
Below, you’ll find my research output organised by type and year. For questions on any specific publication or dataset, feel free to get in contact.

Journal Articles


A. Romero-Ruiz, D. O'Leary, E. Daly, P. Tuohy, A. Milne, K. Coleman, A. Whitmore. An agrogeophysical modelling framework for the detection of soil compaction spatial variability due to grazing using field-scale electromagnetic induction data. Soil Use and Management. 2024. Article Link

D. O'Leary, C. Brogi, C. Brown, P. Tuohy, E. Daly, Linking electromagnetic induction data to soil properties at field scales aided by neural network clustering, Frontiers in Soil Science, Volume 4 Special Issue: Digital soil mapping using electromagnetic sensors, 2024. Article Link


D. O'Leary, C. Brown, M. G. Healy, S. Regan, E. Daly, Observations of intra-peatland variability using multiple spatially coincident remotely sensed data sources and machine learning, Geoderma, Volume 430, 2023. Article Link.

M.G. Healy, A. Siggins, K. Molloy, A.P. Potito, D. O'Leary, E. Daly, O. Callery, The impact of alternating drainage and inundation cycles on geochemistry and microbiology of intact peat cores, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 858, Part 1, 2023, Article Link.


D. O'Leary, C. Brown, E. Daly, Digital soil mapping of peatland using airborne radiometric data and supervised machine learning – Implication for the assessment of carbon stock, Geoderma, Volume 428, 2022. Article Link.

S. Monteverde, M.G. Healy, D. O'Leary, E. Daly, O. Callery, Management and rehabilitation of peatlands: The role of water chemistry, hydrology, policy, and emerging monitoring methods to ensure informed decision making, Ecological Informatics, Volume 69, 2022,. Article Link.


D. O’Leary. Mapping peat using radiometrics. Nat Rev Earth Environ 2, 523 (2021). Article Link.

M.J. Dolan, B.A. McCabe, K. Molloy, J. Murray, T. Henry, E. Daly, D. O'Leary. A Pleistocene deposit preserved in deep karst at Coolough, County Galway, western Ireland. Geological Journal. 2021. Article Link.

Research Projects

Project List

2023 - 2025: Project Title: ReWET. Project Organisations: Teagasc and University of Galway. Position: PostDoctoral Researcher. Project Site.



AgroGeo24 - Linking electromagnetic induction data to soil properties at field scales aided by neural network clustering. Link to Abstract.

EGU2023 - Using environmental radioactivity to create a national scale peatlands map: a case study from Ireland. Link to Abstract.

Soil Mapping for a Sustainable Future 2023 - Regional Mapping of Peatland Boundaries using Airborne Radiometric Data and Supervised Machine Learning. Link to Event.

AGU2022 - Data Driven Method for Selection of Optimum Number of Clusters in Earth Science Data using Centroid based Self-Organising Maps Clustering. Link to Abstract.

EGU2022 - Digital Soil Mapping of Peatlands using Airborne Radiometric Data and Supervised Machine Learning. Link to Abstract.

AgriGeo2022 - Large Scale EMI Survey linking Electrical Conductivity to Soil Type Properties using Machine Learning Classification Methods. Link to Abstract.

EGU2021 - Method to obtain optimum number of clusters in geo-spatial data using stability analysis of cluster centres. Link to Abstract.


IQUA 2023 Autumn Symposium -  Identifying the Transition Zone between Peat and Non-Peat Soils Using Airborne Radiometric Data.

ENVIRON23 - Using Tellus Airborne Radiometric data to update the national peatland map in Ireland - Link to Conference Brouchure

IGRM2023 - Using Tellus Airborne Radiometric data to update the national peatland map in Ireland.

IQUA 2023 Spring Symposium - Using Tellus Airborne Radiometric data to update the national peatland map in Ireland. Link to Abstract.

IQUA 2022 - Digital Soil Mapping of Peatlands using Airborne Radiometric Data and Supervised Machine Learning. Link to Abstract.

IGA 2021 - Mapping Peatland Boundaries and Intra-Peat variation using Radiometric Data and Machine Learning. Link to Presentation.

IAH 2021 - Mapping Peatland Boundaries and Intra-Peat variation using Radiometric Data and Machine Learning

IGRM 2021 - The potential of Self-Organising maps clustering to characterise a harvested peatland using airborne radiometric data and a digital elevation model.

IQUA 2020 - Defining peatland zones using self-organising map clustering on airborne radiometric data and OS digital elevation model. Link to Abstract.

IGRM 2020 - Potential of machine learning in linking national airborne radiometric data to soil class mapping.

Invited Positions/Speakers

Invited positions

September 2023 - May 2025 - Invited Researher to Univeristy of Galway during ReWet Postdoctoral Position with Teagasc. Invited by Dr Eve Daly

Invited Lectures

Academic years 2023 - 2024:

EV102 - Hot Topics in Environmental Scicence. Invited as part of lecture series to 1st Year Environmental Sciences degree, University of Galway. Invited by Dr Anthony Grehan

EOS3102 - Introduction ot Applied and Environmental Geophysics. Invited to give lecture on Radiometric method to 3rd Year Earth and Ocean Sciences degree, University of Galway. Invited by Dr Eve Daly

Invited Talks

November 2023 - University of Applied Sciences, Freising, Germany - Invited as speaker to MSc in Climate Change Management. Title: "Mapping the Peatlands of Ireland: Understanding spatial variation using remote sensing and machine learning." Invited by Martina Schlaipfer and Prof. Dr. Matthias Drösler. Link to talk here

April 2023 - Mc Masters University, Canada - Invited as speaker to Lab meeting of The Gonsamo Group. Title: "Geo spatial mapping: combining remote sensing and machine learning to map the peatlands of Ireland." Invited by Dr Alemu Gonsamo

March 2023 - Geotop Student Conference, Quebec, Canada - Invited as Keynote speaker to Student conference hosted by Geotop Research Institute, Quebec. Title: "Geo spatial mapping: combining remote sensing and machine learning to map the peatlands of Ireland." Invited by Dr Nicole Sanderson



Tellus Peatmap (academic version only) COMING SOON.
