Yan Zheng


Technology and public policy professional with +13 years working in the technology development pipeline. Looking to leverage experience in STEM education, research and development, management, business development, and entrepreneurial activities into high impact results for organizations.

Professional Experience

Special Projects Coordinator

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Microsystems Technology office

Special projects coordinator responsible for management and development of a >$100 million research and development initiative to significantly boost electronics and computing innovation. Worked with internal stakeholders across the agency and commercial industry through targeted outreach, to convey the impact of the initiative's research efforts through communications tactics, aligning communications efforts across the office through strategic plans, products and services, and consistent messages. Lead the development and execution of several large research programs aligned to the agency’s and the office’s goals, mission and vision. As the liaison to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering, I ensured alignment and communication of research in the office to the Department of Defense.

  • Planned and organized large public workshops that reached out to the broader scientific, defense, and commercial industrial base to communicate program initiatives and research interests.
  • Liaison to Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering, ensured alignment and communication of research in the office to the Department of Defense.
  • Coordinated with the public affairs office and the IT department to develop a public facing website communicating the various research efforts in the office; developed an action plan that was able to roll out a website 90 days less than originally estimated.
  • Coordinated the flow down and execution of requirements and guidelines from the Office of the Secretary of Defense to the DARPA Microsystems Technology Office leadership.

Congressional Fellow

Office of Senator Christoper A. Coons of Delaware

Developed economic development and innovation policy including: access to capital and business services for small business startups, tax reform to spur domestic manufacturing, modernize workforce training incentives, and establishing nonprofit entities for the government to raise private sector funds for R&D. Built relationships with stakeholders such as think tanks, advocacy organizations, trade associations, and government entities to advance policy. Worked with Delaware organizations to increase new business ventures in the state including the University of Delaware and the new $250M Department of Commerce backed biopharmaceutical manufacturing institute.

  • Drafted policy recommendations, decision memos, and public remarks for the Senator.
  • Managed and coordinated events for the Senate Competitiveness Caucus.
  • Developed legislation to:
    1. Enable the government to engage with the private sector to form public-private partnerships to commercialize technology.
    2. Adjusted tax incentives to promote industrial R&D and domestic manufacturing.
    3. Enabled agencies to expand entrepreneurial programs like NSF’s i-Corps and allowed SBIR awardees to claim business training and patent costs as valid expenses

Technology Advisor

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Microsystems Technology office

Program development lead responsible for managing a team of consultants to develop business analysis, technology gap assessment and program strategy for clients. Developed new strategy to grow portfolio of small business grants, resulted in a 300% average increase in grants per client. Analyzed data and convened government, private, and academic partners to help client develop research projects aligned with defense department priorities and policies.

  • Engaged stakeholders in government, academia, and industry to identify “DARPA hard” technical challenges which led to the development of three multidisciplinary research programs totaling more than $150 million in funding.
  • Created plan to manage small business research grants resulting in a portfolio totaling >$35 million across multiple topic areas and included over 30 individual small business.
  • Developed small businesses commercialization strategies for transitioning technology; one strategy plan revealed an unforeseen market and resulted in collaboration with a leading manufacturer.
  • Conducted evaluation and assessment of proposals and ongoing programs including small business research, young faculty awards, broad agency announcements, and academic grants.
  • Managed a diverse 5-member consulting team with included programmatic, financial, and PhD-level subject matter experts


University of California, Santa Barbara


Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of California, Santa Barbara


M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of California, San Diego


B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering


Institute of Electrical and Eelctronics Engineers Congressional Fellowship

Outstanding Performance Award

OIC-Instructional Improvement Grant (UC Santa Barbara)

Jacobs School of Engineering, Student Leadership Award

UCSD IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award

IEEE Student Branch Membership Growth Award







Community Engagement

UC Santa Barbara 2007-2011

  • Mentored for NSF-sponsored National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network program; as well as high school and under-represented community colleges students in 4 summer mentorship programs.

Washington D.C. 2012-2014

  • Mentored D.C. middle school students in public speaking for Asian American Lead (AALEAD)