Research profile

Early career researcher -  environmental scientist 

Applied Nature-based Solutions

I am an environmental scientist who specialises in application of nature-based solutions.  My research combines soil sciences, plant ecology and plant ecophysiology to better understand interactions between vegetation communities and soils. My work to date has focused around the restoration of UK native woodland restoration particularly Atlantic oak woodlands (NW Europe Temperate Rainforest). I also have research interest in the use of  'Livingwalls' and other urban 'green infrastructure' to support enhanced environmental benefits in urban environments. My research encompasses the response of vegetation communities to changes in climate. 

Our applied Nature-based Solutions Research Interest Group

Trans-discipline working 

I welcome the opportunity to work in trans-discipline teams. I enjoy collaborating across disciplines, not only is this enjoyable but often ensures research is impactful and solutions focused. I have worked across discipline boundaries on a number of projects.

If you would like to work together please get in touch

Research impact and outreach

I have designed citizen science methodologies and approaches to foster public engagement and data collection around woodland restoration initiatives. I have also worked with multiple Devon based SMEs as industrial research fellow to design collaborative projects which deliver impactful research outcomes - see experience

 If you are interested to develop citizen science initiatives together around my research interests please contact me 

Collaborative research with Western Geobuild through Low Carbon Devon project: