It is now possible! The models themselves are, of course, by the Half-Life: VR team (Max Vollmer, Formic.Sapien, Rorin and DoomMarine23); primary thanks go to them. Immense thanks go out to u/migcar for a great tutorial (and some sort of wizardry to get the HD AR model to work)! Also thanks to u/jacked_minion for the suggestion and some extra motivation to finally get this done and out there!

I currently have 3 separate flashlight choices; I'm planning to eventually figure out how to use the left hand "HEV fist" flashlight from HLVR, but I figured this would be better than ignoring the issue altogether! (To install these models: just copy the v_torch.mdl file into your Quest's xash/valve/models or xash/valve/HL_Gold_HD folder... or the models folder of whatever game/mod in which you want to use it)

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0.5) Make sure to BACKUP any folders (just the valve/models folder or HL_Gold_HD/models folder... or the models folder of whichever game you're modifying) to which you will be applying these weapons models. The weapons packs shouldn't cause issues, but if they do, it will be much easier to revert to the default models with an available backup!

When asked if you want to overwrite files, say "yes" (if you aren't asked about overwriting files, make sure you are copying the files over to the correct directory; the newly extracted models folder should overwrite files within the models folder of the game you choose)

You can assign proxy models to the BIS magazine classes via config, but they would only show on community weapons that have have a proxy position for the magazine inside the weapon model, and accept the BIS magazines.

It would only make sense for the 100 rounds MX version, as it can fit the 30 rounds mag as well. But this is also good: Means only few weapons need to be edited, so it might be in the realms of possibility for BI.

Scott D. Sagan notes that the question of why states seek to build nuclear weapons has scarcely been examined, although it is crucial to efforts at preventing proliferation. He challenges the traditional realist assumption, accepted uncritically by many scholars and policymakers, that states seek to acquire or develop nuclear weapons primarily for military and strategic reasons. Sagan examines alternate explanations for the demand for nuclear weapons.

Amazing weapon models for your resource pack and server. Get yourself bundles of weapon models, custom weapon styles like staffs or maybe a simple bow model. No matter what you weapon style is, we will surely have something for you. is in no way connected or associated with Minecraft, Mojang or any other game company. Our products are made to be used within a wide range of programs and games. Not specifically Minecraft. Read more in our terms.

A majority of CCW states parties and the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, a global civil society coalition coordinated by Human Rights Watch, are calling for the negotiation of a legally binding instrument to prohibit or restrict lethal autonomous weapons systems. The Campaign advocates for a treaty to maintain meaningful human control over the use of force and prohibit weapons systems that operate without such control. While the exact language would be worked out during negotiations, the Campaign identified key elements of such a treaty in a November 2019 publication, prepared by Human Rights Watch and the Harvard Law School International Human Rights Clinic.[1]

While some states have suggested that the cutting-edge nature of fully autonomous weapons will significantly complicate the treaty process, drafters of an instrument on the topic can look to existing international law and principles for guidance. These weapons systems present distinctive challenges, and no single source constitutes a model response, but creating new law from scratch could unnecessarily slow the progress of negotiations. International law and non-legally binding principles of artificial intelligence (AI) provide ample precedent for the elements of a new treaty. Lessons from the past can and should be adapted to this emerging technology.

This report provides precedent for each of the treaty elements and shows that constructing a legally binding instrument does not require an entirely new approach. Earlier law and principles, often driven by similar concerns and objectives, can inform the structure of a treaty on fully autonomous weapons, and when negotiations start, facilitate crafting of language. The existence of relevant models should make it legally, politically, and practically easier to develop a new treaty.

The proposed treaty elements apply to all weapons systems that select and engage targets based on sensor processing, rather than human inputs. They include three types of obligations. First, a general obligation requires maintaining meaningful human control over the use of force. Second, prohibitions ban the development, production, and use of weapons systems that autonomously select and engage targets and by their nature pose fundamental moral or legal problems. These prohibitions cover weapons that always operate without meaningful human control and those that rely on data, like weight, heat, or sound, to select human targets. Third, specific positive obligations aim to ensure that meaningful human control is maintained in the use of all other systems that select and engage targets.

