My research centered on in vitro biology, focusing on cellular and developmental neuroscience. Our primary research models were cell lines, and tissue derived from the domestic chicken embryo. Research in my laboratory covered a broad range of topics:

1. The olfactory system: physiology and differentiation

My research on differentiation and neurogenesis in the avian olfactory system focused on these main areas of research:

The development of the nervous system is a topic that is of great interest to researchers. When a neuron dies or is damaged, the nervous system can repair itself by growing new neurons from undifferentiated cells. This (re)generation of neurons is a multi-stage process, and involves several different growth factors that trigger nerve cell growth.The olfactory system is known for its ability to regenerate throughout the adult lifespan: olfactory neurons die on a routine basis, and the neurons are continuously replaced by cells that differentiate from non-neuronal precursors. I study this process in the embryonic chick for a number of reasons:

  • the developmental timeline is easy to control

  • there is little known about bird olfaction

  • it is cost-effective, and requires minimal lab resources

  • it is practical for use by undergraduate students

2. Oxidative Stress and Cell Biology

In my lab, I have also encouraged students to investigate projects of their own interest. Much of our work used the chick embryonic system to study problems related to oxidative stress.

3. Retinoids and neuroblastoma growth and differentiation

Our lab had also been investigating questions related to the SK-N-SH neuroblastoma cell line. Studies focused on retionic acid and neuroblastoma cell differentiation pathways.

4. Lipid metabolism in HepG2

Students havdspearheaded efforts to investigate lipid accumulation and metabolism in HepG2 hepatoma cell lines.

5. Growth, differentiation, and cytotoxicity in pancreatic adenomas

Our most recent studies focused on the PL-45 pancreatic adenoma cell line and the influence of extracellular conditions and exogenous agents on the growth, differentiation, or death of these tumor cells.

Students played a key role in my research. I always involved students, and encouraged them to develop their own research problems, approaches, and expertise.