
State of Temperate Rainforest in SW England

Principle Investigator - lead author of first State of Temperate Rainforests report and mapping for SW England for the South West Rainforest Alliance. Worked with University of Plymouth team to access extent, status, condition, threats and challenges, restoration opportunities and knowledge gaps  associated with temperate rainforest habitat.

Growing in Small Spaces  

Principle Investigator - investigating the influence of biochar form and functionality for fertiliser free growing. (Principle Investigator). Working with Trimplants Wholesale Garden Nursery - 

Presentations of the project and initial results can be viewed - here 

Piloting precision Pastoralism: moving upland agriculture into a big data world

Co-investigator - Development and testing of methodology to assay potential future application of GPS, and accelerometry technology for precision agriculture and application of Nature-based Solutions within UK upland pastoral settings.

Data Accessibility for River Catchment Environmental Enhancement (DARCEE)

Co-investigator - understanding and overcoming disparity between data accessibility and data usability to support enhanced community led decision making in local catchments. Working with the Yealm Estuary to Moor (YEM) group. 

Mapping Treescape Narratives

Principle Investigator - trans disciplinary project on creative illustrative mapping approach to help better understand the perspectives, challenges and common values of key stakeholders for initiating woodland regeneration a UK upland commons.

Trees for Climate

Principle Investigator - transdisciplinary project funded through Sustainable Earth Institutes 'Creative Associates' program. Worked with Marketing agency 'Just Enough Brave' to create communication tools (e.g. to engage members of the public and landowners with woodland restoration opportunities and research. 

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