Government space agencies are established by governments of countries or regional groupings of countries to establish a means for advocating for and/or engaging in activities related to outer space, exploitation of space systems, and space exploration. The listings summarize all countries and regional authorities that have established space agencies. The listings established a comparative summary of demonstrated capabilities across the countries that have invested in the pursuit of space-based objectives.

Government space agency organizations are established with objectives that include national prestige, exploitation of remote sensing information, communications, education, and economic development. These agencies tend to be civil in nature (vs military) and serve to advance the benefits of exploitation and/or exploration of space. Government agencies span the spectrum from ancient organizations with small budgets to mature national or regional enterprises such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States, the European Space Agency (ESA) which coordinates for more than 20 constituent countries, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities (Roscosmos) of Russia, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), and the China National Space Agency (CNSA).

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The space agency listings are segregated to enable identification of subsets of the complete list that have advanced to higher levels or technical or programmatic proficiency in accordance with the following:

The four listings identify a technological progression in complexity and capacity that historically aligned to the developments that occurred during the 20th century space race between the United States and the Soviet Union. It is not intended to offer that this is the only path to advanced space faring status; variations and adaptations are expected and are likely to occur based on the technological capabilities that are available to today as opposed to 50 or more years ago.For each identified "Demonstrated capability" a reference is included to that program's first demonstration of the technical capacity or capability to meet the defined objective.

Note as well that the demonstrated capabilities represent the national (or regional) capacity to achieve the identified objective. These listings do not attempt to determine which programs were uniquely or solely funded by the space agency itself. For each listing, the short name or acronym identified is the English version, with the native language version below. The date of the founding of the space agency is the date of first operations where applicable. If the space agency is no longer running, then the date when it was terminated. Additionally, the strategic nature of many space programs result in cooperation between civil agency and military organizations to meet unique staff and technical proficiencies required to support space programs given the geographic expanse required to ensure successful operation.

As of 2023, 74 different government space agencies are in existence, including 68 national space agencies and six international agencies. Initial competencies demonstrated include funding and nomination of a candidate to serve as astronaut, cosmonaut, or taikonaut with the countries/organizations executing human spaceflight solutions. Other demonstrated capabilities include operation of a satellite (e.g. a communications or remote sensing system) largely developed and/or delivered by a third party, domestic development of a satellite system, and capacity to recover a science payload from a sub-orbital or orbital mission. Seven space agencies (six national, one international) have demonstrated all four of those .is-sticky{position:sticky;top:0}body.vector-sticky-header-visible .mw-parser-output .is-sticky{top:3.125rem}.mw-parser-output .is-sticky-head>thead{position:sticky;top:0}body.vector-sticky-header-visible .mw-parser-output .is-sticky-head>thead{top:3.125rem}

This small group of countries/space agencies have demonstrated the highest technological capacity with systems and solutions that support human spaceflight along with the ancillary technological capabilities to support human activity in orbit and/or on extraterrestrial bodies. The missions identified (and personnel when appropriate) are the first successful accomplishments of each activity.

The annual budgets listed are the official budgets of national space agencies available in public domain. The budgets are not normalized to the expenses of space research in different countries, i.e. higher budget does not necessarily mean more activity or better performance in space exploration.[165][166] Budget could be used for different projects: e.g. GPS is maintained from the US defence budget,[167] whereas ESA's money is used for developing the European Galileo positioning system.[168] For European contributors to ESA, the national budgets shown include also their contributions to ESA.

Recognized as the Department of Defense's constructive disruptor for space acquisition, the Space Development Agency (SDA) will quickly deliver needed space-based capabilities to the joint warfighter to support terrestrial missions through development, fielding, and operation of the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture. SDA capitalizes on a unique business model that values speed and lowers costs by harnessing commercial development to achieve a proliferated architecture and enhance resilience. SDA will deliver a minimum viable product - on time, every two years- by employing spiral development methods, adding capabilities to future generations as the threat evolves.

The Navigation Layer will establish a GPS-independent navigation capability for the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA) using optical inter-satellite ranging, and optical space to ground links.

Speed. Delivery. Agility.

Recognized as the Department of Defense's constructive disruptor for space acquisition, the Space Development Agency will quickly deliver needed space-based capabilities to

the joint warfighter to support terrestrial missions through development, fielding, and operation of the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture.

This is where you can find reports and information about JAXA missions based on your area such as country, region and interests. We are promoting international collaboration and contributing to the world as a leading aerospace institution.

The Council of Ministers Resolution has been issued for the approval of The Saudi Space Agency statute, which is considered as a step towards a more innovative and forward-looking future for the latest technologies and opportunities in the Saudi space sector.

Earth is a complex and dynamic system and radar remote sensing is designed to deliver quantitative 3D and 4D information about the planet's surface. The latest research results and information products obtained from high-resolution data acquired by the German satellites were presented during the TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Science Team Workshop, which was held at the German Aerospace Center from 18 to 20 October 2023.

The Space Symposium is held annually in April in the USA. Here, the entire world of space, security, exploration and science, innovation and technology transfer, promotion of young talent and policy development is showcased and promoted.

SANSA was created to promote the use of space and strengthen cooperation in space-related activities while fostering research in space science, advancing scientific engineering through developing human capital, and supporting industrial development in space technologies.

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) jointly organized and hosted a United Nations / Canada Space for Women Expert Meeting themed "Building capacity to promote and advance gender equality in the space sector" from 30 October to 2 November 2023, in Montreal, Canada.

In 2016 Spaceagency was appointed to work on the Wayfinding and interactive landscape installations for the relaunch of Dreamland heritage theme park in Margate, Kent. The park was being expanded to include a new event space to stage large scale concerts as well as installing many new attractions. Spaceagency created a series of sculptural 3D Letters, made from the letters that form the work 'Dreamland'. Two sets of letters, starting at opposite ends of the park, are paired in sets on an upright and a laying down letter. This trail of installations provides orientation and wayfinding points and at the same time opportunities for sitting and resting.

As a prototype development for a new generation of shoppers and shopping, Spaceagency developed a comprehensive Wayfinding and Signage strategy for the Eastland Shopping Centre in Melbourne, Australia.

Spaceagency was engaged to develop analyse the movement and develop a wayfinding strategy and graphic communication system for a Science and Technology professional campus in northwest Riyadh dedicated to scientists of all fields. The objective of the strategy is to promote knowledge-sharing and cross-pollination of ideas through the spatial layout of the campus and movement framework.

Spaceagency was approached to propose and implement the wayfinding for the 2017 Clerkenwell Design Week festival. The festival venues are distributed along a route, right in the heart of this design-thinking neighbourhood, often hidden from typical public approach from rail stations and transport links.

Spaceagency's task and approach was to use the concept of 'unfolding' this hidden route and venues 'out of the box' in which they are enclosed. Much like many of the design objects on show are once carefully wrapped and protected in parcels, it is important the spectacle on show in Clerkenwell is also taken out of the box from the unlikely venues, into the streets and surroundings creating a buzz in the city. 2351a5e196

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