The trouble with that is there are multiple DHT libraries and you need the one your sketch was written for. So you're better to follow whatever documentation comes with the sketch instead of hoping that some random pick of library will happen to work.

The problem is that the dummies at Elegoo added an extra folder level in the file For the "Add .zip Library..." installation technique, the library should be in the root of the .zip file, not a subfolder.

Download Library Dht.h


Otherwise, post a link to where you got the library. Post a link to where you got that code. Post the code that generates those errors. Please read the forum guidelines to see how to properly post code and some information on making a good post.

Use the IDE autoformat tool (ctrl-t or Tools, Auto format) before posting code in code tags.

DHT Library: GitHub - adafruit/DHT-sensor-library: Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temperature & Humidity Sensors (this one was included with the original Project, so it should technically be compatible with the code)

I try to connect a dht22 sensor. There is a DHT-Library available, i can include it, but when i try to instantiate an object, it says "dht.h not found". I am confused with the libraries and the different location where they should be or not:


i have installed the dht library successfully and when i compile the DHTtester example that comes with the library i get the following error:

Arduino: 1.6.8 Hourly Build 2016/02/22 10:33 (Windows 7), Board: "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module), 80 MHz, Serial, 115200, 4M (3M SPIFFS)"

I'm using the Arduino-Makefile command-line-interface package on Linux, and recently I made an Arduino program that uses dht.h (a non-standard Arduino library) that I placed in directory /home/ramces/Sketchbook/libraries

One way I got around this issue is by moving my non-standard library dht.h along with another file that came with it dht.cpp into a new directory called dht which had to manually be placed inside the standard Arduino library directory as a root user otherwise permission to modify the standard Arduino library directory (located in: /usr/share/arduino/libraries) is denied. Also, I had to change the ARDUINO_LIBS variable to:

This does not solve the issue with USER_LIB_PATH, but it lets the user circumvent the issue of not being able to use a non-standard Arduino library for using certain sensors such as the humidity and temperature sensor library dht.h.The program was able to be compiled without issues and the sensor and LCD are now able to perform the program that was uploaded to the Arduino micro-controller.

Adafruit adds ALL dependencies to their even if they are not compatible with the current hardware. That was a bug when people use Adafruit libraries for ESP32/8266 and PlatformIO automatically builds AVR dependencies.

I have also tried with lower case letters, but it will not work. Is there any reason why? Do I have to install it? I have tried to search for the library in the Arduino app Sketch - Include Library - Manage Libraries, but the library is not there.

Hallo TechPonder. I've typed the code and used the Adafruit DHT library. Downloading it went succesfully and got the circuit to work. Some other time when I wanted to use another DHT library from the GitsHub, it then shows an error that there is no such file as #include 

I am installing Arduino IDE in a new PC and uploaded a code with DHT sensor that was compiled and working in another PC. The same happens with your DHT11 scketch code.

In this new one when code is compiled I received many erros specially saying that DHT.h does not exists.

I tried many different DHT libraries, for github ( -sensor-library) and from Arduino webpages and others that I found but no one worked.

The Adafruit library is the one that I use (but there are MUCH better sensors than any of the DHT range).

However, it also requires this library to be installed:

 GitHub adafruit/Adafruit_SensorCommon sensor library. Contribute to adafruit/Adafruit_Sensor development by creating an account on GitHub.

Reading the library code, you can enable debug statements from within the library. Uncomment DHT_DEBUG in DHT.h, and change DEBUG_PRINTER to the serial port you are using (Serial0 or Serial2 with your USB/Serial converter).

The older library fixes the issue for me I think it has something to do with OMG. I also tried my ESP32 with OMG and I got the same wrong readings (dht library 1.4.4 and unified sensor 1.1.6). Using the same libraries (and versions) and the sketch I referred to earlier I got the correct values.

In any event I did a file compare on DHT.cpp that is used for the arduino and the DHT.cpp that is available in the Particle IDE library and they are identical! That is the one that WORKS for the Photon.

