Advisory reports

Dear All,

we need to prepare for advisory comments which is separate from your subject reports by your subject teachers. Therefore, I would like you all to think about the following questions and answer me by this coming Wednesday during advisory group. The questions address three different areas:

1- your academic progress in all subjects ;

2- your zhixing activity progress ;

3- your advisory group (which I have to write about your progress and activeness in our group).

Please think about your subjects and write me your progress including the beginning of the last year (for DP2) and beginning of this year (DP1 and FP). Write any difficulties you have faced with in each subject and how is your current situation. You need to explain about your zhixing progress and our advisory group as well.

I will check your each subject teacher reports before finalizing the report which means please do not write anything except the truth because your subject teachers will address that in your reports. I also check your grades for all the subjects. Please be honest about yourself and your current situation. Thanks.

You can send me this via email not through wechat.

Here is a sample of advisory comment by advisor:

Sample 1 :

I am sorry to report that John Wick’s year exam grades didn’t reflect his true ability and potential in most subjects and were far below expectation. I share his subject teachers’ concerns and found that him being absent from classes was the biggest problem as he missed a lot of content. These absences have taken toll on his performance. At times he was also unprepared for class. Obviously, the effort John has put into his subjects was neither sufficient nor consistent which is reflected in his grades. We had a long talk to review his overall performance and I hope it will bring a transformation and actually help. I am sure John has leaned an important lesson from his academic result and I look forward to seeing him perform better next year.

Outside the classroom, John has been actively involved in various Zhi Xing activities, such as ASAP and football. He has particularly enjoyed working with the ASAP team and being involved in the activity planning process. I am pleased that John has grown really passionately towards the cause and hopes to do something similar in his own country in the future. John has been balancing his busy campus life with fitness training for football, practicing weekly.

As his Advisor, I am very happy to have John in my Advisor group and I find him a helpful and sociable young man. For instance, he always initiates our Advisor group discussions and has been self-motivated putting effort into different kinds of activities organized by our Advisor group and the House. I hope that John will continue to play a prime role in our school life next year.

Sample 2

John Wayne has joined the IBDP with a reasonably solid English background as a student coming from Mainland China. He has demonstrated good ability in most of his subjects. He should be congratulated for one excellent, two very good and two good exam grades achieved in five of his courses. However, I read his subject teachers’ reports and shared their concern that towards the second semester John’s enthusiasm and attendance dropped and he has worked steadily but with an increased effort he could do better. He does not always stay focused during class. Obviously, there is room for John to improve and show his real potential. He has been making good progress in all of his subjects, his teachers pointed out, Chemistry in particular. I look forward to seeing John set a higher target for himself and am confident that he will do better next academic term.

John has continued to be an active member in his Zhi Xing activities and enjoyed the teamwork with Share Arts with All. I am so pleased to know that John not only helped his service team leaders to organize the activities successfully over the past year, he also played a key role for contacting NGOs for next year’s cooperation and partnership. John has gained a lot of knowledge about education equity issues around the world, which have broadened his horizon significantly. Through the year, he has developed his valuable skills with writing articles in English for the college journal. He has improved his English speaking and debating skills remarkably as one of the English Debate team members.

I enjoyed having John in my Advisor group and found him an open-minded and proactive young man as well as a helpful member who made our group more interactive and friendly. John volunteered to be involved in many kinds of activities organized by the Advisor group and House.



Mid-year Advisory Report 2019-2020

For students

Please take the time in one Advisory meeting to handwrite a reflection on the first semester, summarizing the following four aspects of your overall experience in three areas, namely, Academics, Co-curricular, and residential living.

1. Describe what happened

Describe what happened in each area. How was your attendance and engagement in each area? What are goals have your achieved in each area? What are some highlights and challenges? How did you (or do you plan) to overcome the challenges? What is the most important take-away in each area?

2. Express feelings

What made you feel the best/worst? What choices might have resulted in different feelings and outcomes? How did you overcome frustration and difficulties? What has been the main source of your motivation? To what extent are you satisfied with the outcomes?

3. Generating ideas

What have these experiences shown you about yourself? How do you think you would improve in each area in the coming semester?

4. Ask questions

How does your experience of this semester change/affect you as a learner (be specific, e.g. subjects, and activities, in everyday living)?

