nStudy - Design of Learning Analytics

I worked with Dr. Philip Winne for the nStudy software projects (an open-source learning technology funded by SSHRC of Canada & NSF of the US). I brainstormed and conceptualized the idea of each learning analytics and template with my colleagues (Zahia Marzouk, Jovita Vytasek & Alexandra Patzak) at the Educational Psychology Lab at Simon Fraser University. We visualized and designed learning analytics and prototyped the software interface for improving students’ information problem solving and computational thinking skills based on self-regulated learning in K-12 and post-secondary education.

I used SmartDraw, draw.io, Microsoft Excel, and PowerPoint to design and produce these learning analytics and template prototypes.

The analytics shows the number of tags individual student tagged terms in an earth science lesson.

A novel learning analytics for teacher to understand individual student’s tagging activity

The analytics below shows whether a student produces a correct graph for the teacher.

Analytics for teacher informing the correctness of a graph produced by a student

The analytics shows the average number of tags a student made on each website for the teacher.

Analytics showing the average number of tags a student made on each website

The analytics shows the percentage of terms tagged by the students and the students who didn’t tag certain terms for the teacher.

The percentage of terms tagged by the students

This heatmap analytics shows the popularity of each term.

The colour of darker red represents the most popular term while the colder colour represents the less popular term

The analytics below incorporates the concept of heatmap to present the interaction between complexity of webpages, student tagging activity, and quantity of terms in a webpage.

Prototying a Scientific Investigation Preparation template on nStudy software for the students.