Currently, I have Homebrew installed and I am using rbenv as my version manager. Everything I can find so far talks about managing gems on a project-by-project basis; I'm looking for something that will manage and keep separate the gems that create the projects in the first place. So, for example, environment_a contains rails and httparty while environment_b contains radiant and railties.

You can also develop locally within a container, but it will run slower, require more memory, and add configuration complexity compared to a version manager. To keep things simple, I avoid Docker for local development unless an application is disturbingly complex.

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It is possible that major package managers will install older Rubyversions instead of the latest release. To use the latest Ruby release,check that the package name matches its version number. Or use adedicated installer.

Many Rubyists use Ruby managers to manage multiple Rubies. They alloweasy or even automatic switching between Ruby versions depending on theproject and other advantages but are not officially supported. You canhowever find support within their respective communities.

To run code in any language, you need to install its interpreter (or compiler). Different operating systems do it differently: some of them use package managers, for example, apt or yum, and some download the installer directly from the repository. Some languages come preinstalled with an operating system, for example, Python. In particular, Python plays a key role in the Linux OS and its distributions.

To solve these problems, the developers came up with version managers. A version manager is a special program designed to handle language versions. With its help it became possible to install the required versions and switch between them. Unlike the package managers that come with operating systems, version managers always allow to install the latest versions of languages as soon as they come out (including installing alpha and beta versions).

To simplify the work, version managers usually enable users to create a special file within the project that captures the required version of the language. In some cases, version managers track this file and switch versions automatically.

Now asdf has become quite popular and is gradually replacing every other version managers (technically, language-specific managers are more often used there). It has a bit more complex command system due to the need to support many languages, but otherwise it significantly simplifies the whole process.

Working with different versions of the language is a challenge, which is made easy due to version managers and Docker (for advanced users). Among all managers, asdf stands out and at the same time becomes a universal tool for managing any language and even regular programs.

The Node Version Manager (NVM) is an open source version manager for Node.js (Node). NVM is easy to understand and works on any POSIX-compliant shell (e.g. sh or bash). NVM allows you to easily install and manage different versions of Node and switch between them on a per-shell basis. This guide describes how to install NVM, and how to use it to install and run different versions of Node.

Besides choosing whether to install on Windows or WSL, there are additional choices to make when installing Node.js. We recommend using a version manager as versions change very quickly. You will likely need to switch between multiple versions of Node.js based on the needs of different projects you're working on. Node Version Manager, more commonly called nvm, is the most popular way to install multiple versions of Node.js. We will walk through the steps to install nvm and then use it to install Node.js and Node Package Manager (npm). There are alternative version managers to consider as well covered in the next section.

It is always recommended to remove any existing installations of Node.js or npm from your operating system before installing a version manager as the different types of installation can lead to strange and confusing conflicts. For example, the version of Node that can be installed with Ubuntu's apt-get command is currently outdated. For help with removing previous installations, see How to remove nodejs from ubuntu.)

RVM provides features for organization of Ruby gems through "gemsets", collections of gems separated by a namespace and associated Ruby installation. Gemsets can be associated with directories/projects through the use of the RVM-exclusive .rvmrc file. An alternative to using the .rvmrc file (and the general purpose although user-specific .jrubyrc) and its format is use of the .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files, which are compatible with other ruby version managers, such as RBenv and chruby. Additionally, using .rvmrc requires trusting to prevent execution of unauthorized code, while .ruby-version does not.[3]

On Unix systems, there are two options to install Elixir. You can use the Erlang/Elixir packages that are part of your distribution, although those may lag behind in version numbers (especially for LTS releases). In such cases, you can also opt to use a version manager.

The reason I choose to do that is because I usually have to work with multiple applications that need require different Node.js versions, and using a node version manager (NVM) it is very easy to switch versions.

nvm (short for Node Version Manager) is one of the oldest and most popular Node.js version managers. It was created by Tim Caswell in 2010 and is still actively maintained today. nvm allows developers to install and manage multiple versions of Node.js on a single machine. It also provides a convenient command-line interface for switching between available versions.

One downside of nvm is that it only supports Node.js. If you need to manage other programming languages or tools, you'll need to use a separate version manager. Additionally, nvm requires manual installation and configuration, which can be a bit daunting for beginners.

volta is a newer Node.js version manager that aims to simplify the installation and management of Node.js and other tools. It was created by Kevin Sawicki in 2019 and is still in active development. volta takes a different approach than nvm: instead of managing multiple versions of Node.js, it manages projects and their dependencies. When you create a new project, volta automatically detects the required Node.js version and installs it for you, which is pretty cool.

asdf is a version manager that aims to be a "universal language version manager." It was created by Jean-Louis Reynaud in 2015 and supports a wide range of programming languages and tools, including Node.js. asdf is designed to be extensible, so it's easy to add support for new languages and tools as they become available.

Also after installation cannot run npm, npx, node from console same error - not found

Works after pushing manually path: export PATH=$PATH:/www/server/nodejs/v16.13.1/bin/

Can it works automatically after installation?

Same problem here: -i-have-instal-nodejs-using-gui-nodejs-version-manager-but-not-work

OS: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS

corazon I made console commands work first installing PM2 than. I guess the issue was that .py script of Node manager do not run after installation and PATH for npm, node, nvm cannot be written to .bashsrc or whatever it is.

So, after installation of PM2 commands work, but it did not synchronize node versions with PM2 and nvm (i guess different paths)...

The Angular Version Manager, in short NGVM, is your answer and technical companion to deal with Angular project maintenance and analysis. It has a list of useful commands that are developed for engineering optimization. NGVM allows to set the default package manager, print out global, local and latest Angular CLI versions, check the Angular compatibility list with a single command and more.

In this blog post I want to talk about a dev tool calledJabba, which is a Java version manager.There are probably other alternatives, but Jabba was the first hit I got when Isearched for Java version manager

Other package managers are available, but the version of Gradle distributed by them is not controlled by Gradle, Inc. Linux package managers may distribute a modified version of Gradle that is incompatible or incomplete when compared to the official version (available from SDKMAN! or below).

In the code above, you get an instance of the VersionManager class. Next, you call the GetItemVersionHistory method of the version manager and pass the ID of the content item. As a result, all revision history changes for that specific content item are queried. To delete these changes, you iterate through the queried changes and call the DeleteChange method of the version manager by passing the ID of each of the changes. Finally, you save the changes of the operation.

In the code above, you get an instance of the VersionManager class. To delete the revision history up to a specific date, you call the TruncateVersions method of the version manager and pass the ID of the content item and the date up to which you want to delete the revision history. Finally, you save the changes of the operation.

In the code above, you call the GetItemVersionHistory method of the version manager and pass the ID of the content item. As a result, all the revision history changes for that specific content item are queried. Next, you order the queried revision history changes by Version number. During this step, you apply the filtering conditions defining how many revision history changes to skip. When calling the TruncateVersions method of the version manager, you pass the ID of the content item and a Version number. As a result, all revision history changes with version smaller or equal to the specified number are deleted.


I need the older versions of node/npm mostly for web dev tasks. So it would be most convenient for me, if I can have node and npm installed via the package manager (therefore it will be kept up to date). And nvm uses normally the package manager installed version.

However, if there is a .nvmrc file in the project folder, nvm uses the version specified in there.

I get how the part with the .nvmrc file works. But what is a better way to have node installed on the system for applications? ff782bc1db

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