Course Essentials

"My philosophy of education is that all students are unique and must have a stimulating educational environment where they can grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. It is my desire to create this type of atmosphere where students can meet their full potential. I will assist my students to express themselves and accept themselves for who they are, as well embrace the differences of others and to make sure we build a connection.”

Course Description

Course Description:

A course designed for, but not restricted to, undecided students and persons in career transition. Includes self-exploration, career exploration and job search strategies. Specific topics include adult development theory and the changes that occur over the lifespan, extensive exploration and assessment of one's skills, values, interests and personality, analysis of career possibilities to determine individual fit, introduction to resources for educational and career planning, an intensive career investigation, decision making, goal setting and motivation, and job search and interview techniques. (CSU) (Degree Credit)


Upon successful completion of COUN 151 F, the student will be able to:

  • produce a resume in an assigned format.
  • research a specific career, then state and explain conclusions about fit.

Why this course is important to you.

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Stimulating Educational Environment


Your Career Planner, 11th edition, 2017 (Borchard, Bonner, Musich)

I will provide the textbook chapters readings and accompanying assignments.