The National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) is responsible for new chemical notification under the Act. Korea Chemicals Management Association (KCMA) of MOE is responsible for accepting declaration for details of other chemicals and application for confirmation certificate.

Pursuant to the TCCA, manufacturers or importers of new chemical substances are required to make notification to relevant authorities prior to the commencement of their commercial activities if the volume of the new substance exceeds 0.1 ton per year.

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We have provided one-stop chemical notification and GHS services for many companies doing business in/with Asia (for example, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Philippine). We help them find out how their chemicals are regulated in those countries or regions and offer free initial consultations about how to comply. If notification is required, we help them submit chemical registrations. We also prepare or translate GHS compliant SDS and label in accordance with their national chemical legislation at affordable prices.

I have my Language Set to English (US) and Region Philippines, yet I'm still getting Korean characters in my Messages App, only in the lockscreen notifications though, havent seem then anywhere else. If im not Mistaken this Iphone has Korea Model code, ending KH. Any ideas if they are permanent?

Note: I am using a php library to do send firebase push notifications (Laravel-FCM). I believe some devs in our team have also extended that library a bit to do some custom tasks so if there is a way to do it directly via GCM ( instead of FCM, then I can add.

I'm a Danish girl living in Korea teaching economics at Sogang economics. When I'm not working I love to learn Korean, discover this beautiful country, read and blog about my experiences and thoughts. Follow me at :)

South Korea has a national emergency alerts system for notifying citizens of important information. As one may expect, such messages are issued in the Korean language due to the fact that South Korea is a Korean-speaking country.

Earlier in January 2018, U.S. Federal Communications Commission chairman Ajit Pai said the commission planned to vote to overhaul the wireless emergency alert system.[23][24] The proposed reforms include providing more detailed information in alerts and confining emergency notifications to a more specific geographic area. Pai said he hoped the reforms, which would take effect if approved by the FCC, would lead to greater use of the alert system in local emergency situations and prompt people to take alerts they receive more seriously.[24][25]

Officials said that upon hearing the supervisor's statement, the employee, who had "confused real-life events and drills" at least twice before[38] believed there was an actual emergency, and he later attested to this in a written statement.[41] In an interview with NBC News, the employee shared that he was "100 percent sure that it was the right decision and that it was real". The man went on to state that he is not to blame for the incident, that overall it was a system failure, and that he did exactly what he was trained to do.[42] He clicked the button to send out an actual notification on Hawaii's emergency alert interface during what was intended to be a test of the state's ballistic missile preparations computer program[43][44][a] and then clicked through a second screen, which had been intended as a safeguard, to confirm.[45][26][b] An agency spokesman told The Washington Post that the employee was prompted to choose between the options "test missile alert" and "missile alert", had selected the latter, initiating the alert sent out across the state.[48] The employee later claimed to the Associated Press that he had not heard the "exercise" part of the phone call because a co-worker had placed it on speakerphone partway into the message, and as a result, he had been "100 percent sure" the attack was real.[49] State officials said five other workers were present at the agency at the time and all of them recognized the phone call as an impromptu drill.[50] Since this incident, the employee responsible has received numerous death threats and has expressed on multiple occasions his apologies.[42]

By 8:10 a.m. HST, three minutes after the first alert, Hawaii National Guard Adjutant General Arthur "Joe" Logan had contacted U.S. Pacific Command and confirmed there had been no missile launch.[39] At that time, the Honolulu Police Department was notified that the alert had been a false alarm. Officials used the State Warning Point system at 8:13 a.m. to cancel the alert, preventing it from being sent out to any phones that had not already received it, such as those that were switched off or did not have reception.[51] The employee who originally sent out the erroneous notification did not respond when directed to cancel the alert, according to state officials.[41] He later said he felt like he had been dealt a "body blow" upon realizing the supposed attack had been a drill, the Associated Press reported.[49] Another unidentified worker grabbed the employee's computer mouse and canceled the alert when the first employee failed to respond.[50]

Official messages refuting the emergency alert were not sent out until 8:20 a.m., according to the timeline released by officials after the incident. Hawaii Emergency Management Agency accounts on Facebook and Twitter posted messages at that time urging people to disregard the erroneous alert. Minutes later, Governor David Ige retweeted the HI-EMA message on Twitter and posted a similar message on Facebook to notify followers that the alert had been canceled.[51] Ige later said the delay was caused in part by the fact he did not know his Twitter login information.[52] An email from the state was also sent at about 8:25 a.m. advising that the initial alert was not correct, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported.[53]

The Federal Communications Commission also announced that it would conduct a full investigation into the incident.[98] On January 25, an FCC official announced that the former employee responsible for sending the false report was refusing to cooperate with the FCC probe of the incident.[99] The FCC report, released January 30, faulted the state for failing to quickly notify the public and not having safeguards in place sufficient to prevent the error.[100] FCC Chairman Ajit Pai stated:[38]

U.S. Senator Brian Schatz, one of Hawaii's two members of the United States Senate, introduced federal legislation that would prohibit state and local agencies from notifying the public of a missile launch, placing the responsibility on federal authorities to make that determination.[50] In July 2018, Schatz also introduced the Reliable Emergency Alert Distribution Improvement (READI) Act, which proposed that a reporting system be established for false alarms, that FEMA establish best practices on use of emergency alerts and preventing dissemination of false alarms, and that State Emergency Communications Committees (SECCs) be required to update their procedures on a periodic basis. The act also proposed user-visible changes to EAS behavior, including requiring that users be prevented from opting out of wireless alerts originating from FEMA, mandating repetition of EAS broadcasts for active FEMA or presidential alerts, and compelling the FCC to investigate the feasibility of delivering emergency alerts via over-the-top streaming media services. The bill passed in the Senate but failed in the House of Representatives.[109][110][111]

Failure to notify a data security breach is not in itself a violation of the data protection regime, but may bear on the effects of security violation, especially if lack of such notification results in other security breaches or damages. The person responsible for the data must keep records on security breaches, and these records may be requested by the data protection authority.

In the event the motorcycle experiences a problem or malfunction, a notification will be displayed on the smartphone screen. In addition, by setting an e-mail address from the Menu screen of the app, a malfunction occurrence notification containing the error information will automatically be sent to that e-mail address.

*A note about mobile text alerts: The Spot The Station app and email alerts are the most accurate ways to get space station sighting notifications. The mobile text alert system is no longer actively supported, and NASA cannot guarantee the timeliness of its alerts; it is provided here as a legacy option only.

Pernah gak nih kalian dapat notif 'xxxx mengunjungi profil anda,' biasanya notif ini digunakan untuk mengetahui bahwa ada seseorang yang sedang stalking kamu loh. Nah, kerap kali dilakukan oleh sang mantan yang mungkin masih gamon atau karena emang gak sengaja kepencet. Bisa disebabkan karena ingin tahu kegiatan apa yang dilakukan sang mantan.

Hal seperti ini bisa dilakukan oleh pria dan wanita, loh. Biasanya, pria dan wanita melakukan ini setelah putus cinta. Nah kebetulan nih kamu dapat notif 'Jeno mengunjungi profil anda' kira-kira mantan masih gamon sama kamu atau dia cuma iseng doang nih? Yuk isi kuis berikut ini untuk mengetahui jawabannya!

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Governor of Hong Kong had received the specific authorisation . e24fc04721

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