Mid-year Advisory Report 2019-2020

For Advisors

Please note that you can choose not to use the suggested questions listed above, but please do make sure that each student is asked to do an overall reflection of all three areas, i.e. Academics, Co-curricular, and residential living.


Jan. 8th and Jan. 15th. Advisory time

Reflection writing and individual conversations with Advisees

Jan. 18th 8:00 am

Advisors upload reports to ManageBac

Jan. 20th 8:00 am

HoH Proofreading on ManageBac

Jan. 21st 12:00 pm

Deans and Deputy Deans Proofreading on Managebac

Jan. 21st 3:30 pm

Reports sent out home

Audience of the reports

Parents and Guardians of your Advisees

Name convention

Please use student first name/preferred name in the reports. For Chinese students, use first name in Pinyin as shown on MB and iSAMS.

Avoid using (or you can explain) abbreviations, acronyms, and jargons

For example, please explain that EE stands for Extended Essay, a core component of the Diploma Program; Zhi Xing is the name in Mandarin for co-curricular activities at the College.

Share school main contacts

Please use a separate paragraph in the end of the report to leave your work email, work email of your Head of House, general enquiry emails: for academic questions and concerns; for student life related questions and concerns.

Advisory Report Example

Please note that this is a sample that captures all three areas but it needs more personalized student reflection, which you will collect from the students.

Dear family of (Student name),

My name is (your name). (Student name) is in my Advisory group this year. It gives me great pleasure to write to you!

This term (Student name) moved to a new House, (House name). In the past semester, (Student name) has been actively involved in Advisory time, meeting with me and other students to get accustomed to a new House and new Advisory group. She has been proactively helping set up expectations of all students in the group, and ways to engage and support new students in the group. She has made new friends in the House. In general, she has had a successful and engaging semester in the House. (Paraphrase and extract from student’s own reflection to add onto your comments.)

(Student name) continues to take the same subjects. She has achieved good grades in most subjects. In Economics and Chemistry, (Student name) has not reached her full potential. In Economics, she could improve on question analysis and essay writing skills. She is also encouraged to participate more in class discussions where she can seek clarification and enhance understanding. In Chemistry, (Student name) could improve by reading more carefully into the requirements in subject guide. She is also advised to practice more past papers, and participate more in class. (Paraphrase and extract from student’s own reflection to add onto your comments.)

Overall, (Student name) is a mature young adult who has shown a high level of time management and self-discipline. She also has shown great commitment in her co-curricular activities. This term, (Student name) continues to nurture her creativity and to benefit the school with her artistic talents. She is one of the student leaders for the school’s dance team. She is also in the school Big Band. (Student name) is also helping a student from Afghanistan in her project to teach children online. She is using her time at the school well to study, to socialize, and to engage in meaningful activities and services. (Paraphrase and extract from student’s own reflection to add onto your comments.)

Should you have any questions, please contact the Head of House (Name and Email Address) or me. My email is (Email Address). For any general enquiry on Academics, please write to For any general enquiry on student life services, please contact

Best wishes,

(Your Name)

Passion_Project_Handbook_UWCCSC_FP (5).pdf

Advisory report guide By Ell



- Please use student first name/preferred name in the reports. For Chinese students, use first name in Pinyin as shown on MB and iSAMS.

- Try to be as precise and consistent as possible with all spelling, phrasing, grammar etc.

- Try to avoid all acronyms, abbreviations and explain any terminology (eg. CAS / Zhi Xing).

- Remember your audience – students’ parents and/or guardians.

- Focus on the positives. All students will have the good, bad, beautiful and more amongst their time at UWC. As much as possible we are seeking to celebrate our students and the work we have done with them.

- Wherever dealing with a negative aspect of the student’s report, try to offer constructive criticism. When outlining an issue try to offer suggestions for improvement and/or highlight steps that have already been taken to deal with any difficulties.

- Wherever possible give examples from the student’s life at UWC.

- This report should cover the various areas of:

academic life, co-curricular, residential living, and hopefully their growth in respect to developing their own values and engagement with UWC mission.

- Please have a separate paragraph at the end to share school main contacts, including: your work email, work email of your Head of House, general enquiry emails: for academic questions and concerns; for student life related questions and concerns.


- What is the student best known for? Amongst their friends? Teachers, advisors and HoHs?

