Theatre II

About Theatre II

This course focuses on empowering students to think critically about their school work, community and themselves through theatre. We will learn how to analyze and create characters, relationships and stories. Over the semester, students will have an appreciation for the theatre arts. Acting in groups, in pairs and by themselves is a course requirement. You will be REQUIRED to perform onstage in front of classmates and others. We will strive to collectively create an atmosphere full of people who enjoy theatre and love to have fun, but who also know the importance of artistic discipline and diligent work. You must have PASSED Theatre I to register for this class.

Google Classroom and Zoom Links

Google Classroom Codes

Period 3- sjimtcy Period 8-btzhvib

Zoom Meeting Passcodes

Period 3- 9R3taK Period 8-2f47Rq

Communication with Ms. Romer

Email: Phone: 469.319.9886 Zoom: Meeting ID- 905 734 7374 Passcode- 5IyUjl

  • This will be the best way to communicate with Ms. Romer.

  • Follow the instructions to the left OR click this link to connect.

  • Text @ec8f987 to 81010.

Assignment Calendar

Virtual Syllabus

Theatre II Virtual Syllabus

Important Links