Facilitating water table management on carbon rich soils

The main objective of REWET is to assess the application and impact of water table management on carbon-rich soils. 

Specific aims:

1. Establish the suitability of lands for rewetting and identify the optimum locations for rewetting efforts. 

2. Identify artificial drainage features and design efficient methods to undermine these effectively.

3. Quantify the impacts on field-scale hydrology.

4. Measure impacts on the hydrology of surrounding lands.

5. Evaluate the benefits in emission reduction, biodiversity and wider ecosystem services and appraise land use options in rewetted areas.


13 sites have been identified around the country in collaboration with European Innovation Projects (EIP), Biodiversity projects and the National Agricultural Soil Carbon Observatory (NASCO).

A collection of researchers from Teagasc and University of Galway interested in grassland on peat soils and the what, when, where and how to go about rewetting these soils. This photo was taken on one of the ReWet sites during the Teagasc Grass on Peat workshop in Gurteen College in May 2023.

ReWet Overview presentation

A presentation outlining the aims and onbjectives of the ReWET project

Rewet Overview_March2023.pptx


Contact rewet.crs@gmail.com to get more information on the project