Burmese Days was several years in the writing. Orwell drafted it in Paris from 1928 to 1929. He revised it in 1932 at Southwold while doing up the family home during the summer holidays. By December 1933 he had typed the final version,[7] and in 1934 delivered it to his agent, Leonard Moore, who submitted it to Victor Gollancz, the publisher of Orwell's previous book. Gollancz, already fearing prosecution from having published another author's work, turned it down because he was worried about charges of libel.[7] Heinemann and Cape turned it down for the same reason. After demanding alterations, Harpers was prepared to publish it in the United States, where it appeared in 1934. In the spring of 1935, Gollancz declared that he was prepared to publish a British edition provided Orwell could demonstrate he had not named real people. To that end, extensive checks were made in colonial lists before Gollancz brought out the English version on 24 June 1935.[8] Nonetheless, many of the main European names appearing in the novel have since been identified in the Rangoon Gazette as belonging to real people, with the name "U Po Kyin" in particular belonging to a Burmese officer who was at the Police Training School in Mandalay with Orwell.[9]

THE culture of Indonesia remains remote to many of us in the West in part because the literature of this intensely civilized, ethnically kaleidoscopic island nation is rarely available in easily readable translation, especially in the United States. A colony of the Netherlands until 1949 and the victim of harsh Japanese occupation in World War II, modern Indonesia was born of struggles for liberation against the Japanese and the Dutch in the 1940's. Those traumatic but inspiring days were the setting for "The Fugitive," the first novel of Pramoedya Ananta Toer to be published in English in this country.

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Now comes a book of far greater scope and depth from independent Indonesia's greatest but still most controversial fiction writer, whose career spans more than 40 years. "This Earth of Mankind," the first in a cycle of four novels, is the tale of a bittersweet coming of age in Java, Indonesia's dominant island, almost a century ago. Through it, we are taken back to the days of nascent Indonesian nationalism. But the author is a humanist, not a propagandist, and so his novel is also a wonderful example of the best storytelling tradition of his country. It was, in fact, first told orally to inmates on Buru Island, where Pramoedya (as he is known in Indonesia, since Javanese do not often use family names) was imprisoned for his political views following an abortive coup in 1965 and the subsequent rise to power of the tenacious strong man Gen. Suharto. The story was written down in the early 1970's and published in Jakarta in 1980, where it was promptly banned by President Suharto's censors, though there was nothing in it even remotely related to current events. The first English translation, by Max Lane, then an Australian diplomat, resulted in Mr. Lane's recall in 1981. His translation has been widely read in Asia and Europe and has now been revised for this American edition.

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