The new supercomputers will enable an upgrade to the U.S. Global Forecast System (GFS) this fall and the launch of a new hurricane forecast model called the Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS), slated to be in operation for the 2023 hurricane season pending tests and evaluation.

Under the initial 8-year contract with a 2-year optional renewal, GDIT designed and serves as owner/operator of the computers with the responsibility to maintain them and provide all supplies and services, including labor, facilities and computing components.

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The National Weather Service uses supercomputers around the clock to accurately produce forecasts, watches, warnings and a whole host of data for the public. These computers run sophisticated numerical models (computer programs) of the atmosphere, ocean, and even in space, which is used by NWS forecasters, the private sector, universities and the public to help create accurate forecasts, support research and inform the public.

These computers make use of virtually all observational data that the NWS collects. This data comes from satellites, weather balloons, buoys, radar, and more. From this data, the supercomputers are able to help predict every kind of weather hazard imaginable, including hurricanes, tornadoes, extreme heat, and even space weather.

The NWS has been using supercomputers for decades. The latest major update to the computers was in 2018. Currently, the combined processing power of NWS supercomputers is 8.4 petaflops, which is more than 10,000 times faster than the average desktop computer. The supercomputers are housed in two primary centers, in Reston, Virginia, and Orlando, Florida. Each location features two rows of computers working in tandem, each 40 feet long.

Accurate weather forecasting plays a crucial role in virtually every industry and community, as it helps businesses make informed decisions, enables emergency response teams to prepare for natural disasters, and assists individuals in planning their activities. Conversely, inaccurate forecasting can lead to significant consequences such as economic losses, safety hazards, and disruptions in daily life. The foundation of accurate weather forecasting lies in weather forecast models, which are sophisticated computer algorithms that simulate and predict atmospheric conditions. In this guide, we will explore the different types of weather forecast models, understand why forecasts can vary, and discover the most accurate forecast models available today.

The Global Forecast System (GFS) is a global numerical weather prediction model developed by the National Weather Service (NWS) in the United States. It utilizes a complex system of mathematical equations to simulate atmospheric conditions worldwide. The GFS model provides forecasts for a wide range of weather phenomena, including temperature, precipitation, wind, and atmospheric pressure.

The European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model is another global weather model that is highly regarded for its accuracy. It employs advanced data assimilation techniques and sophisticated numerical algorithms to simulate atmospheric processes. The ECMWF model provides high-resolution forecasts for various meteorological variables, enabling forecasters to make more precise predictions.

Mesoscale weather models focus on specific regions such as entire nations and provide forecasts at a higher resolution compared to global models. These models are particularly useful for predicting localized weather phenomena and severe weather events.

The North American Mesoscale Forecast System (NAM) is a mesoscale weather model developed by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) in the United States. It offers high-resolution forecasts for North America, including detailed predictions of temperature, wind, precipitation, and atmospheric instability. The NAM model plays a vital role in predicting severe thunderstorms, winter storms, and other mesoscale weather features.

The High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model is another mesoscale model widely used in weather forecasting. It provides short-term forecasts with very high temporal and spatial resolution, making it valuable for predicting rapidly evolving weather phenomena, such as thunderstorms, convective systems, and fog. The HRRR model leverages advanced assimilation techniques and radar data to enhance its forecast accuracy.

Unlike larger-scale weather models that cover larger regions like countries or continents, microscale models zoom in on small areas, such as cities or neighborhoods. Microscale models take into account the unique characteristics of the local terrain, land use, and urban features that can significantly influence the weather patterns within a small area. These models utilize high-resolution data and complex algorithms to simulate atmospheric processes at a fine scale, capturing details such as local wind patterns, temperature variations, and the effects of urban heat islands.

The accuracy of forecast models depends on several factors, including the region, timeframe, and type of weather phenomenon being predicted. Generally, global models like the ECMWF and GFS are considered fairly accurate in predicting large-scale weather patterns and features. However, forecast accuracy can diminish over time as the forecast horizon extends.

The climatology method relies on historical weather data to forecast future weather conditions. It analyzes long-term average weather patterns for a specific location and time of year. However, this method lacks the ability to account for short-term weather fluctuations and is less effective for predicting unusual or extreme weather events.

The analog method identifies and compares current weather patterns with similar patterns observed in the past. By finding analogs, forecasters can predict future weather conditions based on the outcomes of those previous events. This method requires extensive historical weather data and relies on subjective judgment in selecting relevant analogs.

Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) is the most widely used and accurate method for weather forecasting. NWP involves solving a set of mathematical equations that represent the fundamental laws of physics governing the atmosphere. By assimilating vast amounts of observational data, NWP models simulate the behavior of the atmosphere, allowing forecasters to generate detailed forecasts for various weather variables.

Climavision relies on advanced NWP techniques to deliver highly accurate and reliable weather forecasts. Our state-of-the-art technology, including Dalton AI, rapidly processes vast amounts of data and produces forecasts with exceptional precision, empowering businesses, communities, and individuals to make informed decisions and protect their interests.

Data assimilation techniques have improved, allowing forecast models to better integrate observational data from various sources, such as satellites, radar systems, weather stations, and buoys. These advancements enhance the accuracy of initial conditions for model simulations, leading to more precise forecasts. For Climavision, our Dalton AI tech platform shines in this area. Our unique data processing approach and quality control allows for 20+% usable observational data as opposed to the roughly 3% usable data that is currently being processed across the industry.

Higher Resolution ModelsWeather forecast models, Global, Meso, and Micro, now operate at higher resolutions, enabling more detailed predictions of atmospheric conditions. Higher resolution models capture small-scale weather phenomena more accurately, such as convective storms, localized rainfall patterns, and wind gusts. At Climavision we deliver our high-resolution forecasting data for our GRO model both through APIs, called DOCK, and a web-based interactive model viewer, called DASH.

Ensemble ForecastingEnsemble forecasting involves running multiple model simulations with slightly varied initial conditions to account for uncertainties in weather predictions. This approach provides a range of possible outcomes, helping forecasters understand the level of uncertainty associated with a particular weather event.

Improved Predictions of Extreme Weather EventsAdvances in weather forecasting have led to improved predictions of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, and heavy precipitation events. Enhanced models, better understanding of atmospheric dynamics, and improved data assimilation techniques contribute to more accurate and timely forecasts of these potentially dangerous weather phenomena. GRO grows from a revolutionary approach that Climavision has created. From more data to better processing and quality control to a proprietary NWP powered by our groundbreaking tech platform, we are leveling up every aspect of weather forecasting to provide our customers with the fastest, most accurate forecasting.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI)Machine learning and AI techniques are being increasingly integrated into weather forecasting. These technologies enable the extraction of patterns and relationships from vast amounts of weather data, leading to improved forecast accuracy and the identification of subtle atmospheric signals that may influence future weather conditions. AI & Machine Learning assimilates observations into Climavision proprietary forecast models and allows the platform to respond and adjust to specific weather conditions in real-time.

Enhanced Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) ModelsNumerical Weather Prediction models have seen continuous advancements, incorporating more sophisticated physical parameterizations, improved boundary conditions, and increased computational power. These improvements allow for more realistic simulations of atmospheric processes and better prediction of weather patterns. According to the United Nations, climate-related disasters went up 83% and caused nearly $3 trillion dollars in losses worldwide over the last 20 years. These extreme changes make relying on previous weather patterns unreliable. At Climavision, we keep pace with more volatile weather conditions with our advanced Numerical Weather Prediction Modeling that outpaces all others in accuracy. 2351a5e196

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