// Initialize DHT sensor.

// Note that older versions of this library took an optional third parameter to

// tweak the timings for faster processors. This parameter is no longer needed

// as the current DHT reading algorithm adjusts itself to work on faster procs.


The Adafruit's DHT library for the DHT11, DHT21 and DHT22 temperature and relative humidity sensors has been adopted for the GR-Sakura board. These sensors use a non-standard 1-wire communication protocol, which is handled by bit-banging and sofware timing. The '1'-s and the '0' can be distinguised by measuring the data pulse lenght. The biggest difference between the Sakura and Arduino cards is the speed factor: the overhead time spent in the main cyle (when 40 data bits from the sensor are read) is much bigger in the case of the Arduino, which should be taken into account. This means, that the default parameter value used as "discrimination level" is too low for the Sakura board.In order to determine the optimal value of the "discrimination level" the debug features of the original test program were extended.

For example, the library that provides the CayenneParsePayload function/method/class may not be required for all programs, so not linking with it works just fine in those cases but causes problems for programs that need it.

To download. click the DOWNLOADS button in the top right corner, rename the uncompressed folder DHT. Check that the DHT folder contains DHT.cpp and DHT.h. Place the DHT library folder your /libraries/ folder. You may need to create the libraries subfolder if its your first library. Restart the IDE.

I had solved the problem by increasing the stack size to 400 (at least). Check the unused stack and adjust it to your need.

Also, it is better to update the DHT library and (not required) replace the delay() function in it by vTaskDelay().

So curiously, I had already downloaded and installed the latest version of DHTLib (v0.1.21) versus the older version (v0.1.14) that is provided here. And I kept getting 0.00 values for the temp and humidity readings as Alex reported on April 20, 2016 in a posting above. I scratched my head for a while until I remembered I had the newer version of the library installed. So I removed that, installed the older v0.1.14 version, and bam, lo and behold, I started getting real values back. So this may be the same problem that Alex had, too.

I found this article to be a whole lot clearer and easier to understand than most, but I do have a few points.

I followed the instructions exactly, wiring was good, code was an exact replica of that given. Everything was correct, but I got -999 error message every time. I was using a three pin sensor, triple checked my wiring against the diagram. I increased the delay time to 3000ms. I was definitely using the correct older version of the library. After throwing out the sensor thinking it faulty, I have since discovered that the diagram above is does not apply to every dht11, that there are some where the pins are in a different order.

My other point is a question about line 3 of the code given: dht DHT;

What does this mean? in every other arduino program I can find that uses additional libraries, the library is called first, then the code goes straight on to initialising the variables and describing the setup. I have not been able to find any other mention of the library name mentioned twice like this. A few people have asked about this, with no answers given. I cant even search for it because I dont know what to search by.

Does this line of code actually do anything?

I hooked up the DHT22 to a NodeMCU ESP8266 (along with an ILI9431 which is another frustration) and in about 1/2 an hour I had a fully functioning system with a color 320x240 display using the Arduino ILI9431 library and the Arduino Adafruit DHT sensor library. In the process I confirmed my Hardware was ok.

I have been able to create a substitute components for the dht sensor component

using the custom component and external component methods. In both, I was unable to pass the pin number and model type to the PlatformIO library object. I had to hard code both parameters like this:

Why did I clone this library instead of forking the original repo and push the changes?When I searched through Github for DHT libraries, I found a lot of them, some of them offers additional functions, some of them only basic temperature and humidity values. I wanted to combine all interesting functions into one library. In addition, none of the DHT libraries I found were written to work without errors on the ESP32. For ESP32 (a multi core/ multi processing SOC) task switching must be disabled while reading data from the sensor.

Another problem I found is that many of the available libraries use the same naming (dht.h, dht.cpp), which easily leads to conflicts if different libraries are used for different platforms.


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