

Faculty: Arvin Farid, Jim Browning, Elisa H. Barney Smith, Jon Bender, Ken A. Cornell

Students: Vahab Bolvardi, Atena Najafi, Mahsa Azad, Harlan Sangrey


EM fields can oscillate water dipole molecules, which can in turn stimulate mechanisms such as airflow, seepage, microbial activities, desorption, and volatilization. Several soil remediation technologies inject air into soil to enhance microbial activities for bioremediation and volatilization of organic contaminants for soil cleanup. The goal of this study is to electromagnetic ally stimulate mechanisms to enhance soil remediation. Recent research has also shown a strong potential to mitigate liquefaction by air sparging. Increasing air injection pressure will create air channels within high porosity zones for easy airflow. These channels are preferential paths for flow of the majority of the injected air. The size, spacing, and formation of these air channels cannot be controlled and air diffusion between these channels is extremely slow. Electric current has become popular to enhance remediation processes. However, electric current will find preferential paths of relatively higher electrical conductivity. In sandy or even highly conductive lossy clayey soils, relatively higher conductivity zones are the same high porosity zones, previously taken by air channels. EM waves can oscillate water dipole molecules to stimulate and enhance different transport mechanisms and increase hydraulic conductivity. EM waves propagate better in zones of low conductivity (low porosity zones (untouched by the previously mentioned methods). EM waves antennas can be designed to operate above ground, be directive to input more power in desired direction, and focus energy into desired locations with constructive radiation patterns. The heating effect due to oscillation by an EM field can also be controlled more easily than electric fields, using low voltage high frequency waves. Effect of variations in frequency and power level on enhancement of different transport mechanisms and microbial activities need to be studied. This study is essential for developing theoretical models necessary to simulate these interactions. In addition to enhancing airflow, the stimulation has the potential to enhance volatilization, microbial activities, and desorption of chemicals and heavy metals from soil-grains for cleanup. 
