作品  Reality



"唢呐/VOICE" transports you back to your identity, reconnecting you with my roots in the bustling city of Qingdao while immersing you in the realities of a world far removed. It invites contemplation and reflection on the sensory experiences of sight, sound, and scent, prompting deeper understanding and appreciation of the present moment.

"唢呐/VOICE", Anyang Li, 2023 Film: Anyang Li, Stockholm ©Anyang Li Filmupphovsrätt 2023

Imitating the emblematic symbols of China's demolition culture:

The government using the character "拆" (signifying "demolish") on the walls of deteriorated homes for the construction of towering skyscrapers. Consequently, residents are coerced to evacuate within a designated timeframe, often receiving inadequate compensation. Many of these displaced individuals are left to reside amidst piles of refuse, struggling to sustain themselves through scavenging.

The advertising:

Those advertisements highlight the positive impacts their products could have on the environment and society. However, the factories owned by these companies are contributing to environmental pollution in developing countries. Additionally, the countries hosting these companies often perpetuate colonialist ideologies and routinely dispose of vast quantities of waste in developing nations. Consequently, these countries face mounting waste crises, with children growing up amidst sprawling garbage dumps. This piece presents a personal narrative drawn from my childhood memories, recounting an authentic event.

"唢呐/VOICE", Anyang Li, 2023 Film: Anyang Li, Stockholm ©Anyang Li Filmupphovsrätt 2023


Some Thrive, Others 

Barely Survive.

The girl with no shoes, painted on the shoebox

A boy playing with medicine needles as toys, painted on plastic

A young girl seated within a basket, her face and hand encircled by flies, painted on the reverse side of a political poster

新年/ New Year

Art project "New Year" or "Happy New Year" revolves around reality-installation-art and the tradition of bringing back memories related to cultural food, dumplings. The work "New Year" welcomes you to participate in making and eating traditional food together with me, my friends, and my parents in the art gallery. We will also engage in discussions about the most important aspects of food and the forgotten traditions. 




Moving 2020 - Relocating 2022

The artwork "Moving 2020 - Relocating 2022" authentically documents the state of my rented apartment from 2020, when it underwent repairs due to plumbing issues, until 2022. 

The process of moving lasted a full three years, during which I encountered numerous challenges. In total, I relocated nine times, negotiating with rental agencies, movers, construction companies, insurance firms, and property managers, while also juggling studies and two jobs. This ordeal nearly depleted me physically, but I am grateful and content because I view this experience as my artistic creation, allowing me to find joy in it every day and gain profound insights.



Daily Life

"Daily Life" portrays subway commuters through a 15-meter-long painting meticulously crafted from stitched-together vintage fabric, offering a vivid representation of the surfer lifestyle. The artwork captures the essence of 52 individuals as they navigate their everyday routines.