Research papers

Murphy TR, Hanley ME, Ellis JE, Lunt PH (2024) Soil saturation limits early oak establishment in upland pastures for restoration of Atlantic oak woodlands. Forest Ecology and Management, 561, 121895. (Open access)

Lunt PH, Fuller K, Fox M, Goodhew S, Murphy TR (2022) Comparing the thermal conductivity of three soil types under differing moisture and density conditions for use in green infrastructure. Soils Use & Management.  (Open access) 

Murphy TR, Hanley ME, Ellis JE, Lunt PH (2022) Optimising opportunities for oak woodland expansion into upland pastures. Ecological Solutions & Evidence, 3. e12126.  (Open access) - summary 

Fox M, Morewood J, Murphy T, Lunt P, Goodhew S (2022) Living wall systems for improved thermal performance of existing buildings. Building and Environment.  (Open access) - summary

Murphy TR, Hanley ME, Ellis JE, Lunt PH (2021) Native woodland establishment improves soil hydrological functioning in UK upland pastoral catchments. Land Degradation & Development.  (Open Access) - summary

Murphy TR, Hanley ME, Ellis JE, Lunt PH (2019) Deviation between projected and observed precipitation trends greater with altitude. Climate Research 79: 77-89. - summary