Curriculum vitae


Teagsc, Food Research Centre, Moorepark

00353 (0)87 6644830 | DAVEOLEARYPHD@GMAIL.COM

Research Interest

Geophysics, Machine Learning, Spatial Analysis, Soil, Carbon, GIS



Post Doctoral Researcher, |July 2023 - May 2025

A Department of Agriculture and Marine funded project called ReWET, with a focus on assessing the application and impact of water table management on carbon-rich soils.

The aplication of geophysics withing the remit of this project.

Aid supervision and mentoring of a PhD student on this research team.

Complete a Professional Diploma in Research at UCD


Research Assistant, | February 2023 – July 2023

A Geological Survey, Ireland (GSI) funded position with the objective of creating a national Tellus Peatland Map using GSI acquired airborne geophysical data.


PhD Researcher | October 2018 – January 2023

As a PhD Researcher I have the following skills and responsibilities:

Work both independently and within the research group on my research

Maintain and update existing geophysical equipment such as GPS devices, geophysical sensors, and desktop/data loggers.

Plan and undertake fieldwork as part of my PhD.

Excellent written and verbal communication skills. 

Excellent time management and organisational skills


Chief Field Geophysicist | August 2012 – September 2018

This role was rotation based onboard scientific vessels, where I had the following personal and professional responsibilities.

Worked in a remote environment, leading a multicultural team of 5+ people, away from home for prolonged periods.

Delivered results on multiple seismic projects in excess of $100M.

Communicated with our support office and updated them on progress/issues.

Represented all field geophysicists (400+) across the company as an elected community leader.

Trained and mentored all new employees in department.


2024 - University College Dublin - Prof.Dip Research

2023 - University of Galway - PhD Earth and Ocean Science 

2010 - University of Leeds – MSc in Exploration Geophysics (62.5% Pass with Merit)

2009 - University of Galway – BSc in Earth and Ocean Science (70 % First Class Honors)

2005 - Kilkenny College - Leaving Certificate (465 points obtained)

Publications and Conferences

Romero-Ruiz, A.,  O'Leary, D., Daly, E., Tuohy, P., Milne, A., Coleman, K., Whitmore, A., 2024. An agrogeophysical modelling framework for the detection of soil compaction spatial variability due to grazing using field-scale electromagnetic induction data. Soil Use and Management, Volume 40

O'Leary, D., Brogi, C., Brown, C.,Tuohy, P., Daly, E., 2024. Linking electromagnetic induction data to soil properties at field scales aided by neural network clustering, Frontiers in Soil Science, Volume 4 Special Issue: Digital soil mapping using electromagnetic sensors

O’Leary, D., Brown, C., Healy, M.G., Regan, S., Daly, E., 2023 Observations of intra-peatland variability using multiple spatially coincident remotely sensed data sources and machine learning. Geoderma Volume 430.

Healy, M.G., Siggins, A., Molloy, K., Potito, A.P., O’Leary, D., Daly, E., Callery, O., 2023 The impact of alternating drainage and inundation cycles on geochemistry and microbiology of intact peat cores. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 858 Part 1

O’Leary, D., Brown C., and Daly, E., 2022 Digital soil mapping of peatland using airborne radiometric data and supervised machine learning – implication for the assessment of carbon stock. Geoderma, Volume 428.

S. Monteverde, M.G. Healy, D. O'Leary, E. Daly, O. Callery, 2022 Management and rehabilitation of peatlands: The role of water chemistry, hydrology, policy, and emerging monitoring methods to ensure informed decision making, Ecological Informatics, Volume 69

O’Leary, D. 2021 Mapping peat using radiometrics.  Nat Rev Earth Environ 2, 523.

Dolan, MJ., McCabe, BA., Molloy, K., Murray, J., Henry, T., Daly, E., O’Leary, D., 2021 A Pleistocene deposit preserved in deep karst at Coolough, County Galway, western Ireland. Geological Journal; 56: 1897-1910

International Conference presentations (online and in person) 

AgroGeo24 - Linking electromagnetic induction data to soil properties at field scales aided by neural network clustering.

EGU2023 - Using environmental radioactivity to create a national scale peatlands map: a case study from Ireland. 

