my sibling recently got the first few cases and said it was really good (and also im his only friend who plays layton games) so i was thinkin abt gettin it the next time i have money. is it proper worth it?

After investigating the public shooting of a popular stage actress at the request of Alfendi's old partner, Justin Lawson, the duo set about examining a new case, an alleged "supernatural" locked room murder of an archaeologist in South America, who was rumored to have been the target of the curse of a (now stolen) stone idol he had uncovered. They discover that the killer is actually Chico Careta, a local guide, and that he was manipulated into the crime, and used as a scapegoat, by his fiance, Mariana Etista. Reasoning that, upon discovering that Scotland Yard were reopening the case, she sent Chico to England to take the fall, the pair are forced to defer the case's closure so long as she remains on the run. A further slaying, that of a popular DJ at a radio station, also successfully resolved, the pair receive a personal request from the Commissioner to look into the deaths of a group of mafia members. The manner of their deaths all seem to be copycat murders based on the "Jigsaw Puzzle Killings", a 26 victim serial killing from four years ago that was never made public knowledge. Alfendi and Lucy ultimately deduce that one of the mafia members killed the others alongside an unknown female accomplice, only to be betrayed by her and get himself killed.

Download Layton Brothers Mystery Room Case


Diane manages to escape, and sends an invitation to Alfendi to visit Forbodium Castle, where Al and her father had their fateful showdown four years ago. Arriving in pursuit of Alfendi, Lucy and Hilda are separated, and Lucy is locked in a room by Diane, who forces her to solve a reenactment of a murder in order to escape. Upon solving it, Diane tells Lucy that this was her father's first killing; Keelan had once told her he had help inside the police, someone who destroyed vital evidence in that particular case. Lucy is shocked to discover the investigator in charge of the case was Alfendi.

Unlike the proper Professor Layton adventure, Mystery Room casts you as constable Lucy Baker, who works under Hershel Layton's inspector son, Alfendi. This spin-off bears more in common with Phoenix Wright as its core design is based around investigating crime scenes and presenting contradictory evidence in the titular mystery room (i.e. Layton's office).

It's important to understand this last minute marketing move, because it explains why Layton Brothers doesn't actually play like a "Layton" game. In fact, it has more similarities with the Ace Attorney adventures, including their focus on interrogation and crime scene investigations. You'll scarcely find any mind-bending logic puzzles here, as the focus shifts toward situational mystery solving instead. Every chapter is a new case that Lucy and Alfendi must tackle, and the structure is always the same. You're first requested to solve a murder by an interested party and are shown the main suspects and their statements. Playing as Lucy, you're given a brief chance to poke around the case and take your best guess at the culprit, but it's Alfendi who ultimately determines the most likely murderer, before the two of you reconstruct the crime scene in his lab through some kind of fantastic machine we never get to see in order to test his theory.

This is based on this post by @mystery-room not the fanfiction it links to because I could not get google translate to translate it on my laptop but if you can read it I reccomend giving it a go, it looks interesting.

The chambers in Jermyn Street occupied by Rupert Mernside, had acharacter which seemed to reflect their owner. Perhaps all rooms in amore or less degree are reflections of those who live in them: humanbeings, whether consciously or unconsciously, stamp their personalitiesupon their surroundings, and create their distinctive atmospheres, evenin hired lodgings. Rupert's rooms, filled as they were with thefurniture he had from time to time picked up, the walls hung withpictures his fastidious taste had chosen, the bookcases filled with hisown special collection of books, were, to those with eyes to see, amirror of their master's nature. Simplicity was the keynote of thewhole. There were no expensive hangings, no luxurious rugs or heavilyupholstered chairs and couches; there was nothing of what Mernsidehimself would have described as "frippery," nothing effeminate orover-dainty. Matting, with here and there a soft-coloured rug, coveredthe floor of the sitting-room; the walls, tinted a pale apricot yellow,were hung with water-colour sketches, each one of which bore the markof a master hand; the bookcases were of carved oak, as were the one ortwo tables, whilst the chairs, of a severely simple pattern, and eventhe few armchairs, spoke rather of solid comfort, than of any undueluxury. Upon the breakfast table, pushed near the window, stood a bowlof chrysanthemums, touched into jewelled beauty by a faint ray ofNovember sunlight. Seeing the sunlight on the rich coloured blossoms,Rupert smiled, as he entered the sitting-room a week after his returnfrom Bramwell Castle. It was not his habit to fill his rooms withflowers: he had a fancy that such a custom savoured of womanishness;but Cicely, his pretty little cousin, had rifled the greenhouse for himwith her own hands, and Cicely's fashion of giving would have made evena dandelion a charming and acceptable gift.

She started violently as the footman's voice sounded close to her. Hisfootstep on the thick pile of the stair carpet had been quiteinaudible, and she was surprised to see him once more beside her. Athis bidding she rose mechanically, and followed him up the widestaircase, whose soft carpet was a bewildering novelty to the girlaccustomed to the simplest surroundings, across a landing, fragrant,like the hall, with growing roses and exotic plants, into a smallboudoir, in which she found herself alone. In all her twenty years oflife she had never before been in a room like this room, and, standingin the centre of it, just where her guide had left her, she lookedround her timidly, and drew a long breath of admiration and amazement.

The green door stood ajar now, and a lighted lantern had been placed onthe ground just inside it. By its rather uncertain light, Fergussonled her across the garden and into the hall, where a wood fire wasburning brightly. They did not, however, linger here, but, crossingit, ascended a wide staircase to the floor above, on which were severalrooms. The door of one of these stood wide open, a stream of lightfrom it flooded the landing, and the doctor, tapping gently on thedoor, entered, Christina following him half fearfully, dreading whatshe might see. But no dreadful sight met her gaze. She saw only asimply-furnished bedroom, and in the bed, propped up by pillows, andwith her face turned anxiously towards the door, lay the beautifulwoman, whose image had haunted the girl ever since the afternoon. Shelooked, if possible, even whiter than when she had accosted Christinain the lane, and her eyes seemed darker and more heavily pencilled withshadows; but she greeted her visitors with a smile, and held out herhand in welcome.

Unfeignedly puzzled, and with all her nervous tremors trooping backupon her, Christina went across the landing, and turned along thepassage as directed. Who and what was she going to find in that thirdroom on the left? And why was there a necessity for all this secrecy?Her heart beat very fast, so fast that it nearly suffocated her, as shepassed on and paused at the third door, wondering again with a sinkingdread, what new mystery was to be revealed to her? To her soft knock,a man's voice responded:

"I will come down to the drawing-room," she said, scarcely knowingherself why she came to this decision; coming to it more by instinct,than by any power of reasoning. She paused yet another moment tocollect her forces, then went slowly down the great staircase, andopened the drawing-room door, without lingering on the threshold, asshe was more than half inclined to do. ff782bc1db

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