The report examines international legal instruments, especially international humanitarian law and disarmament treaties. The instruments include Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, a cornerstone of civilian protection, the Arms Trade Treaty, and numerous conventions banning specific weapons. The report also considers relevant precedent from international human rights law and international environmental law. These legal sources provide especially useful support for the obligations and terminology proposed for the treaty.

Other international humanitarian law treaties have used general obligations to lay out the core purpose and foundational principles of an instrument and to inform interpretation of more specific provisions. The 1977 Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions (Protocol I) provides apt precedent because its origins resemble those of the proposed fully autonomous weapons treaty. Protocol I was drafted in part to respond to changes in the nature of warfare and developments in weapons technology. Aerial bombing, for example, did not exist at the time of the 1907 Hague Regulations, the previous international effort to address the methods and means of warfare.[5] The development of autonomy in weapons systems likewise creates an impetus to clarify and strengthen the law.

The proposed prohibitions on fully autonomous weapons are motivated by similar factors. Given that these systems would have the power to kill without meaningful human control, they would cross a moral redline for many people, face significant challenges in complying with international law, and raise concerns under the Martens Clause.

The prohibitions in disarmament treaties cover a range of activities that parallel the proposed ban on the development, production, and use of fully autonomous weapons. The Chemical Weapons Convention, Mine Ban Treaty, and Convention on Cluster Munitions ban use, development, production, acquisition, stockpiling, retention, and transfer as well as assistance with those prohibited activities.[16] The TPNW contains similar prohibitions and adds testing and threatening to use nuclear weapons. These treaties thus recognize that banning use alone is insufficient to address the problems of an unacceptable weapon system.

The lack of human control in weapons systems has motivated several prior disarmament treaties.[22] Fully autonomous weapons raise similar concerns as victim-activated landmines, biological weapons, and chemical weapons because the systems have the ability to take life without meaningful human control.

The concept of meaningful human control cuts across all three proposed obligations of a treaty on fully autonomous weapons. The general obligation requires meaningful human control over the use of force. The prohibitions ban the development, production, and use of weapons systems that inherently lack meaningful human control. The positive obligations require states to ensure weapons systems that select and engage targets are used only with meaningful human control.

The concept is fundamental to this instrument because most of the concerns arising from the use of fully autonomous weapons are attributable to the lack of such human control.[41] For example, the use of fully autonomous weapons would undermine human dignity by delegating life-and-death determinations to machines that cannot comprehend the value of human life. Algorithmic bias in systems operating autonomously could lead to discriminatory outcomes. Fully autonomous weapons systems would also be unable to replicate the human judgment necessary to weigh the proportionality of an attack as required under international law. Even if the systems could apply human judgment, the law is designed to be implemented by humans. Finally, the use of fully autonomous weapons would create an accountability gap because it would be legally difficult and possibly unjust to hold a human liable for the actions of a system operating beyond human control. All of these concerns demonstrate the need to maintain meaningful human control over the use of force.

Negotiating a new treaty on fully autonomous weapons is a challenging but feasible endeavor. While states will have to tailor the instrument to address the distinctive characteristics of this emerging technology, they will not be in uncharted territory. The elements of a new treaty provide a starting point for discussion and offer an effective model for addressing the concerns raised by fully autonomous weapons. Drafters can also draw on and adapt existing international law and AI principles when developing the structure and content of the treaty. Finally, the precedent discussed in this report can help generate political support by showing states that they have adopted similar norms in the past. States that wish to preserve meaningful human control over the use of force and prevent the next dangerous revolution in warfare should not be swayed by skeptics who say these goals are too difficult to accomplish. States have successfully governed unacceptable weapons in the past. They can and, given the high stakes, should do so again. ff782bc1db

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