In a cloud environment, we use images to install systems. The system automation is generally done by cloud-init. Cloud-init was originally developed for Ubuntu GNU/Linux on the Amazon EC2 cloud. It has become the de facto installation configuration tool for most Unix like systems on most cloud environments.

The simplest way to obtain a virtual machine image that works withOpenStack is to download one that someone else has alreadycreated. Most of the images contain the cloud-init package tosupport the SSH key pair and user data injection.Because many of the images disable SSH password authenticationby default, boot the image with an injected key pair.You can SSH into the instance with the private key and defaultlogin account. See Configure access and security for instancesfor more information on how to create and inject key pairs with OpenStack.

Download Centos 8 Cloud Image

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Debian provides images for direct download.They are made at the same time as the CD and DVD images of Debian.Therefore, images are available on each point release of Debian. Also,weekly images of the testing distribution are available.

Cloudbase Solutions provides the last available trial versionof Windows Server 2012 R2.This image includes cloudbase-init plus VirtIO drivers on KVM.You can build your own image based on Windows Server 2016, 2019,Windows 10 etc) with Cloudbase Imaging Tools.

Images are arranged by Ubuntu release, and by image release date,with current being the most recent.For example, the page that contains the most recently built image forUbuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver is Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) Daily Build.Scroll to the bottom of the page for links to the images that can bedownloaded directly.

If your deployment uses QEMU or KVM, we recommend using the imagesin qcow2 format, with name ending in .img.The most recent version of the 64-bit amd64-arch QCOW2 image forUbuntu 18.04 isbionic-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk.img.

Be aware I am deploying this on GNS3, there is no way for me to upload a ssh key in this system. Also I went into the GRUB boot loader, there is no way to bypass and mount with initd (These instructions ( -root-password-centos-7/) do not work).

I have an OpenStack cloud and added the CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1503 image and it boots just fine, but I do not know how to login. What is the root password? How can I set it? Is there some other account I need to use?

You can use most public images at no additional cost, but there are somepremium images that do addadditional cost to your instances. Custom images that you import toCompute Engine add no cost to your instances, but do incur an imagestorage charge while you keep yourcustom image in your project.

Compute Engine offers many preconfigured public images that havecompatible Linux or Windows operating systems. Use these operating systemimages tocreate and start instances.Compute Engine uses your selected image to create a persistent bootdisk for each instance. By default, the boot disk for an instance is the samesize as the image that you selected. If your instance requires a largerpersistent boot disk than the image size,resize the boot disk.

You can see the full list ofpublic images with their image names, versions numbers, and image sizes, byusing the Google Cloud console or the Google Cloud CLI. Google updatespublic images regularly, or when a patch for a critical impact commonvulnerability and exposure (CVE) is available.

Compute Engine provides public images with 64-bit versions of thefollowing operating systems. For more information about each OS, including howeach OS is customized to run on Compute Engine, seeOperating system details.

Import a virtual diskto Compute Engine from your on-premises environment or from VMs thatare running on your local workstation or on another cloud platform. You canmanually import boot disk imagesto Compute Engine, but one disk at a time.

Create an imagefrom the boot disks of your existing Compute Engineinstances. Then use that image tocreate new boot disksfor your instances. This process lets you to create new instances thatare preconfigured with the apps that you need without having toconfigure a public image from scratch.

Copy one image to another image by using either thegcloud CLI or theAPI. Use the same process thatyou use tocreate an image,but specify another image as the image source. You can alsocreate an image from a custom image in a different project.

Image families help you manage images in your project bygrouping related images together, so that you can roll forward androll back between specific image versions. An image family always points to thelatest version of an image that is not deprecated.Most public images are grouped into an imagefamily. For example, the debian-11 image family in the debian-cloud projectalways points to the most recent Debian 11 image.

If you regularly update your custom imageswith newer configurations and software, you can group those images into a customimage family. The image family always points to the most recent image in thatfamily, so your instance templates and scripts can use that image without havingto update references to a specific image version.

