Fentanyly Addiction Treatment

What is Fentanyl Addiction?

The narcotic substance known as fentanyl is a synthetic analgesic belonging to the opioid family of drugs. It is considered very powerful and has similar addictive tendencies to morphine. The main difference between these two types of drugs is that morphine is actually up to 100 times less powerful than Fentanyl.

What is Fentanyl Addiction?

In the simplest terms an addiction to fentanyl is a diagnosable dependency on the narcotic, either psychologically, physiologically, or emotionally. The high that the narcotic provides is much more potent than many other drugs - and as far as opioids are concerned, this drug in particular can pose the greatest threat to human life.

Why is Fentanyl so dangerous?

Although fentanyl is illegal to purchase outside of prescriptive purposes; many still use it for the feeling that the drug provides. Fentanyl in prescription form is known as Sublimaze, Actiq and Duragesic; these medications are all FDA approved and are typically used to treat severe pain – the likes of which often goes hand in hand with chronic illnesses.

When taken outside of a controlled environment however, the extreme effects of the narcotic can quickly make themselves known; often resulting in hallucinogenic effects. Furthermore, the actual medication is typically taken via an injection, by ingesting a small consumable lozenge, or with a patch that transmits the chemicals directly into the dermal layers of the skin.

Away from these medications however, the lozenges are typically crushed up and are often laced with heroin – providing a very powerful concoction that can affect the human mind in extreme ways. As a result, the only time that this drug should be taken is under the guidance of a medical expert. There are many cases however, whereby the addictive tendencies of this drug have led to hospitalisation.

Leading Cause of Fentanyl Addiction

And this is one of the leading causes of addictions. Because of the chemical composition within the drug it’s not uncommon for patients to become dependent on the formula within, or to rely on it to escape the feeling of pain and discomfort. This has led to two main types of addictions; one that transpires as a result of fentanyl use during medical treatment and the other that occurs when an individual willingly exposes themselves to the drug.

In either event, continued use can be fatal if left untreated and fentanyl drug rehabilitation should be considered if any signs and symptoms make themselves known. Just one overdose can result in organ failure and as consistent use can act to breakdown the internal structure of cells and nerve endings, the drug can often force a person to develop a dependency without even realising it. More about recovery from pain killer addictions at fentanyl treatment center Tranformations Treatment Center.