- Does the student have particular talents? Have they developed new skills or interests? If so, how have they been able to explore these whilst at CSC?

- Any area of academic excellence or special interest that the student has shown? Is it clear how this might link to their future choices (eg. DP2s and university / gap year)?

- Can you think of a situation which illustrates the student’s maturing and growing as a person? How have they changed?

- What do you think they have learnt or are learning about themselves?

- Something you will never forget about this student?

- Is there anything in particular you would like to wish them for the future?

- What would the student most like to be remembered for?

- Is there anything that characterizes or captures their time at UWC?



Recommended points


- Overall comment on the student’s journey at UWC

Academic Life

- Outline highlights and successes

- Outline a challenge and how the student has taken steps to overcome this.

- DP1 and FP only: recommendations for work during the summer such as revision/ EE/ maintain English practice

Co-curricular life

- Summarise the student’s CAS/ Zhi Xing journey

- Outline highlights/ challenges

- Outline key skills the student has gained

Residential life

There hasn’t been much residential life at UWC CSC this term. However please take a little space to comment generally on how they are faring socially, and how they are within our boarding school environment.

Final statement

- Congratulate the student for completing their 1/2/3 year experience and wish them well for the future.

School contacts paragraph

Should you have any questions, please contact the Head of House (Name and Email Address) or me. My email is (Email Address). For any general enquiry on Academics, please write to For any general enquiry on student life services, please contact



In the current context of global hardship and uncertainty caused by COVID- 19, this term has been a humbling one. X has shown excellent adaptability throughout this year and I congratulate her for this.

X should be proud of her academic achievements at UWC Changshu China. The second year of the IB programme is challenging. Although at times X found it difficult to manage her workload, she showed resilience and worked with her teachers and supervisors to find solutions during difficult moments. X is particularly proud of her progress in [subject] this year. Her teachers describe her as someone who displays a clear understanding of the learning requirements of the subject.

X has a continuous record of active participation in CAS. She has been a student at the UWCCSC since the Foundation Programme. Her passion for art is clear and this year she became a leading member of the Photography Zhi Xing activity. X has embraced opportunities for personal challenge and her participation in the Chinese Cultural Performance was wonderful to see.

X has enjoyed the diversity and challenge of living in a residential boarding house for three years. She has gradually become more confident. She has been very supportive of her roommates and has good friendships throughout our community. She feels really proud of having pushed herself throughout her time at UWC CSC. I am not surprised to read that ‘Personal Challenge’ is the UWC value that means most to her. Her entire time at UWC CSC has been filled with personal challenges and she has constantly moved out of her comfort zone.

It has been a pleasure having X in my advisory group and getting to know her. She always has a smile and time for a chat; she will be greatly missed. I congratulate her for completing her UWC journey and wish her the very best for the future.


X has had an excellent first year and has settled into UWC Changshu China well. This term has been challenging for communities around the world. Despite some initial challenges, X has adjusted to our Distance Learning Programme and has shown excellent resilience.

Academically, X has made a fantastic start and her teachers recognise her effort and engagement in lessons. At times, X has become frustrated with her level of English and her History teacher recognises this challenge. However, she has shown immense development so far and she will continue to improve. To prepare for her second year, I encourage X to use the summer to complete her Extended Essay and to continue practicing her English.

X has embraced the Zhi Xing co-curricular programme and shows great breadth of interest and skills with her choices. She enjoys working with young children during her X sessions and is proud to be learning a new dance style in Caribbean Dance. X is also a member of the [subject] competition team and has represented the school at [competition name].

X has made a wonderful impression on all of us in [house name], her residential house. She has made close friends and shown herself to be a very caring individual who is highly supportive of those around her. Sometimes X has found it challenging to have a healthy sleep routine and this has impacted on her attendance however, she recognises the challenge is taking steps to improve this. Overall, I congratulate X for a strong start to her first/ second year at UWC CSC and I am certain that she will continue to thrive next year.


X is a very friendly and positive student who has settled smoothly into the UWC CSC community. X has high expectations of himself and of our school. This is wonderful although at times it means he puts undue pressure on himself.

