And if the proxy needs authentication, we can first use a normal web-browser to access the website which will promote authentication dialog. After authentication, we can use wireshark to capture the http package sends to the proxy server, from the http package, we can get the auth token from http header: Proxy-Authorization

When logged into the system and using the same proxy settings via curl on the command line everything is fine, so the problem doesn't seem to be with curl but rather Drupal not utilising the proxy settings.

Download Curl Using Proxy


In this article, you will learn how to use the command line tool cURL to transfer data using a proxy server. A proxy server acts as a middleman between a client and a destination server. The client can forward each command they want to execute to the proxy and then the proxy executes it and returns the result to the client.

We might want to do this when say data on a target service uses geo localization to restrict the data displayed, or completely blocks access to clients in certain countries. On a variety of global shopping sites this approach is used to display prices in a local currency - e.g. Euros rather than dollars. If we were to visit the site directly, we would end up with data in the wrong currency. By using a proxy, we can fetch the data we require based on the locale of the proxy.

This might confuse you - where's google's search box? We can see instead cURL has returned a 301 redirect, which is what our browser also gets on visiting the page. Our browser would follow the redirect and then return that sites content. As cURL defaults to using HTTP and by default won't follow the redirect unless we specify it, we need to explicitly tell cURL to to visit the www subdomain we'd typically see in our browser along with the protocol we'd prefer to use.

The proxy we use for our examples in the rest of this article will be set up on our local machine, using port 5000. By default, the only required part of a proxy statement is the host and it defaults to using HTTP as the scheme with the default port 80. We'll be transferring data to it via HTTP which we'll explicitly specify for completeness. For most of the examples here, we're going to be using a GET request made to the developer service. This service is especially useful as it allows us to see the source of a request when we access the path /ip.

The first and simplest option for using a proxy is to use a command line argument. cURL has extensive help documentation within it which you can filter for all the options for proxy configuration on the command line. In order to look at the documentation for proxy settings use the following command:

This uses the Basic authentication scheme by default, but some proxy servers may require a different authentication scheme. The server will respond with headers detailing which scheme should be used, but you can specify for cURL to determine the authentication scheme and use it using --proxy-anyauth.

It is possible to configure cURL to use our proxy using environment variables. cURL allows use of an environment variable for each protocol it supports through setting a variable [scheme]_proxy. If these are set, then cURL will by default use them when the appropriate protocol is used. In our examples where we are using http or https, we'd set http_proxy or https_proxy like so:

Another more permanent approach to configuring a proxy is via an alias which is useful if you always need to regularly connect in this way. An alias can be used to substitute any system command we execute with another.

We've seen the vast amount of command line options that are available to use with cURL already. Fortunately you can configure the ones you want curl to use within a configuration file, to save repetition it your command line usage. The file can be specified on the command line via the -K argument, but curl will always search by default for one in your home directory ~/.curlrc (_curlrc on Windows). If it doesn't exist already, you can create it and it will be used if found each time it is invoked.

We've explained how useful cURL can be on its own so lets demonstrate a more complex one where we combine it with other tooling using unix pipes. In this example we're going to parse the title html tag from

In this article we've shown just how simple it is to configure a proxy for use with cURL, using a variety of both temporary and more permanent solutions. If you're going to be making a lot of requests via the same proxy our recommended approach would be to use the curl configuration file in order to keep cURLs config separate from other tools. Any approach here however is equally acceptable to enable you to reach the data you require.

The project supports a wide range of protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SFTP, POP3, POP3S, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, SCP, and more. This makes curl the most popular and widely used command-line HTTP client in the world.

cURL is highly versatile and represents a common solution to perform various tasks, such as making HTTP requests, downloading files, uploading data, and interacting with APIs. It offers several features, from request customization to proxy support.

On Linux, the procedure for installing curl changes depending on the specific distribution you are using. Popular Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu and Fedora, come with it by default. So, you can use curl directly in the terminal.

A proxy acts as an intermediary between the client and the destination server. It intercepts requests from the client, forwards them to the server, receives the response from the server, and sends it back to the client. This middle-man approach increases anonymity and helps avoid network restrictions. This is because the destination server will see the requests as coming from the IP and location of the chosen proxy server and from you.

Opting for such a solution is okay for learning purposes, but you cannot rely on it in a real-world scenario. Free proxy services are unreliable, error-prone, slow, data-greedy, and short-lived. Do not use them!

Keep in mind that premium solutions are protected by authentication. Suppose the protocol is HTTP, host is, and port is 9321, and the pair of credentials are admin-32458 and rTuJ3tEwf. In this case, the curl proxy URL would be:

An alternative approach involves the --socks4, --socks4a, --socks5 command-line options instead of -x. In this case, you must set the proxy URL without username and password after the option and then the credentials after --proxy-user:

The answer to this question depends on your use case and the nature of the curl requests you have to make. To find the right solution for your needs, take a look at the different types of proxies available:

Build scrapers in a cloud environment with code templates and functions that speed up the development. This solution is based on Bright Data's Web Unlocker and proxy infrastructure making it easy to scale and never get blocked.

libcurl respects the proxy environment variables named http_proxy,ftp_proxy, sftp_proxy etc. If set, libcurl will use the specifiedproxy for that URL scheme. So for a "FTP://" URL, the ftp_proxy isconsidered. all_proxy is used if no protocol specific proxy was set.

So if you set the environment variable accordingly, libcurl and consequently curl will pick it up. Any explicitly set proxy (e.g. in .curlrc or via --proxy cmdline argument) overwrites the environment variable settings.

NOTE! According to the URL specification, HTTP URLs can not contain a user and password, so that style will not work when using curl via a proxy, even though curl allows it at other times. When using a proxy, you must use the -u style for user and password.

Just to clarify, you can permanently set your proxy URL for use with terminal commands, but it won't work with PAC files. Refer to How to set proxy environment variable in Unix/Linux if you aren't already aware of how to do this.

As far as I know, no, curl doesn't support using javascript. I'm assuming that this script will be run from various networks and you won't know which proxy to use, hence the reliance upon the .pac file? You are able to supply curl with a proxy manually via the -x option but if that proxy will not apply to all situations, then I guess you're outta luck.

If you have Kerberos authentication enabled on your proxy, you should be able to just do a kinit to get a Kerberos ticket, then open Safari and go to Google to generate a kerberos ticket for the proxy. You can confirm that a ticket was issued by using klist. Once complete, you can test using curl If done correctly, you'll get a long string of HTML/JavaScript. If not, you'll probably get a "host not found" or "proxy authentication required" error.

Conclusion: To correct, there's no problem in Windows version cURL. Besides, one should set https_proxy if they want to proxy HTTPS traffic (or better all_proxy if no need to set different proxies based on protocols).

I need cURL to access a website using proxy, as the site is restricted in my region. However, I may not be able to add -x option to the cURL commands (just suppose commands are executed by a closed-source application).

I have found that setting an environment variable like http_proxy can instruct cURL to use that proxy on Linux and macOS systems, but unfortunately it didn't work when I tried it on Windows set http_proxy= :port curl ..., testing both the cURL shipped with Windows and the official release. I couldn't understand why this feature is missing on Windows. Are there alternative environment variables that have similar effects on Windows, or any build of cURL that is aware of the system proxy settings of Windows?

Well, I found later that those cURL commands accessed HTTPS URLs, so I should set https_proxy or all_proxy variable. I just misunderstood that HTTP-protocol proxy should be set as http_proxy (and maybe socks5_proxy etc. for other proxies ?). e24fc04721

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