AGU2022 - Data Driven Method for Selection of Optimum Number of Clusters in Earth Science Data using Centroid based Self-Organising Maps Clustering 

EGU2022 - Digital Soil Mapping of Peatlands using Airborne Radiometric Data and Supervised Machine Learning

AgriGeo2022 - Large Scale EMI Survey linking Electrical Conductivity to Soil Type Properties using Machine Learning Classification Methods.

EGU2021 - Method to obtain optimum number of clusters in geo-spatial data using stability analysis of cluster centres.

National Conference presentations (online and in person) 

IQUA 2023 Autumn Symposium -  Identifying the Transition Zone between Peat and Non-Peat Soils Using Airborne Radiometric Data.

ENVIRON23 - Using Tellus Airborne Radiometric data to update the national peatland map in Ireland

IGRM2023 - Using Tellus Airborne Radiometric data to update the national peatland map in Ireland.

IQUA 2023 - Using Tellus Airborne Radiometric data to update the national peatland map in Ireland.

IQUA 2022 - Digital Soil Mapping of Peatlands using Airborne Radiometric Data and Supervised Machine Learning

IGA 2021 - Mapping Peatland Boundaries and Intra-Peat variation using Radiometric Data and Machine Learning

IAH 2021 - Mapping Peatland Boundaries and Intra-Peat variation using Radiometric Data and Machine Learning

IGRM 2021 - The potential of Self-Organising maps clustering to characterise a harvested peatland using airborne radiometric data and a digital elevation model.

IQUA 2020 - Defining peatland zones using self-organising map clustering on airborne radiometric data and OS digital elevation model.

IGRM 2020 - Potential of machine learning in linking national airborne radiometric data to soil class mapping.


April 2023: “Bringing Vigo Cave into the 21st Century” - Presentation as part of outreach event in Burren Geopark

2023: “How can we tell how much Peat is in Ireland?” - Online article for RTE Brainstorm series about the use of remote sensing for peatland mapping

2023: “Machine Learning for Peatland mapping: Bringing Peatlands into the 21st Century.” -  Article published in Irish Peatland Conservation Council’s bi-annual newsletter “Peatland News”

Invited Talks/Lectures

November 2023 - University of Applied Sciences, Freising, Germany - Invited as speaker to MSc in Climate Change Management. Title: "Mapping the Peatlands of Ireland: Understanding spatial variation using remote sensing and machine learning." Invited by Martina Schlaipfer and Prof. Dr. Matthias Drösler. Link to talk here

April 2023 - Mc Masters University, Canada - Invited as speaker to Lab meeting of The Gonsamo Group. Title: "Geo spatial mapping: combining remote sensing and machine learning to map the peatlands of Ireland." Invited by Dr Alemu Gonsamo

March 2023 - Geotop Student Conference, Quebec, Canada - Invited as Keynote speaker to Student conference hosted by Geotop Research Institute, Quebec. Title: "Geo spatial mapping: combining remote sensing and machine learning to map the peatlands of Ireland." Invited by Dr Nicole Sanderson

Academic years 2023 - 2024:

EV102 - Hot Topics in Environmental Scicence. Invited as part of lecture series to 1st Year Environmental Sciences degree, University of Galway. Invited by Dr Anthony Grehan

EOS3102 - Introduction ot Applied and Environmental Geophysics. Invited to give lecture on Radiometric method to 3rd Year Earth and Ocean Sciences degree, University of Galway. Invited by Dr Eve Daly

Funding and Awards

GSI Shortcall 2022 (GSI-SC_015): Mapping peatlands on a national scale using airborne geophysical data. Value: €30k 

AGU2022 Hydrogeophysics Section Technical Committee Contest. Value: $150

Digital soil mapping of peatland using airborne radiometric data and supervised machine learning – implication for the assessment of carbon stock. Irish Quaternary Association: Valerie Hall Award. Value €250

Regional Mapping of Peatland Boundaries using Airborne Radiometric Data and Supervised Machine Learning. Irish Quaternary Association: Eileen O’Reilly Postgraduate Research Award. Value: €500

The acquisition of ground electrical conductivity data on a Teagasc Heavy soil Programme farm for high precision soil mapping and biomass growth modelling. Thomas Crawford Hayes Research Award. Value: €990

CMD Mini Explorer electrical conductivity meter. NUIG 2019 New Equipment and Upgrade, Replacement, Repair & Maintenance Call. Value: €20k

Geophysical remote sensing of subsurface properties for sustainable agricultural management. Irish Research Council Grant: GOIPG-2018-233. Value: €96K