When you first open this page, you'll be viewing 'followers'. It's important to remember that ALL LinkedIn connections automatically become followers. So to know how many pure followers you have, you must must subtract your total number of connections from the number of followers.

It was hardly a raging torrent of readers but it didn't do too badly. 'Leaving Las Vegas - CES 2015 Highlights' did 504 views, 40 likes, 2 comments and 0 shares to be precise. What I also noticed was a slight blip in the number of Followers I had, which crawled over the 400 mark. Next up? 'Killing Creativity - the Death of the Copywriter?' And this fared rather better. Over 1000 views and again another decent bump on the number of Followers. Then, a few weeks later, 'Burn your Rsum - LinkedIn has made it obsolete' racked up over 4000 views and there was a significant spike in Followers. It was also featured by Business Insider and Yahoo Finance. Hardly a revelation but there was also a clear correlation in terms of the views of articles and the number of followers I added. And equally the more Followers I added, the better the viewing numbers became.

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Within a week of that milestone, I got an email out of the blue from LinkedIn telling me that I had been named one of their 'Top Voices for 2015' and also 'Agency Publisher of the Year'. As you might imagine I was more than a little blown away. And equally there was a massive jump in the number of followers which, almost overnight, went up to over 3000 Followers. I was still a little perplexed as to how I had achieved it but (don't get me wrong) I was absolutely thrilled as well. Given it was then the Christmas vacation, I had a few days to reflect on what had happened and, during those moments of introspection, I hatched a plan to write a book about my experiences.

That said, it's certainly nowhere near the highest on the platform. Many of the INfluencers have followings well into the millions (e.g. Arianna Huffington, Sir Martin Sorrell, Richard Branson etc.). And several of my 'LinkedIn Top Voice' contemporaries have many more Followers than I have. Tai Tran for example who is a Forbes '30 Under 30' and fellow LinkedIn Top 10 Writer at the tender age of just 22 already has nearly 250,000 followers. Tai's advice?

I have c.125,000 Followers on LinkedIn and you can FOLLOW ME via this link to try and win a free copy of my book 'How to be a Top 10 Writer on LinkedIn' available on Amazon or visit www.linkedintop10writer.com or on FacebookĀ 

Sam Browne is founder of live music agency, Findaband. Based in New Zealand, he works on sales, marketing and SEO for his brand and loves experimenting with new tactics to measure their success. Over the last 8 months he built his LinkedIn account to 10,000 followers. He believes that hardly anyone knows how to do LinkedIn properly and wants to share his blueprint how he did it for the benefit of other business owners.

One of my clients is in the government industry and their LinkedIn account just lost over 5,000 followers in a day this month from Sept 5th - 6th. Their LinkedIn account has been increasing steadily in followers each month but suddenly saw this drop and thought it weird. I haven't seen any reports or news articles about this but is LinkedIn going on a rampage of deleting old accounts or bots or something? Anyone else lost a lot of followers this month?

Every nonprofit is a little different and has a unique audience. As you work to increase your follower count, pay attention to what resonates most with your followers by exploring your LinkedIn Page Analytics to see which posts and updates are driving the highest engagement, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

The LinkedIn business account I manage occasionally sees a one day spike of new followers from the normal 5-10 to 30-40, but this past week, we saw a sizable and sustained spike over almost the full week, peaking at 108 new followers. Any idea what could have caused this? None of our content had abnormal engagement and no notable reposts.

Hello everyone!

Does anyone know if there is a way to download my LinkedIn Company Page's followers into an Excel document that includes their names, company name, etc. Our BD/Sales team was looking to use this list for their activities and I want to be able to use this data to show our people that they should be posting to their own connections and not relying on the company posts to do all of the heavy lifting.

Time-bound follower statistics: To retrieve time-bound follower statistics, include the timeIntervals query parameter. The API returns the aggregate follower count for both paid and organic followers during the days, weeks or months of the selected date range, based on the specified timeIntervals.timeGranularityType.

