Death of cattle Covers the cattle insured whilst within a geographical area specified in the policy schedule, in case of loss of life accident or diseases contracted or surgical operation. The policy also covers death of cattle which are the subject matter of insurance occurring outside the said geographical area in the event of drought, epidemics and other natural calamities.

Textual Records (in Denver): Letters sent, 1875-1915. Lettersreceived, 1873-1909, with registers, 1893-95. Index of officialletters, n.d. Superintendent's subject files, 1908-29. Recordsrelating to agency finances, consisting of account books, 1874-86; record book, 1874-80; quarterly cash accounts, 1875-1905;"Statements of Public Funds," 1875-1905; record of receipts anddisbursements ("Cash Book"), 1875-1909; statements of disbursingaccounts, 1876-1905; abstracts and vouchers of disbursements,1876-1905; estimates of funds needed, 1876-1901; andmiscellaneous financial records, 1876-1898. Individual Indianmoney (IIM) ledgers, 1947-63; IIM posting records, 1954-66; IIMledger sheets, 1947-63; and IIM case files, 1954-66. Recordsrelating to medical services, including monthly medical reports("Sanitary Reports"), 1875-1902; invoices and receipts formedical supplies, 1875-91; reports of medical supplies, 1876-1909; and estimates of medical supplies needed, 1877-99. Recordsrelating to schools, 1876-1914. Records relating to land andagriculture, including reports of the agency farmer, 1878-1900;"Cattle Claims," 1896-1907; notices of land and water claims,1897-1912; grazing permits, 1904-5; record of Indian cattle sold,ca. 1906-14; brand books, ca. 1916; land allotment lists, n.d.; appraisal reports for land allotments, 1955-85; and "Blackfeet Industrial Survey," 1921. Records relating toemployees, 1875-1910. Records relating to issues to Indians,including accounts of goods received and issued, 1874-76;"Property Returns" abstracts and vouchers, 1875-1901; annuityestimates, 1877-99; weekly supply reports, 1877-95; record ofissues of supplies, ca. 1882-87; ration rolls, 1902-14; andrecord of issues of farm equipment and livestock, n.d.Miscellaneous records, including journal of Indian police, 1890-95; "Liquor Cases," 1910-12; and diary of Superintendent C.L.Ellis, 1915-17. Records relating to supplies, 1873-1904. Vitalrecords, including list of Indian lodges, ca. 1877-78; censusrecords, 1895-1908; marriage records, 1894-1915; "Registers ofIndians by Families," 1901-4; records of births and deaths, 1902-17; and family histories, 1908. Numerical correspondence, 1909-23.Decimal correspondence, 1913-57. General subject files, 1915-55.Orders, circulars, and other issuances, 1924-33. Records relatingto employment, 1875-1927. Employment assistance case files, 1966-76. Financial records, consisting of individual Indian money (IIM) and individual Indian account (IIA)official receipts, 1917-52; IIM and IIA journal vouchers, 1920-47; IIM and IIA check copies, 1934-53; financial correspondenceand related records, 1944-53; IIA ledger sheets, 1954; IIMledgers and cards, 1913-59; IIM posting and control records,1937-60; records relating to trust responsibilities, includingIIM ledger cards, 1930-57; index to IIM ledger, 1930; allottingagents' correspondence, 1906-14; allotted land sales petitions,1920-21; land sale and lease cards, 1927-36; tribal range, land,and oil committee minutes, 1950-55; Reclamation Service circularletters and general orders, 1914-31; IIM case files, 1943-51;monthly irrigation reports, 1923-50; crop reports, 1920-59;miscellaneous irrigation project records, 1913-53; and forestryand grazing correspondence, 1932-55. Records of the BlackfeetTribal Fund land acquisition project, 1939. Annual creditreports, 1948-49. Minutes of Credit Committee meetings, 1940-55.Minutes of Cattle Board meetings, 1938-53. Cattle programrepayment records, 1936-56. Records of livestock associations,1941-47. Individual cattle repayment records, 1934-41. Easementsand rights of way, 1933-55. Emergency Conservation Work payrolls,1935-37. Census rolls and related records, 1891-1947.Supplementary census rolls, 1923-42. Census record cards, 1925-51. Records relating to extension program activities, 1931-55.Records of Indian relief and rehabilitation program, 1936-46.Drought relief cattle program records, 1934-36. Annual farmsurvey sheets, 1946-53. Tribal election records, 1958. Health andwelfare records, including health program subject files, 1932-47;health program cards, 1933-46; welfare program decimalcorrespondence, 1935-49; social service alphabetical subjectfiles, 1941-46; welfare applications, 1947-49; householdcomposition cards, 1948; and welfare case files, 1919-52.Education program correspondence, 1940-48.

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The FMIA regulates the inspection of the following species: cattle, sheep, swine, goats, horses, mules or other equines, including their carcasses and parts. It also covers any additional species of livestock that the Secretary of Agriculture considers appropriate. In addition, under the FMIA, the USDA regulates fish of the order Siluriformes and products derived from these fish. Food from other animals (e.g., bison, rabbits, game animals, and all members of the deer family including elk (wapiti) and moose) is not subject to the requirements of the FMIA at the time of importation and therefore would be subject to FSVP. In addition, products with 3 percent or less raw meat; less than 2 percent cooked meat or other portions of the carcass; or less than 30 percent fat, tallow or meat extract, alone or in combination; and closed-face sandwiches are not subject to the requirements of the FMIA at the time of importation and therefore would be subject to FSVP.

As a tax integrity measure, this proposal will benefit all Canadians by raising revenue and protecting the Canadian tax base. This measure only applies to financial institutions (e.g., banks and insurance companies), and will impact Canadian shareholders of financial institutions, who tend to be men, older, and have higher incomes. ff782bc1db

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