Scholar Output
Below, you'll find my writing organised by publication type and year. For questions on any specific publication, feel free to email me and I will respond as soon as possible.
Publications in peer-reviewed Journals
The impact of COVID-19 first wave on cryptocurrencies and G7 stock markets, with D. Anastasiou, A. Ballis, K. Drakos, and Van Anh Doan, forthcoming (2025) in Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, (ABS 2, Scopus)
Does the LEGR ETF have safe-haven properties against cryptocurrencies during the pandemic? A DCC and spectral analysis, with D. Dimitriou, Daousis, E., and A. Tsioutsios (2025), forthcoming in Empirical Economics Letters (ABDC).
Diverging communication and investors’ willingness to invest: Evidence from Eurozone firms, with D. Anastasiou, S. Giannoulakis, and S.I. Krokida (Feb, 2025) forthcoming in Journal of Risk, 27(3), 1–22, DOI: 10.21314/JOR.2024.020 (ABS 2, ABDC B, Scopus).
Monetary Policy Impact on Sustainability: Analyzing Interest Rates and Corporate Carbon Emissions, with Anastasiou, D., Ballis, A., Guizani, A., and Lakhal, F., (2024), Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 368, 122119, (ABS 3*, ABDC A),
Analysing the Effects of Climate Risk on Discouraged Borrowers: Deciphering the Contradictory Forces, with Anastasiou, D., Ballis, A., and Lakhal, F., (2024), Risk Analysis, 1–17. (ABS 4*).
Military Expenditures and Economic Growth Prospects: Evidence from NATO vs. non-NATO states, with E. Goulas, D. Dimitriou, and K. Drakos (2024) Defence and Peace Economics, (ABS 2*, Scopus, Q2 in Economics & Econometrics).
The impact of non-performing loans on commercial bank profitability: Evidence from the Western Balkans, with J. Shkodra and D. Anastasiou, (2024), Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice, 3(56), (Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science)
What else lies behind the Credit Rationing? Exploring the issue of employment, with I. Vlassas, A. Ballis, Mai Thanh Lan and L. Glyptis, (2024), Journal of Asia Business Studies, (ABS 1*, Scopus, Q1 in Economics, Econometrics and Finance)
The degree of Asian-European markets connectedness: Examining the impact of global disorders using a spectral analysis (2024), with D. Dimitriou, E. Goulas A. Tsioutsios and Bich Ta Thi Ngoc, Journal of Asia Business Studies, Vol. 18 No. 3, pp. 850-862, (ABS 1*, Scopus, Q1 in Economics, Econometrics and Finance)
On the contagion effect between crude oil and agricultural commodity markets: A DCC and Spectral analysis (2023), with D. Dimitriou, A. Tsioutsios, I. Vlassas and D. Diakodimitriou, Journal of Energy Markets, DOI: 10.21314/JEM.2023.029 (ABS 1*, Scopus)
Credit Rationing Prevalence for Eurozone Firms (2023), with D. Anastasiou and K. Drakos, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 158, 113640, (ABS 3*, ABDC A, IF 11)
Senior bank loan officers' expectations for loan demand: A note, with D. Anastasiou and Khudoykulov Khurshid Khurramovich, Cogent Business & Management, 2023, 10:1, 2174247, (ABS 1*, Scopus)
The impact of the corporate governance on firm performance. Evidence from the Greek listed firms, with S. Schoina, and P. Kalantonis, Journal of Governance and Regulation, 2023, 12(3), 255–265. (Indexed in Scopus).
Innovative Activity & Access to Finance: Views and Agenda, with I. Vlassas and D. Anastasiou, Theoretical Economics Letters, 13, 59-83. February 2023 (ABS 1*)
Borrower Discouragement Prevalence for Eurozone SMEs: Investigating the Impact of Economic Sentiment, with D. Anastasiou and K. Drakos, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Vol. 194, 2022, pp. 161-171 (ABS: 3*, ABDC A*, Q1 in Economics & Econometrics)
Non-performing Loans and Suicide Rates: Empirical Evidence from Eurozone, with E. Goulas., Empirical Economics Letters, 20(9): (September 2021) (ABDC indexed).
