Bellamy's explanation: "There are a few unintended love songs as well. The song I wrote about the girl was written in the studio after a phone conversation with her. We called it 'Unintended' because it came out of nowhere, and I didn't mean it to happen, all of these feelings for this girl".

This song is completely about his past love & a break up with a rebound. Although everyone may have their own interpretations(which is fine) and can relate to this song because of past experiences, this song is NOT as straight forward as everyone would like it to be. No song ever is... From an unbiased and thorough review of this song, it's clear he is not over his past love. He keeps saying you COULD be my unintended, to perhaps a new relationship; HOWEVER, never once did he say that she IS. He keeps mentioning his past love throughout this entire song. He is clearly still haunted by his past love, which is why he can't commit to a new love. He keeps saying, COULD, COULD, to the new relationship, but obviously, he CAN'T because he's still hung up over his ex. Which is also a situation we can all relate to. He feels that his new relationship CAN turn out to something beautiful, but could never until he can finally sort out his life after a heartbreak that has obviously affected his life and made him depressed. When you're still depressed/heartbroken over your last break up, you sure as hell can't start a new relationship, and this is what this song is about. He completely, deeply loved his ex, but it didn't work out and it left his heart in shambles. Also, the verse "she could never be as good as you" is a lie, because at first he talks about his past love, a love so intense that made him blinded, something that challenged his dreams &balance.. but then he quickly changed it to saying she could never be as good as you, possibly to also lessen the heartbreak for the rebound. Matthew is a GENIUS! This song is genius. Very well written. I love songs/lyrics that make you think deeply and read in between the lines.

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@beyondblue Like has been said, each has their own interpretation. For me it's positive. I put it in comparison to my own situation. There was one who challenged all my dreams and all my balance, in so far as the relationship turned sour from something that seemed great for many years and in the process it put challenges in the way of my dreams and balance, ie it put my dreams on hold and unbalanced my serenity.

Then there is the girl I'm slowly falling for, similar to me, she was badly hurt and still a bit broken by the experience, we weren't looking for each other, it was an unintended fall of chance but we've discovered so many similarities between our persons and experiences, though neither of us feel quite ready to give our hearts fully away, it would seem we are perfectly matched in so many ways, so we hold back a little but less each day as we can see in each other those previous experiences we thought so true til they died are nothing compared to what we might have found in each other by could be that thing we all seek, true happiness with the one.

My life was shattered by the previous experience, i lost everything I held dear, my career and my home and possessions. Broken pieces of the life I had before that I'm still trying to put back together painfully after seven years came to a messy end.

There'd also distance involved so, I will be there as soon as I can, both in time and in emotional state but it could be the most amazing thing and nothing that came before can compare if it proves right :)

@beyondblue i think the you that he refers is his past lover or his ex. That his ex is could be his unintended love n could be his love of his life. But somehow, she couldnt be his eternal lover.

So, for "she could never be as good as you". She that he refers is his current lover. His current lover never could be as good as his ex lover. Hence, he still cant over from his past love n his ex n he cant love anyone else like he love his ex because for him, his new lover never be as good as his ex 2351a5e196

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