Personal Statement

I am a geologist with expertise in Earth Surface Processes, Meteorology and Climatology, Micropaleontology Advanced Palynology, Systematic Paleontology, Physical Oceanography, Evolution of the Earth, Stratigraphy, Petroleum and Sedimentary Geology. My research and teaching focuses on combining original and innovative techniques in the underlined courses to answer timely research questions in both pure and applied aspects of the Earth sciences, and paleoenvironmental change. I am interested in understanding the environmental causes that influence sediment supply, depositional environment and marine and terrestrial ecosystems, from recent to older periods. I am equally committed to teaching and conducting scientific research that control or drive the internal components of earth, climate systems (vegetation, sea, land, air,) and sedimentary succession. Thus, my research and teachings generally focuses on issues related to geology, palaeontology, geochemistry, sedimentology, paleoenvironmental change, oil and gas exploration, and academic research.