Calling organizationalEntityFollowerStatistics without specifying a timeIntervals parameter will retrieve lifetime follower statistics segmented by various demographic facets. Demographic results are rolled up as a total of both organic and paid followers in the organicFollowerCount field. Do not refer to the paidFollowerCount field for demographic statistics.

Follower statistics can be broken down by 7 demographic facets. The results for any individual facet are limited to the top 100 results. For example, if a page has followers in more than 100 countries/regions, only the top 100 countries/regions will be returned.

The only way to understand how many people who follow you, as distinct from being a Connection, is to subtract your number of Connections from followers. (In my case, I have about 7% more followers than Connections.)

Marketing Manager at JBC Industrial Services Ltd, Angela Spurling, asked me if it was possible to sort her LinkedIn followers and/or Connections into different groups so she can identify each more easily. This was because she has a mixture of current industry-related contacts and non-industry-related colleagues, friends and acquaintances from previous employments on LinkedIn.

Eventually, for LinkedIn, I recommend that you post once every day unless you have over a hundred thousand followers and you just have as many people consuming your content. However, once a week is ideal for most scenarios.

Your LinkedIn followers can be your go-to prospect list that you can actively engage with to convert as a customer. So, you can drive visitors from all fronts to your LinkedIn company page to capture that audience. You can always add elements on your website that encourage your visitors to check out your LinkedIn company page and follow you. No, I am not talking about the standard social media icons that you place in the footer of your website. We all do that. I am asking you to go the extra mile and add a section or a widget on the side or on your header that exclusively asks people to follow your company on LinkedIn.

Yes, even if you have 1000 followers, whenever you post something, not all thousand of them see it on their feeds (algorithm shenanigans!). So, putting some bucks behind them ensures that you increase the visibility of your posts. The rest follows. As soon as more people see your posts, more people engage with them.

If you choose to target content that you share on behalf of a company, there is a minumum number of followers that must make up the segment you are targeting before you will be able to successfully share the targeted content. This request allows you to get a follower-count for a specific segment to ensure you are at or over the minimum requirement for the target segment for the company specified by the {id} value in the request. Optional Parameters

The main difference between Linkedin followers and Linkedin connections is that you can only interact with your connections (message, endorse, recommend) also they grow your LinkedIn network. Followers are less useful, they only get notifications of your content, nothing else.

This is the short and simple explanation, what is the differece between Linkedin followers and Linkedin connections. But like anything in life, this is also no this simple. There are some other important differences, so please keep reading:

As you can see, there are quite a lot of differences between followers and connections on LinkedIn. If you are an influencer a thought leader, talking to masses, then you should concentrating on growing our follower base because your communication is mostly one-way. You produce content, your followers consume that content. In case some of them would like to reach you, then they could comment on your posts or send you a connection request.

Therefore, gaining a lot of followers that will never engage is a big miss in your LinkedIn growth. People used to buy Facebook followers and soon found out that it was doing a lot of harm and stopped.

The best way to grow your social media followers is to focus on engagement with content and be active on the platform. Try to post at least once a week with a consistent type of post. This will help you come across as authentic and keep your followers engaged.

The best time to post on LinkedIn is during the hours when users are most active on the platform, which is typically between 6 AM and 5 PM. However, you may get more followers and engagement if you plan your post during prime time, from 8 AM to 1 PM. You can always do a trial test to determine which times work best for your brand.

Post engaging content on your LinkedIn profile so your followers will want to see more of you on other social media platforms. You can link your Facebook and Twitter accounts to your LinkedIn profile or post a tweet asking your followers or Facebook fans to do the same.

The LinkedIn Analytics tool is excellent for adjusting your content to increase your reach and gain new followers. It provides various insights and tells you how much traffic your site receives from different sources. By analyzing this data, you can make an informed decision about which posts better serve your audience and attract more engagement. 2351a5e196

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