Leverage and Firm Performance: New Evidence on the Role of Economic Sentiment using Accounting Information, with P Kalantonis and M Sotiropoulos, Journal of Capital Markets Studies (2021) Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 96-107 (ABS 1*) Issue publication date: 26 August 2021
The impact of corporate governance on earnings management. Evidence from Greek listed firms, with P. Kalantonis and S. Schoina, Corporate Ownership and Control, 18(2), (Feb. 2021) pp.140-153 (ABDC B)
“Self-Rationing in European Businesses: Evidence from Survey Analysis,” with K. Drakos Finance Research Letters, (2021), vol. 41, 101807 (indexed in ABS 2*/ABDC A, I.F. 9.848).
An Overview of Systematically Rejected Loan Applicants in Eurozone SMEs: Evidence from SAFE survey (single author), Empirical Economics Letters, 19 (12). 2020, (ABDC indexed)
“Corporate Fixed Investment and Internal Liquidity: Evidence from Greek Listed Companies,” with P. Kalantonis and A. Aljandali. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 4(2), 68-76. (2020), (indexed in ABDC)
“Exchange rate modelling in the development community using the ARDL cointegration approach: The case of emerging markets,” with A. Aljandali. Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions. 10(2), 53- 70 (2020),., (indexed in Scopus)
Determinants of Trust in Institutions: Survey-based evidence from the European Union, with K. Drakos and S. Karydis (2019), Journal of Common Market Studies Vol 57 (6) pp. 1228–1246 (indexed in ABS 3*, IF 3.99, Q1 in Economics & Econometrics), DOI:10.1111/jcms.12884
“Governance & Regulation: Evidence at Micro and Macro level.” Journal of Governance and Regulation, Editorial Note: Vol 8, issue 2., 2019. (Indexed in Scopus)
Economic Outcomes and Voting Behaviour: Evidence from Greece, with E. Goulas and A. Zervogianni. Economic Issues (indexed in ABS 1* Keele 2* ERA B), 2019, Vol. 24, Part 1, pp. 35-58.
Non-Linear Response of Firm Investment to q: Evidence from Greek Listed Firms, (single author). Journal of Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 2019, 9(1), pp. 53-63. (ABS 1* 2018, Scopus)
“The interaction of citizen’s trust between European Commission and National Politics during the crisis.” Journal of Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, Vol. 9 (4), pp 8-19, 2019 (ABS 1* 2018, Scopus)
Sponsoring Sports Teams with Low Media Exposure: An exploratory Investigation on Small and Medium Sized B2B Firms, with Konstantoulaki K, Rizomyliotis I, Giovanis A, and Conti V. International Journal of Marketing Studies, vol.8 No. 5, 2017 (indexed in EBSCO).
A Note on Trust in the ECB in the Era of Sovereign Debt Crisis, with K. Drakos and S. Karydis, Applied Economics Letters, May 2017, (Indexed in ABS 1*)
“Voting with their Feet” in Times of Crisis: The Case of Southern Europe, with S. Karidis. Applied Economics Quarterly: 2016, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 321-341. doi: 10.3790/aeq.62.4.321 (indexed in ABDC B, Scopus)
A note on the effect of terrorism on Europeans’ economic sentiment doi:10.1080/10242694.2015.1016295, Feb 2015. Defence & Peace Economics, with Drakos, K. (indexed in ABS 2*)
Assessing the Effect of Sentiment on Fiscally Induced Migration: A Tiebout Hypothesis Approach within EU 27. with S. Karidis. Global Economy Journal, doi: 10.1515/gej-2013-0009, June 2014 (indexed in ABDC: B, ABS 1*, Scopus
State-Dependent Response of Investment to Cash Flow: Evidence for Asymmetry in European Manufacturing, with Drakos K., Applied Financial Economics. Vol. 17, issue 14, pp: 1191-1200, 2007. (Indexed in ABS 2*)
New vs. Used Capital Investment Decisions under Liquidity Constraints, with Drakos K., and E. Goulas, in Applied Financial Economics Letters, vol.3, No.1, pp:15-18, 2007. (Indexed in ABS 1*)
“Financial Considerations in Investment Decisions: A Literature Review”, with Drakos K., Briefing Notes in Economics. Issue No. 72 March/April 2007
Modelling Labour Demand Dynamics: Going Beyond the Frictionless Environment, with Drakos K., Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, Vol. 20 Issue 4 Page 699-720, 2006. (Indexed in ABS 1*)
“Investment under Liquidity Constraints and Uncertainty: Investigating the effects of Irreversibility” with Drakos K., and E. Goulas, 2006, pp.7-16, 56(4), SPOUDAI Journal of Economics & Business (indexed in EconLit & EBSCO).
