Teacher evaluation questions

Making Science Learning Great Again - Course Evaluation Survey 2018-19

Dear Students, Teaching and learning is a unique experience which needs continuous evaluation and improvisation. At UWC Changshu China, we value the needs for such assessment and improvisation to make your education worthy and enjoyable. This survey is a part of that process. I urge you to be sincere and constructive in responding to this survey to help us use it for your benefits. The survey will take 15 to 20 minutes of your time. All questions in this survey are compulsory. The survey is not anonymous, however, feel free to express yourself without any fear. To maintain conformity of participation, you can only access this through your UWC mail ID. I assure you that your identity will be protected at every cost. I thank you in advance for completing this survey and helping us make science learning great again! Best wishes, Head of Sciences

1. Which class you are in?

2. For which subject are you responding to this survey?

3. Who is your teacher for this subject?

4. Has your teacher explained you the nature of the subject and its assessment expectations?

5. Does your teacher state the objective/s of the learning at the beginning or during each class? (e.g. saying that today we will learn ..... during the class and by the end of the class you will .......; or having written this somewhere in the classroom where you can see it)

6. How do you find the teacher's preparedness for your class? (Please choose as many as appropriate)

    1. The teacher is punctual to the class

    2. The teacher takes our attendance promptly, within the first five minutes of the class time

    3. The materials necessary for teaching and learning are posted or prepared before the beginning of the class

    4. The teacher has a prepared strategy to use the entire lesson time for teaching and learning

    5. None of the above

7. How is the content and concepts of learning communicated to you in the class? (Please choose as many answers as apporopriate)

    1. The teacher gives lecture for the entire class

    2. The teacher gives lecture and shows visual presentations (e.g Power point, movies, etc) for the entire class.

    3. The teacher gives a short lecture and directs us to learn from resources given to us, individually

    4. The teacher gives a short lecture and directs us to learn from resources given to us, individually and in groups

    5. The teachers shares one or more resources before the class, and discusses the content with us individually and also in groups

    6. None of the above

8. How do you assess your learning in this class? (Please choose as many as appropriate)

    1. We have the opportunity to express our understanding through written tests

    2. We have the opportunity to express our understanding through class discussions

    3. We have the opportunity to express our understanding through online forum (e.g. ManageBac, Edmodo, WeChat etc.)

    4. We have the opportunity to express our understanding through individual and group presentations

    5. We have the opportunity to express our understanding through peer discussion

    6. None of the above

9. How do you get any feedback on your learning? (Please choose as many as appropriate)

    1. I just get to see the marks on my tests

    2. I get to see specific comments for improvement and marks on my tests

    3. My teacher gives me individual oral feedback on ways to improve

    4. My teacher gives feedback and also allows my peers to give their feedback on my work

    5. My teachers gives continuous feedback on my learning process

    6. None of the above

10. During the classes do you often get opportunities for collaboration with your peers for learning and evaluation?

11. Briefly state three positive impacts you have due to your learning experiences in this class (you may write more).

12. State three things/activities/learning style that you like in this class.

13. What are the barriers to learning in this class?

14. What would you like to improve in this class to make your learning meaningful?

15. Please feel free to write any concern or praise that you would like your teacher to know. Also, suggest (if it is a concern) how you would like your teacher can help address the concern.