
Leadership In Team Engineering (LITE)

Mission: To offer broader learning experiences through multidisciplinary teams collaborating with community organizations and businesses to come up with creative solutions for real-world issues.

Summary: The LITE program (Leadership in Team Engineering) is a new establishment at the University of California Santa Barbara campus. Modeled after the National Epics program as well as the Stanford Design Institute, LITE incorporates innovative solutions to inspiring and educating students of all majors.

[UCSB] Co-instructor ECE 4: Freshman Design Course

The department approved our concept course and we expanded it by working with the life science department to have students developed sensor systems to monitor environmental changes in the UCSB lagoon.

Active Role:

Lectured on team dynamics and system design. Also led discussion and lab sections. Acted as liaison between students and life science faculty mentor.

[UCSB] ECE 194: Pilot Freshman Design Course

Pilot course for new innovative ways to teach design to freshman students.

Active Role:

Designed and led lab section. I developed ways to use Laview and Lego Mindstorms to teach data acquisition and analysis.

[UCSB] ECE 132: Introduction to Semiconductor Physics

A introductory course for undergraduates about the basics of solid state physics and electronic devices.

Active Role:

I lead my own discussion session as well as taught a lecture on semiconductor PN junctions. I often used materials such as randomly numbered pieces of paper to encourage discussion and participation.

Teams in Engineering Service (TIES)

An innovative service-learning academic program putting UC San Diego undergraduates and their technical and creative skills to work for San Diego non-profit organizations. Multi-disciplinary teams of UCSD students design build and deploy projects that solve technology-based problems for community partners.

Active Role:

I was the first teaching assistant for this course because of my experience working in teams. I also taught a course in team dynamics.