X has found the adjustment to a new style of teaching and learning to be challenging and he is still trying to understand the expectations of teachers and the DP in general, especially when it comes to the assessment. That said, it is clear from his grades that he has made a brilliant start to all subjects. As X’s Advisor, and teacher, I advise him to not generate unwarranted pressure: specifically, when a teacher advises him that work is not crucial, and he still chooses to invest large amounts of time and energy into it. Rather, I firmly encourage X to make the most of his first year of UWC experience and to make time to experience as many formal and informal activities as possible. A particular highlight this year for X was their Passion Project. Despite the challenges of changing to the Distance Learning Programme, X continued to work hard and should be proud of their final product and report.

X clearly enjoys his co-curricular activities and he frequently attends extra community events. X stands out for his charisma and shows high levels of confidence as seen in his involvement with [activity/competition name] and taking a leading role in [activity/competition name]. Next year, I hope to see him join and help develop more activities and events within the school community, and to focus on his leadership skills.

X’s attendance to lessons has been exemplary all year and his contributions to our Advisory group are greatly appreciated. He is a very conscientious, caring individual and I advise him to stick to his values when in doubt or dealing with a new situation. Now that he has settled into his residential house, I encourage him to widen his social circle and make it a goal to have conversations with as many different students as possible next term. Congratulations X on a strong start at UWC CSC!


● Whilst X’s grades show some room for improvement, the distance she has come over the past year is quite remarkable. Working hard on her English language skills has been key and she regularly accesses support at our school Learning Centre. The development of these language abilities has been a huge achievement and I am deeply proud of X’s patience and perseverance throughout this past year. Hopefully this enhanced facility with English will serve X throughout her life and continue to feel worth all the effort. I have every confidence that X is on the right track academically and that if her diligence continues the grades will soon follow.

● X showed maturity in maintaining discipline in her academic life, attending classes punctually and managing her work load well. This is a great achievement during the challenges of distance learning.

● X has not always been rigorous in her approach to academic work this term. As such we have discussed the matter and agreed … [insert] . I am confident that X will learn from this, keep to these commitments and make a strong start to next term / the next step of her academic journey.

● As a school we appreciate the various difficulties that students face in accessing distance learning. X has spoken to me about challenges with [… electricity, sleeping patterns, stress, anxiety, confusion with calculating time zone differences, internet access etc…].

● X has achieved excellent grades in some subjects and this is greatly to be celebrated. I have spoken with X around consistency in her academic performance and as a goal for next year she will dedicate extra study time to [insert subject].

● Working as a team has been a great experience for X. She has developed positive, trusting relationships with her teammates. She takes a sense of purpose from the mutual support that the team is able to offer each other and is proud to be a part of [insert].

● While also participating in different co-curricular activities. Dragon Dance has been a firm favourite for her. She often gets invited to attend special school functions where the Dragon Dance has often played a central role in the events listings and showcases her fitness and enthusiasm for collaboration and participation.

● I believe that the co-curricular experience in the IB Diploma Program has enabled her to have a deeper understanding of global issues and that of challenges facing local communities. Most importantly the engagement has brought out her creative side to the fore.

● X takes every opportunity to engage with the diverse community at UWC. She is often to be found sharing a new word or phrase she has learnt in another language, or asking if I have heard of a particular event in a country she was just having a discussion about. X’s curiosity and engaged attitude are great assets.

● A well-loved member of the community at UWC CSC, X has made many good friends here. Her gregariousness and caring nature do her a great credit.

● X hasn’t always found residential life easy. It took a little while for her to feel entirely comfortable with her roommates however I’m very pleased to report that the situation has settled well and X seems to enjoy being there.

● X enjoys a fantastic sense of community with her roommates. They make sure they eat together regularly, meet regularly to discuss any issues arising in the room and share everything from time to toiletries with kindness and ease.

● X is a natural leader in the house and regularly takes on responsibilities to help coordinate and support others in the house. Given that there are 53 of them this has led to the natural X’s leadership skills. I hope she continues to stretch herself and put these talents to good use in the future.

● X is a vital member of her residential house. She is an excellent listener, patient, calm and a great source of support to others. X has an almost characteristic emotional maturity which has been honed further through her exercise of compassion at UWC.

● X’s dedication to her service activity speaks volumes. Each week she spends time, preparing materials, sharing plans and ideas with her collaborators, organises meetings and travels to .. [insert] … to deliver sessions.