. However, during a bad trip, they may feel agitated, confused and they may have an unpleasant illusion.

What are the dangers of LSD?

LSD can cause severe long-term problems for somebody who has (or once had) any mental health issues. Lycergic acid dientylamide can also set off dormant mental health problems, too.

Also, the hallucinations can sometimes be provided by the person's imagination, conjuring images and life-like scenarios that the user may feel particularly distressed by. There have been cases where LSD use has been extremely dangerous and even fatal; simply because the users surroundings were not understood (i.e. they fell off of a tall building, believing it was a small wall), or because the images that were induced were simply too much for the user to bear (causing them to self-harm).

Although LSD may not be addictive to some people, a person who uses it can become tolerant to its affects - and he or she might need to take more of it to get the same affects as they did a few times before. Seek help with drug addiction and abuse at a rehab clinic if you think someone you know is abusing LSD.