“Investment and Cash Flow: Evidence from Greek Listed Companies” with Drakos K. Applied Economics Quarterly, 51/4 (2005). (Indexed in ABDC B, Scopus)
Firm-specific Attributes of Financing Constraints: The Case of Greek Listed Firms, with Drakos K., pp: 98-110, 2/2005, in Journal of Investment Management and Financial Innovations. (Indexed in ABS 2* in 2005, ABDC B, Scopus)
A Sectoral-Level Analysis of Performance Persistence in Greek Manufacturing, with Drakos K., Special Edited Volume, 2004 vol. 1, pp: 339-353. Uni
Other Peer-reviewed publications: Book Chapters & Technical Academic Reports
Synchronized connectedness of G-7 financial markets: An empirical approach, with Simos, T., Tsioutsios, A. and D. Dimitriou, Feb. 2025, Book Chapter, “Economic Integration: Strategies, Challenges, and Global Implications”, Nova Science Publishers, USA, in Alina Hyz, & Panagiotis E. Kaldis, Series: Economic Issues, Problems and Perspectives. DOI:
Development of state infrastructure with the involvement of the private sector, with I. Chatzopoulos and A. Kontos, 2024, Book Chapter in: “The Role of the Public Sector in Building Social and Economic Resilience”, Springer (Scopus) In: Hyz, A. (eds) The Role of the Public Sector in Building Social and Economic Resilience. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham., pp 181–191.
Book Contribution: "Thrice a Stranger, Penelope’s Eastern Mediterranean Odyssey" by Dr William Mallinson, in Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-4438-8518-8. January 2016.
Security Economics: A Guide for Data Availability and Needs, with Drakos K. January 2012 EUSECON Policy Briefing 16. CEPR- Center for Economic Policy Research & DIW Berlin
Counterterrorism Effectiveness: The Impact on Life and Property Losses, with Drakos K, and Giannakopoulos N. April 2012 EUSECON Policy Briefing 19. CEPR- Center for Economic Policy Research & DIW Berlin
Terrorism shocks & stock market reaction patterns, with Drakos K. December 2011 EUSECON Policy Briefing 14. CEPR- Center for Economic Policy Research & DIW Berlin
Up-to-date list
Leveraging Grant Funding to Enhance SMEs Access to Finance Against Natural Disasters, with Vlassas, I., Anastasiou, D., & Ballis, A. (2025), accepted for presentation at the 14th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society, June 2025 Montpellier, France.
Financing Employment Decisions: Analysing the Effects of Discouraged Borrowers, with I. Vlassas and N. Giannakopoulos (2024), accepted for presentation at the 5th Finance Economic Meeting (FEM 2024) conference, Paris, France, 16-18 December 2024.
Discouraged Bank Borrowers and Natural Disasters, with D. Anastasiou, A. Ballis, and C. Chrysanthakopoulos, accepted for presentation at the 5th Financial Economics Meeting (FEM-2024), EDC Paris Business School, Paris, 16-18 December 2024.
The era of Digital Euro, 2nd International Conference, India-Greece: History, Society, Science & Entrepreneurship, Aristotle University, December 2-6, 2024.
Credit Rationing and Employment Decisions of Eurozone SMEs, with Vlassas I., and N. Giannakopoulos accepted for presentation at the Wolpertinger 2024 Annual Conference, University of Palermo, Aug 2024.
Can Credit Rationing Impact Employment Decisions of Firms? with I. Vlassas, 2nd Contemporary Issues in Financial Markets and Banking (IFMB), Nottingham Business School, 17-18, January 2024.
Diverging communication and investors’ willingness to invest: Evidence from Eurozone firms, with D. Anastasiou, S. Giannoulakis, and S.I. Krokida, presented at the 4th Financial Economics Meeting (FEM-2023), EDC Paris Business School, June 2023.
Positive COVID-19 related Sentiment and Economic Uncertainty, with D. Anastasiou and A. Ballis, presented at the 2023 International Conference in Finance, Banking and Accounting (ICFBA), jointly organized by Montpellier Business School (France) and the University of Portsmouth School of Accounting, Economics and Finance (UK). September 2023.
Innovative Activity & Access to Finance: A Review of the Literature, with I. Vlassas in the 12th National Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society, Athens, December 2022.
