Skills, Field Adventures and Leadership Role

Software & IT Skills:

Field Trips Experiences

BSRG - British Sedimentological Research Group core workshop, 2014

Location: British Geological Society, Nottingham, U.K

BSRG - Postgraduate Field Trip – Sponsored by BG and BP Petroleum groups, 2013

Location: Dorset and Devonshire Coast, U.K.

AASP – The Palynological Society, 2013

Location: Napa Valley, California, U.S

Departmental field trips (University of Plymouth, UK) – Lyme Ridges and Weymouth, U.K, 2012

Consulting job by Salem University, Nigeria - Campano-Maastrichtian, Mount Patty and Abgaje Formation Lokoja, 2010

Departmental field trips by ATBU, Bauchi, Nigeria – Cretaceous Basin Northern Benue Trough, 2005

Software and IT Skills

- Cyclolog 3.0, Core Cad, Arc-Gis, Stratabugs 1.8, Sed-Log, C2 & Microsoft Office proficiency, Technolog, Petrel and Petrolog

Leadership Role

PAGES / Early Career Networking: Regional Representative (North America / African Continents)

Geological Society of America (GSA): Technical and presenters slides team lead support, Baltimore, Denver - 2015-2016

Japanese Geoscience Union (JpGU): Panel member students award 2019, Mukuhari Messi, Chiba, Japan