Dr. Michael Pin-Chuan Lin (林品全 教授) is an Assistant Professor of Educational Technology at the Faculty of Education at Mount Saint Vincent University. He was an Educational Technology Specialist at the Centre for Innovation & Teaching Excellence and a Part-Time Faculty at the School of Business and Continuing Studies at Medicine Hat College (2020 Dec-2023 June). He is a certified university teacher and researcher in Educational Technology & Learning Design. His multidisciplinary research and teaching practice focuses on the latest uses of educational technology, including generative AI, to promote active learning in public schools and post-secondary classrooms. He aims to deepen understanding of students’ and teachers’ engagement with learning technologies, particularly focusing on chatbot-assisted learning, personalized learning, and learning analytics, to improve self-regulated learning and student achievement.   

Research Interests:
Chatbot Assisted Learning, Personalized Learning, Generative AI, Learning Analytics, Active Learning, Peer Review, Self-Regulated Learning

Recent Work

MHC Instructional Design

Due to confidentiality, Blackboard instructional design and course building samples can be requested by contacting Dr. Lin.


PhD Defence Slides

Education Chatbot

Learning Analytics Visualization Design

Course Development

Web Scraping with Python

Penetration Testing Project at Dalhousie University

Web and Mobiel App Design

Get in touch at Michael.Lin@msvu.ca