Community-supported images are not directly supported by Compute Engine.It is up to the project community to ensure that images work withCompute Engine features and that security updates are maintained.Community-supported images are provided as-is by the project communities thatbuild and maintain them.

Fedora Cloud is a free operating system maintained by theFedora Cloud project.Fedora Cloud images are available in the fedora-cloud project. To listFedora Cloud images, use the following gcloud command:

At a high level, Generic Cloud images are generally system disk images for whatever operating system built specifically for bog-standard KVM/QEMU hypervisors. Since Proxmox utilizes QEMU, we can run a few commands and do everything easily enough to have a template built for us for easy re-use!

In this day and age of cloud computing, installing an image from scratch is something that is probably not needed very often, if at all, and probably something that is only needed if installing a hardware machine. Major Linux vendors offer cloud versions of their images, such as Ubuntu and CentOS. Using these images with a compatible system ensures that one can get started up on a fresh Linux install very quickly, be it with a Public cloud like EC2, an OpenStack infrastructure, or even just a basic KVM host.

SELinux is enabled on the CentOS cloud images. The steps below include disabling it when the root password is reset. Make sure this is done, or you will have a bad time. Note that method #1 also includes enforcing=0 as a boot parameter, so if the this is missed, you have an opportunity to do in the current boot session before the system is rebooted.

Note: update the size below if you downloaded a different image than above, of course you may also want to change other settings. For example, you might not need a floppy drive in your VM.

I'm getting an error when I try to add a centos machine to a juju model as:juju add-machine ssh:...Logging to /var/log/cloud-init-output.log on the bootstrap machineInstalling curl, bridge-utils, cloud-utils, nmap-ncat, tmuxChanging package...

Building your own image empowers you to choose which packages you want, which servicesrun at boot time, and where you deploy your image. Some cloud providers may not have animage from the Linux distribution you enjoy most, or they might have an image with thewrong package set.

CentOS Stream 9 has most of the packages I want, but I really love this program calledhtop that displays resource usage and allows you to introspect certain processes ornamespaces easily. This package is only available in the EPEL repository, so we need toadd that one to our list of enabled repositories for image builds.

? Note that you do not need to set the size explicitly here, but I do it as a goodmeasure. When your instance boots, cloud-init runs growpart to expand the storageto fit the disk size in your cloud instance.

? However, growpart will not shrink the disk at boot time. If you choose asize that is larger than the disk space in your cloud instance, you will likely see anerror at provisioning time.

I recently corrupted a CentOS hosted on OpenStack by adding an incorrect line in /etc/fstab, and CentOS prompts to me enter root password after a reboot. However in a cloud image, CentOS doesn't get a root password, and even password login is disabled by default.

The objective here is to create a virtual machine based on any distribution. But instead of going through the distribution-specific installer, a cloud image is to be used. This reduces the installation process to copying a disk image with subsequent initial adaptation to the concrete runtime environment. The workload shrinks to a few minutes.

A Cloud Image is a virtual machine disk image containing the operating system of a specific distribution. It is ready to run in a virtual runtime environment, customized to one of the cloud-platforms such as Openstack, Amazon EC2, Google GCE etc. Most distributions also provide a generic image or base image with a runtime environment without additions to a specific cloud system. Such a generic image is (usually) suitable for a QEMU/KVM/libvirt runtime environment.

A cloud image is a kind of template, a runtime agnostic bootable generic operating system directory tree. It is used directly as a bootable (virtual) system disk in a virtual machine to be created, although still practically unusable due to lack of concrete runtime-specific configuration.

The challenge is to initially inject the specific runtime configuration into the image. This includes first of all a user account with password and administration authorization. In addition, network configuration, console or other devices may be required. Only then does a cloud image gets the ability to run in a specific environment and, above all, become usable. This is the prerequisite for being able to perform detailed and more extensive configurations later on, if necessary. 2351a5e196

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