
Note to prospective students: I enjoy doing research and advising students, but I don't currently have any funding from external sources and am not eligible to receive funding from the university to support students. As most inquiries include the desire/need for funding, I am making my status known to you in advance. If you have an inquiry that does not require funding, I would be very happy to hear from you. - Dr B.

Code and data produced by my research

My research focuses on image processing and pattern recognition. These have been applied to many topics. This page includes details.

Copies of papers that don't have copyright restrictions.

This list is pretty up to date.

Courtesy of Boise State's library and its Scholarworks project.

Google does a pretty good job of keeping track of my publications if you want to see what I have published and what is being cited. A lot is read, and used in implementation, but not cited.

The local and national press sometimes describe my work. They give good lay descriptions.