Forensic accounting: A strategic tool to strengthen corporate governance against fraud, A.Xanthopoulou, P. Kalantonis and P. Arsenos. International online conference "Corporate Governance: An Interdisciplinary Outlook, Virtus Global Centre for Corporate Governance November 2022 (
A note on Exchange Rate Modelling and Forecasting in Southeast Asia, with A. Aljandali, International Conference on Applied Business and Economics, ICABE October 2021.
“A new perspective in credit rationing for European SMEs” with P. Kalantonis in A. Kostyuk, M. J. C. Guedes, & D. Govorun (Eds.), Corporate Governance: Examining Key Challenges and Perspectives (pp. 222-224) (2020) International Conference in May 7, 2020 at Lisbon School of Economics & Management (ISEG), Portugal.
“The Anatomy of Credit Rationing for European SMEs.” Financial Engineering and Banking Society (F.E.B.S.). University of West Attica, Athens, December 20-21, 2019.
“New Challenges in Corporate Governance: Theory and Practice” October 3-4, 2019 in Naples-Italy. Paper presentation: “Executive authorities in Euroland during the financial crisis. A comparison between European Commission and National Governments”, by C. Kallandranis and P. Kaldis.
Keynote Speaker in the Summer School of Entrepreneurship and Digital Innovation during an economic crisis. TEI of Western Greece, Department of Business Administration. Presentation in Credit Rationing Issues for SMEs., June 2018
International Workshop on Risk Management, Financial Regulation, and Governance in Banking, University of Palermo: Determinants of Trust in Institutions, May 2016
1st International Virtual SBRLAB Conference “Finding Solutions for a post-crisis society”, 9-11 December 2015, Spain. Conference proceedings for the paper Economic Outcomes and Voting Behaviour: Evidence from Greece
INFER 2015. University of Bedfordshire. Economic Outcomes and Voting Behaviour: Evidence from Greece
GUIDE Association, Global Conference in Athens 2013. Assessing the Effect of Sentiment on Fiscally Induced Migration: A Tiebout Hypothesis Approach within EU 27.
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). "Counterterrorism Effectiveness: The Impact on Life and Property Losses," with Drakos K, and Giannakopoulos N., Brussels February 2012.
University of Crete 5th Annual Meeting of the EEFS. International Conference May 2006. “State-Dependent Response of Investment to Cash Flow: Evidence for Asymmetry in European Manufacturing”.
HE.W.P.E.M, University of Patras: Hellenic Workshop on Productivity & Efficiency Measurement, Patras 2006. “Investment and Cash Flow under Imperfect Capital Markets.”
“Université d' Orléans- France Conference July 2005. “State-Dependent Response of Investment to Cash Flow: Evidence for Asymmetry in European Manufacturing”.
4th Annual Conference of Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association (HFAA), Pireaus, December 2005
3rd Annual Conference of Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association (HFAA), Athens, December 2004
57th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Lisbon, Portugal March 2004. Kostas Drakos and Christos Kallandranis, “Corporate Dividend Policy of Greek Listed Firms: Sectoral and Temporal Dynamics.”
Invited Speaker/Lectures
Keynote Speaker at the 8th ECB Simulation Conference of the European Central Bank with the Get Involved organization, November 2024 (relevant link)
Keynote Speaker at the 7th ECB Simulation Conference of the European Central Bank with the Get Involved organization, December 2023 (relevant link)
World Bank Seminar Series: “Why (Dis) Trust in Institutions Matters: Examples from ECA.” Invited Speaker, World Bank, U.S.A. Washington DC., November 2018
Invited Participant. Data-driven Innovation in the Industry 4.0. Marconi University. Rome, December 2018.
Keynote Speaker in the Summer School of “Entrepreneurship and Digital Innovation during an economic crisis,” TEI of Western Greece, June 2018.
University of Palermo, May 2016: Ph.D. Programme, Seminar on “Demand for Capital under Imperfect Capital Markets: A Review and an Application for EU countries” (Invited Speaker by Prof Enzo Scanella:
ISCTE Business School, Instituto Universitario De Lisboa: Developments in Modern EU Banking, 2015 (Invited Lecturer via Erasmus plus)
University of Valencia, 2014: UG programme, A Series of lectures in Financial Statement Analysis, (Invited Lecturer via Erasmus plus)
University of Hartford (Connecticut U.S.A). Exchange Students Programme. Lectures in New trends in Financial Markets, 2013 & 2014
Mediterranean College-2007: Issues in Entrepreneurship Finance. (Invited Speaker)