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In this tutorial, I'll show you how to make a Lotus Flower in Adobe Illustrator. We'll use some basic tools (Ellipse, Direct Selection, Pencil, and more) to draw lotus petals and leaves. Next we'll color these shapes with the Gradient Mesh Tool. Finally, arrange them to become a complete work. Let's get started.

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Open a new document with the dimensions 1200px by 900px. Now let's draw the lotus petal shapes. Grab the Ellipse Tool (L) (Fill of None, Stroke Color as Black, and 1 pt Stroke Size) and draw an ellipse shape.

Pick the Direct Selection Tool (A), click on the C point, hold down the Shift key and click on the D point to select both these points (C and D). Now click on the "Remove selected anchor points" icon in the Properties Bar to remove these points. Continue to use the Direct Selection Tool, now click on the A point and click on the "Convert selected anchor points to corner" icon in Properties Bar. At this time, our shape should be similar to the fourth image below.

Now grab the Convert Anchor Point Tool (Shift + C) and click on point B, then drag it to the right until our shape looks like the fifth image shown. Continue to use the Convert Anchor Point Tool to drag two handles of point B, follow the direction shown. Name this shape "lotus_petal_stroke_1."

We'll create the second shape from the first one now. Pick the Selection Tool, hold down the Alt key, click on the "lotus_petal_stroke_1" shape, and drag it to a new position. We will be working with this new shape. Copy this

shape (Edit > Copy or Command + C) and paste the copied-shape in front of the original shape (Edit > Paste in Front or Command + F).

Now grab the Direct Selection Tool, click on the B' point (the B' point coincides with the B point). This time, we can see two handles (1') and (2')

(as shown the second image below). Hold down the Alt key, hover over the right handle (2') (a plus sign should show up), then click and drag it to the left (shown in the third image). Continue to draw the right shape, use the same steps above, but click and drag the left handle (1") to the right shown, as shown in the fifth image. Name this shape "lotus_petal_stroke_2."

Continue to draw a different lotus petal shape now. Pick the Ellipse Tool (with a Fill of None, Stroke Color as Black, and 1 pt Stroke Size) and draw an ellipse shape. Next, use the Direct Selection Tool and click on point C, while holding down the Shift key, then click on the point D to select both points (C and D). Then click on the "Remove selected anchor points" icon in the Properties Bar to remove both points (C and D). Our shape should look like the third image below.

This shape is just half of a lotus petal. Now, we'll draw the remaining half of the lotus petal, use the same method as we did in Step 2. Grab the Selection Tool and click on the newly created shape. Copy this shape (Edit > Copy or Command + C) and paste the copied-shape in front of original shape (Edit > Paste in Front or Command + F).

Now grab the Direct Selection Tool and click on the A' point (the A' point coincides with the A point). This time, we can see two handles (1') and (2')

(as shown the second image below). Hold down the Alt key, hover over handle 1' (a plus sign should show up), then click and drag it down near the handle 2'. Release the Alt key, click on the B' point (the B' point coincides with the B point). Hold down the Alt key again, hover over the handle 3' (a plus sign should show up), then click and drag it down, as shown in the third image. Name this shape "lotus_petal_stroke_3."

Let's move on to coloring the "lotus_petal_stroke_1" shape. Use the Selection Tool to select the "lotus_petal_stroke_1" object and fill it with a light pink color (#F7B3D1). Next, grab the Mesh Tool and click on point 1. This time, we have a mesh over the "lotus_petal_stroke_1" object.

Now we'll color the "lotus_petal_stroke_2" shape. First, we'll hide two shapes ("right_shape" and "left_shape") to color the remaining shapes easier. To do this, use the Selection Tool to select two shapes, then go to Object > Hide > Selection (Command + 3). Now select the remaining shapes and fill them with a light pink (#F7B3D1). Continue coloring with the mesh style. Grab the Mesh Tool, click on point 1 to create a mesh.

Point 1 has a fill of #EE4498 and point 2 has a fill of #EC008C. Continue to use the Mesh Tool, click on point 3 to add one mesh point more. Point 3 has a fill of #FACFE2 and the point 4 has a fill of #FFFFFF. At this time, our shape will look like the sixth image below.

Now we go to Object > Show All (Command + Alt + 3) to show two shapes ("right_shape" and "left_shape") again. Then fill them with light pink (#F7B3D1). We also create meshes over "right_shape" and "left_shape," then add color to the mesh points. The finished shape will look like the final image below.

Now we'll color the "lotus_petal_stroke_3" shape. Use the Selection Tool to select the thinner shape, then go to Object > Hide > Selection (Command +3) to hide this shape. Click on the remaining shape add fill it with light pink (#F7B3D1).

We'll continue coloring this shape with a mesh style. Pick the Mesh Tool and click on the point 1. This point has a fill of #EE4097. Point 2 has a fill of #EC008C. Our shape will look like the fourth image below at this time. Next, use the Mesh Tool to click on the point 3. This point has a fill of #F496BF and point 4 has a fill of #FFFFFF.

Now go to Object > Show All (Command + Alt + 3) to show thinner shape. Use the Selection Tool to select this shape and fill it with light pink (#F7B3D1). Also use the Mesh Tool to color this shape with a mesh style. The last result will look similar to the third image below.

We also draw veins for the "lotus_petal_stroke_2," similar to the way of drawing shown above. To work easier, we need to hide the two thinner shapes (Use the Selection Tool select both of shapes and go to Object > Hide > Selection or Command + 3). After all the veins of main shape are finished, show the two thinner shapes again. Continue drawing veins for these shapes. The last result will looking like the final image below.

Now we'll create the stem. Use the Pen Tool (P) (with a Fill of None, Stroke Color set to Yellow Orange, and Stroke Weight of 1 px) to draw an object as shown. Name this object A. Next, grab the Selection Tool (V) to select object that A, go to menu Edit > Copy (Command + C), then go to menu Edit > Paste in Front (Command + F). Name this newly created object A' (give it a Stroke Color of Brown Dark). At this time, A and A' will be the same shape and position. Select the A' object, then grab the Direct Selection Tool (A) and the adjust the A' object to become a thiner object as shown.

Now we'll draw and color the lotus leaf. Use the Pen Tool or Pencil Tool to draw a shape like the one below. Fill it with green (#35A54E). Next, grab the Mesh Tool and click on points: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to create a mesh over the newly created shape.

First, place one square piece of paper 15cm x 15cm (6 x 6 in) on a flat surface with the colored side facing down. Turn the sheet so it looks like a diamond shape and bring the lower corner up to the top corner and fold the paper carefully. Crease well. Use a bone folder or the back of a metal spoon for perfectly sharp folds.

Unfold the paper and you will see all the scored lines, which will act as guides for the next steps. The folds form a cross and an 'X' shape. Note that the 'X' folds go in the opposite direction to the cross lines. 2351a5e196

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