Courses Taught

Courses Taught (Developed Courses Underlined)

1. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow and Adjunct Teaching Professor, MST, USA 11/2016 to present

GEOLOGY 4721 Meteorology and Climatology (LEC 3.0) An introduction to the atmospheric and climatic systems of the Earth including weather, paleoclimatology, and global climate change. Prerequisites: GEOLOGY 1110 or GEOLOGY 1120 or equivalent.

GEOLOGY 5741 Micropaleontology (LEC 2.0 and LAB 1.0) This course studies the fossil and soft-body characteristics of bacteria, protists, microinvertebrates and organic-walled microfossils (palynomorphs). Focused discussions on systematics, evolutionary histories, paleoecology, and geologic applications of the microfossil groups. Extraction of foraminifera and palynomorphs from rocks in lab. Prerequisite: Geology 3631 5

GEOLOGY 6611 Advanced Palynology (LEC 1.0 and LAB 2.0) Study of the processes of sporopollenin preservation, sedimentation and palynofacies. Major emphasis on independent palynostratigraphic research. Chronicle of Phaneozoic palynology in lectures.

GEOLOGY 3631 Systematic Paleontology (LAB 1.0 and LEC 2.0) Introduction to paleontological principles, biostratigraphy, paleoenvironments, and the study of fossil invertebrates, microfossils, plants and palynology. Emphasis of the course is on fossil morphology, classification, and environmental relationships. Prerequisite: Geology 1110 or Geology 1120 or Bio Sci 1113

GEOLOGY 1141 Physical Oceanography (LEC 3.0) An introduction to the study of the physical and geological processes in the world's oceans including the importance of the oceans to the environment and to life on Earth. Prerequisites: GEOLOGY 1110 or GEOLOGY 1120 or equivalent

GEOLOGY 1120 Evolution of the Earth (LEC 3.0) A survey of the Earth history from the coalescence of the solar system to the present and the events that have profoundly transformed the planet in the context of the dynamic feedback between physical and biological systems. A one day field trip is required. Prerequisites: Recommend Geo Eng 1150 or Geology 1110 or Bio Sci 1113 but not required.

GEOLOGY 1129 Evolution of the Earth Laboratory (LAB 1.0) Geology 1129 is designed to accompany Geology 1120 and consists of laboratory explorations of fundamental concepts in geology and the diversity of the fossil record. Prerequisite: Preceded or accompanied by Geology 1120

2. Demonstrator and Teaching Assistant, University of Liverpool, UK 2013-2016 GEOL 3811 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (LEC 2.0 and LAB 1.0) Introduction to the fundamental concepts and components of Geographic Information Systems. Techniques for acquiring, manipulating and analyzing digital terrain data for geological and geotechnical applications. GEOL 2620 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (LEC 3.0 and LAB 1.0) A comprehensive study of megascopic and microscopic characteristics of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Fundamental theories for their origin are presented. The class includes a trip to examine these rock types in the field. GEOL 3629 Stratigraphy Lab (LAB 1.0). This course re-enforces the principles of stratigraphy and sedimentation using "hands-on" laboratory procedures such as seive and pipette analyses, correlation problems, fence diagrams and stratigraphic maps. One field trip at student expense is required

3. Lecturer Salem University Lokoja, Nigeria 2010-2016 EAR 3620 Petroleum Geology, Stratigraphy and Sedimentation (LEC 3.0) Principles of physical stratigraphy, bio-stratigraphy and introductory sedimentation. Introduction to depositional systems, facies, unconformaties, stratigraphic nomenclature and correlation. One field trip at student expense is required. EAR 3310 Structural Geology (LEC 3.0) Students will develop of an appreciation for the geometrical beauty of geologic structures through an understanding of crustal deformation at scales from mineral lattices to tectonic plates. Field trip fee required. EAR 1311 Introduction to Physical Geology (LAB 1.0 and LEC 2.0) A study of Earth materials, surface features, internal structures and processes. Particular attention is paid to Earth resources, geological hazards, engineering and environmental problems. Prerequisite: Entrance requirements