
By the late 1880's there was no doubt that America's bicycle craze was in full swing. Bicycles revolutionized personal transport and introduced an unimaginable amount of freedom and mobility to Americans, especially women. New technological advances during that time such as equal-sized wheels, a chain drive, and pneumatic tires, enabled a much safer and comfortable ride further fueling the bicycle’s popularity...

Alzheimer's is a devastating neurodegenerative disease that slowly erases the very thing that makes us who we are—our minds. While major advances in neuroimaging have allowed us to visualize structural, functional and temporal features of the brain in great detail, researchers are limited in their abilities to target specific brain functions. Current interdisciplinary research combining techniques from genetics, biochemistry, and photonics to control the functions of single neurons, however, may be the key to unlocking targeted treatments and much more...

Your Facebook feed, last night’s Halo session, or the ads you saw this morning all came from artificial Intelligence (AI). Despite more than sixty years of research in this field, we are just beginning to implement AI in our daily lives which has left many wondering what our world will be like with further adoption of this technology. One example of what we might expect is to look at our relationship with Siri, Apple's personal digital assistant. With a click of a button, we ask Siri to traverse the digital world to find movie times, control the living room thermostat, or predict the weather. Although very few of us would actually ask Siri for help in public, most agree that it represents a large step for AI. So, how did Siri become such an accepted part of everyday life and what can it teach us about how we will live with AI tomorrow?

Congress wasn't happy on September 21st when they grilled Mylan CEO Heather Bresch on why her company had raised the price of the EpiPen by over 500% in recent years. For many, the thought of allergy patients unable to afford access to life-saving medicine due to the price hike was outrageous. But for a community of DIY-hackers, it was a call to action.

You just got a new cell phone, but before you know it you’re seeing ads for the next gen model and you haven’t even figured out how to change the background of your current phone. It might seem like the progression of technology is a relentless juggernaut. However, the truth is it takes a lot to keep innovation moving and many of today’s best tools happen to take advantage of the new advancements in photonics, an ever growing field.